Bluegrass Airlines

Flight Reports


October 2010


Newest reports on top


Posted 01-November


bgad042, Don Moore, KPGA-KGCN, 50, 1434.57, Cessna 172, Some scary moments flying along the river canyon!!!


bgad042, Don Moore, YCUN-YPPH, 47, 1433.73, Fokker VIIb 3M,


bgak077, David Kingsley, CYPR to CYXY, 104, 627.5, Mooney Bravo, Tail number N195KT Prince Rupert, B.C to Whitehorse, Yukon.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, 1S0-KTDO-1S0, 46, 290.67, DC-2,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, DC3 World Rally, 933, 1590.75, DC-3,


bgan082, Charles Flock, Various, 1276, 87.55, DC-3, DC-3 Airways World Rally 2010


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kjzi-kidi, 137, 3654.13, Pilatus PC-12, FL230 155 gal  Charleston SC - Indiana PA


bgak077, David Kingsley, PASI to PAJN, 128, 625.77, Mooney Bravo, VFR flight 8500 FT landed RWY 8 GPS victor MANEA. used 50 GALS of fuel 92.1 NM. USED Major thunderstorms real world weather. overcast kind of scary descending around mountains


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, 1S0-KBFI-1S0, 31, 289.9, DHC-2,


bgad011, Ed Burke, DCA WR flights, 1325, 3082.38, DC-3, 10 flights plus 60 minutes preparation.  Great event with plenty of weather challenges.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KTIW-KTIW, 162, 289.38, 208B, KTIW,czbb,cypw,cybl,cyqq,KTIW


bgan002, Joe Weber, KDET-KSAW, 72, 1008.13, DC-6B, VATSIM


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ksck-ksfo, 31, 3651.85, DH104 dove, Oct Feature Tran Sierra Airways  Stockton-San Francisco


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, 022-ksck, 23, 3651.33, DH104 Dove, Oct Feature Tran Sierra Airways Sonora-Stockton


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ktvl-o22, 34, 3650.95, DH104 Dove, Oct Feature Tran Sierra Airways Lake Tahoe - Sonora


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KTIW-KBLI, 197, 286.68, MAAM-SIM DC-3,  Flight Report  


bgan071, William Lockwood, KLAX-KLAX, 42, 1153.95, L-1649A, Landing practice, 2 touch and go and 1 full stop VFR patterns.


bgan040, Dan George, CYXE  CYGE, 155, 938.7, Beech BE-60 Duke, Continuing Canadian charter.  Clear wx.  Saskatoon to Golden British Columbia


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, YSCH-YGFN, 30, 1939.35, DH-89a Dragon Rapide,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, SYCP-SBBE, 652, 1938.85, Short  S30, Catalina Jaunt Sectors 15, 16, 17, 18, Water Landings near -SMJP-SOCA-SBBE- Fuel 8178#


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KBLI-KTWF, 213, 283.4, MAAM DC-3,


bgan070, Allen Peterson, WIII to PKMD, 142, 353.88, DC-3,


bgan070, Allen Peterson, FADN to FAPS, 142, 351.52, DC-3,


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, KGEG-CYXH, 162, 158.13, DC-3, DC3 Airways WR2010 Flight 10


bgan076, Lou Ross, FPST-DNUL, 126, 348.48, DC-7, Biafra Conflict, 1968. High time flight to avoid Nigerian Migs.  Departed and cruised at 6,500, turning towards Leopolville descended to 5,500, then approaching 20 miles out descended to 2,000.  Clouds and rain, poor but adequate visibiity to the surface.  To stay low, folloed the river at the delta up towards Uli.  At the Uli NDB descended to 1,500, flew up the runway for a procedure turn; inbound on final descended to 1,000, landed. 


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KBLI-KCLS, 44, 279.85, DC-3,


bgan071, William Lockwood, HECA-HESN, 90, 1153.25, L-1649A, Flown at FL190 with real weather.  Visual approach and landing to runway 17.


bgad017, John Lawler, YBBN-YPDN, 432, 2357.27, DC-4,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KCLS-KBLI, 47, 279.12, MAAM-SIM DC-3,             Flight Report 


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMCO-KMCN, 84, 1006.93, DC-6B,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, o22, 32, 3650.38, DH104 Dove, Oct. Feature  Sonora CA - Lake Tahoe NV


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ksck-o22, 19, 3649.85, DH104 Dove, Oct Feature - Stockton CA - Sonora CA


