Date: 03/17/01
Flight: 999-4
Plane: DC3
Time: 4.9 hrs
Pilot: BGA030
Keflavik –
We are cleared for takeoff, it is 0800 local 0800 GMT. We are cleared to 5500' on a heading of 125 deg. We are heading for the Shetland Islands --- Yes Virginia that is where the Shetland Ponies come from. We have Vagar in the Faeroe Islands as our Alternate. The approach in to Vagar is very tricky, I know from experience having landed there quite a few times.
Did you notice that for the first time we have some mountains, although quite low they are mountains on the southern tip of Iceland. Shortly it will be open water ahead until we pass the Faeroes.
Goodbye Iceland, hello Ocean.
Looking up ahead you can start to make out the Faeroes Islands, 211 miles to go.
Here is the data on Sumburgh's airport. UGH! Rwy 9 - Ils 108.5, heading 087, elevation 19' and the zinger rwy length 3870' whew! Guess we earn our lunch on this one.
There's the first part of the Shetland Islands to the left front. Get ready to descend to Sum. We will refuel here, stretch our legs and possibly have lunch. We the depart for Glasgow, Scotland for our RON.
Here we go to 2000'
Sumburg - Glasgow
Well, on our way to Glasgow, off at 1300 climbing to our altitude of 6500' on a heading of 215 deg.
Glasgow has strong memories for me. It was at Gurock, the port for Glasgow, that a young Lt disembarked from the Niew Amsterdam in WWII. We stayed here for several months before heading south to the coast and D Day.
These are the Orkney Islands that we are passing on the right wing.
The coast of Scotland is just ahead.
The airport data for Glasgow is: Rwy 5 - ILS 110.1, heading 054 deg. Length 8720', rwy 23 ILS 110.1, heading 2324 deg. length 8720'. NDB freq. 325.
We have been cleared for rwy 23.
Lets straighten up the cockpit as we are ready to start our descent. Lets not let the Scot's think we are slobs. I hope we have a good hotel room and a good restaurant, I am a bit hungry after those sandwiches for lunch.
Descending to 2000' -- runway in sight.
Hello Glasgow!
Flight 999 Route
(flight overview)