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ksfo-ksck, 32, 3649.53, DH104 Dove, Oct Feature San Francisco CA - Stockton CA


bgak077, David Kingsley, PAOM to PAEI, 100, 623.63, lear jet 45, tail number JA-068X fuel used 1742 LB.distance 557.1 NM. route APPEL BNGAL. Landed RWY 13 falco approach. parked general aviation.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KCLS-KHIO-KCLS, 62, 278.33, MAAM DC_3, Hvy. Rain


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KRNT-KCLS, 31, 277.3, MAAM DC-3, Flight Report: 


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KCLS-KRNT, 30, 276.78, MAAM DC-3, Flight Report:  



Posted 28th October

bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ksns-ksfo, 28, 3649, DH104 Dove, Oct Feature Trans Sierra Airways  Salinas CA - San Francisco CA


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, c80-ksns, 36, 3648.53, DH104 Dove, Oct feature  Coalinga CA - Salinas CA


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAEM-KCLS, 381, 276.28, P2V-7 Neptune, Now I rember why I don\\\'t long flight anymore.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, W12-S10, 27, 269.93, Carenado 206,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, khjo-c80, 19, 3647.93, DH104 dove, Oct Feature  Hanford CA - Coalinga CA


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, KPTV-KHJO, 20, 3647.62, DH-104 DOVE, Oct feature - Porterville CA - Hanford CA


bgan071, William Lockwood, KSFO-KSAN, 108, 1151.75, L-1649A, Flown IFR at FL190 with real weather.  ILS 09 approach and landing.


BGAS068, Spud Wightman, PWAK - PGUA, 480, 135.25, PBY-5A, Moored in bay.


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMSN-KCMX, 49, 1005.53, CV340,


bgak077, David Kingsley, PAJN to PANC, 150, 621.97, lear jet, fuel used 2352 lbs cargo 1170 landed RWY 14 approach victor KANSY, parked Gate B-10, good flight, clear weather.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, YARM-YSCH, 60, 1927.98, Cessna C172, -PL-


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, DC-3 WR2010, 1194, 3647.28, DC-3, 10 flights of the DC-3 Airways World Rally 2010


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, KMTM-KISP, 177, 1926.98, DH-82 Tiger Moth, KMTM-KPHL-KNEL-CGAS-KJFK-KFRG-KISP- Tough & Go at all airports, fuel 117#


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Prince Albert-Ft St John, 312, 4536.4, L1049G,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, CYHE-W12, 28, 269.48, DHC-2, 65lbs. fuel


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, CYVR-CYHE, 34, 269.02, DHC-2 Beaver, 93lbs. fuel used


bgan047, Paul Mensch, FADN-FAPS, 145, 1120.83, DC3, DCA WR2010 LEG 8


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, KGEG - CYXH, 132, 679.83, R4D-6, DCA WR 2010 flight 10


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, WIII - WIAR, 140, 677.63, R4D-6, DCA WR 2010 flight 09


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLWB-KPBI, 178, 874.88, C510, IFR @ FL320


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLUK-KLWB, 94, 871.92, BE33, VFR @ 6500\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, KOJC-KLUK, 170, 870.35, BE58, IFR @ 8000\\\'


bgan040, Dan George, CYAV  CYXE, 155, 936.12, Beech BE-60 Duke, Continuing charter flights to Canada.  Winnipeg Manitoba to Saskatoon Sask.  Wx at minimums for landing.  Snow and fog.


bgak077, David Kingsley, PANC to PAFA, 145, 619.47, Beachcraft baron58, Flight on line vatsim IFR landed RWY 1L parked a t gate G-17


bgad042, Don Moore, KSBM-KINL, 89, 1432.95, LJ45,


bgad042, Don Moore, LIRP-LOWI, 73, 1431.47, LJ45,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, KGRB-Prince Albert, 186, 4531.2, L1049G,


bgak077, David Kingsley, PADL to PANC, 195, 617.05, Beachcraft baron58, Landed RWY 6R parked at gate C-6


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAJN-7AK2, 20, 268.45, Maule M7 260c,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAOM-2C7-PAOM, 83, 268.12, Bluegrass DC-3,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, KDCA-KMTN, 30, 1924.03, Noorduyn Norseman,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Homestead-KGRB, 258, 4528.1, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, MPTO-Homestead, 228, 4523.8, L1049G,


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, WIII-WARI, 147, 155.43, DC-3, DC3 Airways WR2010 Flight 9



Posted 25th-September

BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAOM-2A9-PAOM, 73, 266.73, DC-3,


bgan070, Allen Peterson, IKO to PASD, 151, 349.15, DC-3,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KLGA, 132, 1149.95, L-1649A, Flown IFR at 12,000 feet with real weather.  ILS 22 approach and landing.


bgak077, David Kingsley, AKOOto AK23, 245, 613.8, GRUMAN GOOSE G21A,


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, FADN-FA{S, 173, 152.98, DC-3, DC-3 Airways WR2010 Flight 8 - lovely weather - rain, TSTRMS all the way.


bgan047, Paul Mensch, IKO-PASD, 158, 1118.42, DC3, DCA WR2010 LEG 7


bgan047, Paul Mensch, MGPP-MHTG, 93, 1115.78, DC3, DCA WR2010 LEG 6


bgan076, Lou Ross, KSLC-XDEN Stapleton, 103, 346.38, DC-7,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAAK-PADK, 40, 265.52, 208B, Lot\\\'s of snow


bgan040, Dan George, KRNH  CYAV, 140, 933.53, Beech BE-60 Duke, Continuing charter flights to Canada


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TLPS-TVPY, 60, 1923.53, Short S25 Sandringham, -TVSV- Catalina Jaunt Sectors 12 & 13


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TIXM-TLPS, 180, 1922.53, Short Sealald, -TNCM-TKPK-TFFR-TFFF- Catalina Jaunt Sectors 8 thru 12 Fuel 710# Mixed Land & Water Landings.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, IKO-PAAK, 66, 264.85, DC-4,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, MOS-PAOT-MOS, 66, 263.75, P2V-7 Neptune,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KSFO-EGGL, 966, 1147.75, L-1649A, Flown IFR with real weather. ILS 27R approach and landing.  Landed with 30 minutes of fuel.


bgan002, Joe Weber, KSBN-KMSN, 72, 1004.72, CV-340,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PADU-IKO, 37, 262.65, PMDG 1900C, snow


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PACS-PADU, 31, 262.03, Flight1 PC-12, Fuel Used: 182lbs.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAEM-2A9-PAEM, 33, 261.52, Bluegrass DC-3, Lt. Snow


bgad042, Don Moore, LIRU-LIRP, 75, 1430.25, Maule M7, Took off had a look at St. Peter\\\'s in Rome then NNW to Pisa to check out the Leaning Tower at Padua University.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KSFO-KOAK-KSFO, 48, 1131.65, L-1649A, Touch and go at KOAK followed by VFR full stop at KSFO.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KBGR, 12, 1130.85, L-1649A, Takeoff runway 33 followed by ILS approach and landing to runway 15.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAOM-PABE, 91, 260.97, MAAM DC-3,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-CYUL, 72, 1130.65, L-1649A, Flown IFR with real weather.  ILS 24L approach and landing.  Strong cross winds for landing.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAEM-PAOM, 47, 259.45, MAAM DC-3, Took on 2,164lbs. Fuel costing $1,755.86 for return


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAOM-PAEM, 41, 258.67, MAAM DC-3,  Flight Report 


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KBGR, 15, 1129.45, L-1649A, Practice flight.  ILS 33 approach and landing.


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, IKO-PASD, 152, 150.1, DC-3, DC3 Airways WR2010 Flight 7


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAOM-PASH-PAOM, 87, 257.98, MAAM DC-3,


bgan082, Charles Flock, VTBD-WSSS, 262.78, 66.28, DC-4, Bill Stacks IFR tutorial flight Bangkok-Singapore


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, FADN - FAPS, 140, 675.3, R4D-6, DCA WR 2010 08 flight


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAOM-KPC-PAOM, 48, 256.53, MAAM C-47,


bgan041, Bill Cox, PHOG-PHJR, 51, 867.52, C310, VFR @ 8500\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, 3LL8-KOJC, 138, 866.67, BE33, IFR @ 6000\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, PHJR-PHOG, 57, 864.37, C310, VFR @ 7500\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLWB-3LL8, 157, 863.42, BE33, IFR @ 9000\\\'


bgan002, Joe Weber, KPOB-KADW, 57, 1003.52, T-29,


bgad042, Don Moore, NZQN-NZMF, 29, 1429, DC-3,


bgad042, Don Moore, NZNV-NZQN, 39, 1428.52, Fokker VIIB-3M,


bgak077, David Kingsley, PAOM to PAOT, 120, 609.72, Beachcraft baron58, OME IHHI BAIME SETUP landed RWY 8ILS


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TIXM-TNCM, 68, 1919.53, Short S-17 Kent, Catalina Jaunt Sector Seven, Fuel 910#


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TIST-TIXM, 28, 1918.4, Nardi FN-333 Riviera, Catalina Jaunt Sector Six


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAHP-PACK, 37, 255.73, MAAM DC-3, Flight Report 


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PASA-PAHP, 61, 255.12, MAAM DC-3, 


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, IKO - PASD, 137, 672.97, R4D-6, DCA WR 2010 flight 07


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, CYYN-CYBP, 68, 254.1, MAAM C-47,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, CYQR-CYYN, 42, 252.97, DC-3,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, CJE3-CYQR, 23, 252.27, DC-3,



Posted 20th-October

bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KPBI - KILN, 339, 3087.8, Douglas DC-3, Flown in FSX. Test flight for new A/C


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KILN - KSYR, 159, 3082.15, Douglas DC-6B, Flown in FSX. Test flight for new A/C


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KSYR - MWCR, 447, 3079.5, Douglas DC-6B, Flown in FSX. Test flight for new A/C


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, MWCR - KSYR, 397, 3072.05, Douglas DC-7, Flown in FSX. Test flight for new A/C


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KSYR - KILN, 171, 3065.43, Douglas DC-7, Flown in FSX. Test flight for new A/C


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, CYYE - PAFA, 354, 3062.58, Curtiss C-46, Flown in FSX


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KILN - CYYE, 715, 3056.68, Curtiss C-46, Flown in FSX


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, PCIS - NPS, 849, 3044.77, Consolidated PBY-5A, Return from Howland Island


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, EGHS - LFML, 217, 3030.62, Short 23, Found that Short 23 means short on fuel.  This is a short range A/C.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, Howland - PICS, 222, 3027, Consolidated PBY-5A, Went here to refuel


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, PMDS - Howland, 858, 3023.3, Consolidated PBY-5A, Went to Howland to find Amelia.  No luck.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, PHNL - PHHI, 37, 3009, Sikorsky S-43,


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, RJTT - RJOO, 90, 3008.38, Douglas DC-4, BGA Mar. 2010 Feature


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, RJTT - RJNN, 76, 3006.88, Douglas DC-4, BGA Mar. 2010 Feature


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, RJNN - RJOO, 52, 3005.62, Douglas DC-4, BGA Mar. 2010 Feature


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, RJTT - RJNN, 98, 3004.75, Douglas DC-4, BGA Mar. 2010 Feature


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KPBI - MYGF, 51, 3003.12, Consolidated PBY-5A,


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, PAJN - CYXY, 78, 3002.27, Lockheed L10A, BGA Jan. RT. 114


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, VMMC - RPLS, 263, 3000.97, Boeing B-314, Clipper Operations


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, VHHX - VMMC, 32, 2996.58, Boeing B-314, Clipper Operations


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, VMMC - VHHX, 32, 2996.05, Boeing B-314, Clipper Operations


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, RPLS - VMMC, 306, 2995.52, Martin M-130, Clipper Operations


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KEWR - KAVP, 68, 2990.42, Douglas DC-2, AM-21-Leg 1


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KILN - PAFA, 616, 2989.28, Douglas DC-6B,


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, YPDN - YSSY, 324, 2979.02, Douglas DC-4,


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, WBKL - YPDN, 452, 2973.62, Douglas DC-4,


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, VHHX - WBKL, 162, 2966.08, Douglas DC-4,


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, PABA - POWD, 31, 2963.38, C-47C, POW - 2


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, PAFB - PABA, 147, 2962.87, C-47C, POW - 1


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, PADQ - PABT, 185, 2960.42, Douglas DC-6A,


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KILN - KGRD, 127, 2957.33, Convair CV-240,


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KILN - KPBI, 381, 2955.22, C-47C,


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KGRD - KAEG, 380, 2948.87, Convair CV-240, Return flight


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KAGE - KOSH, 272, 2942.53, Convair CV-240, Going to the air show


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, INI - KCOF, 507, 2938, MAAM - C-47, 1 Leg of a Haiti relief mission


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, PAEI - UUDD, 770, 2929.55, Convair B-36, A peaceful mission to Moscow


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KBOS - KLGA, 72, 2916.72, Boeing B377, American Overseas Airlines - Flight 171


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, CYQX - KBOS, 218, 2915.52, Boeing B377, American Overseas Airlines - Flight 171


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, EINN - CYQX, 420, 2911.88, Boeing B377, American Overseas Airlines - Flight 171


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, EGLL - EINN, 142, 2904.88, Boeing B377, American Overseas Airlines - Flight 171


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, EINN - EGLL, 151, 2902.52, Boeing B377, American Overseas Airlines - Flight 170


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KLGA - EINN, 647, 2900, Boeing B377, American Overseas Airlines - Flight 170


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PADU-PAPB, 67, 251.57, MAAM DC-3, 


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAED-PAGI, 65, 250.45, WoP lancaster MK III,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PACD-PADU, 55, 249.37, MAAM DC-3, Flight Report 


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PACD-Z73_PACD, 64, 248.45, DC-3,


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, MGPP - MHTG, 94, 670.68, R4D-6, DCA WR 2010 Fkight 06


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PACD-PASD, 32, 247.38, MAAM DC-3, 5,282lbs. of Radios


bgan040, Dan George, KEZI  KRNH, 140, 931.2, Beech BE-60 Duke, Second leg, charter to Canada.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EGAC-EGPO, 125, 1917.93, Liberator B24, -EGAE-EGPU-EGPR- Fuel 1220# Real Wx


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EGPO-EGPD, 152, 1915.85, Avro Lancastrian II, -EGPM-EGEN-EGPC- Fuel 4520# Real Wx


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EGFA-EGAC, 63, 1913.32, Metroliner, -EGOV-EGNS- Realk Wx Fuel 626#


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KBLV - KSUU, 333, 2889.22, VC-118A, MATS Atlantic East Flight


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KDOV - KBLV, 191, 2883.67, C-121C, MATS Atlantic East Flight


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, TXKF - KDOV, 191, 2880.48, C-124C, MATS Atlantic East Flight


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, LPLA - TXKF, 521, 2877.3, C-124C, MATS Atlantic East Flight


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, GMMN - LPLA, 298, 2868.62, C-124C, MATS Atlantic East Flight


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, HLLM - GMMN, 278, 2863.65, C-121C, MATS Atlantic East Flight


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, HECW - HLLM, 244, 2859.02, C-121C, MATS Atlantic East Flight


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, OEDR - HECW, 281, 2854.95, C-121C, MATS Atlantic East Flight


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PADY-PACD, 57, 246.85, MAAM DC-3, Dead Headed back to Cold Bay


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, knew-kapf, 72, 3627.38, Cessna CJ3, FL330 384 gal  New Orleans LA - Naples FL


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, KWVI-KNEW, 215, 3626.18, Cessna CJ3, FL430 595 gal  Watsonville CA - New Orleans LA


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PACD-PADU, 51, 245.9, MAAM DC-3, 5,068lbs. Livestock


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PACS-PADU, 28, 245.05, Carenado Cessna 206, Alaska-Aleutian Tour


bgan070, Allen Peterson, MGPP to MHTG, 96, 346.63, DC-3,


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, MGPP-MHTG, 102, 147.57, DC-3, DC3 Airways WR2010 Flight 6 - to Tegucigalpa, Honduras.  Looked like a beautiful sunset but I was too busy to enjoy it.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KSPB-KSLE-KSPB, 43, 244.58, MAAM C-47,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KGEG-CYXH, 135.62, 1300.48, DC-3, DC-3 Airways world rally Flight#10 Now to relax and prep for the GAAR!


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, Z73-PACS, 68, 243.87, C208B, Raining at PACS


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EDTZ-LOWK, 138, 1114.23, DC3, DCA WR2010 LEG 5


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAKT-PAYA, 148, 242.73, MAAM DC-3 Cargo, 7,949lbs. Sea Food


BGAK015, David R. Evans, WIII - PKMD, 142.14, 1298.22, DC-3, DC-3 Airways world rally flight#9 Monsoon season!


BGAS069, Jerry Gallagher, BIRG - BIVM, 97, 11.5, B-18,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EGHN-EGFA, 144, 1912.27, DH104 Dove, -EGTV-EGHC-EGLA-EGFH- Fuel 98gal Real Wx


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, SKMZ-SKNV, 53, 240.27, MAAM C-47, fuel used 689lbs.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, SKGY-SKMZ, 33, 239.38, DC-3, Columbia South America


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAGY-PAHN, 28, 238.83, P2V-7 neptune, 32,017lbs. Courier Documents


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAGY-PAKT, 115, 238.37, MAAM DC-3,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAPG-PAGY, 45, 236.45, MAAM DC-3,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAGS-PAHN, 34, 235.7, MAAM DC-3, 4,030lbs. Furniture:$40,390.00


bgan071, William Lockwood, KGEG-CYXH, 153, 1129.2, DC-3, 2010 World Rally, Flight #10.  196 gallons fuel used.


bgan040, Dan George, KLBE  KEZI, 190, 928.87, Beech BE-60 Duke, First flight of charter to Canada.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAHN-PAGS, 33, 235.13, MAAM DC-3, 6,024lbs. Televisions


bgan002, Joe Weber, KBGR-KALB, 90, 1002.57, DC-6B, VATSIM


bgad042, Don Moore, EGPK-LFAT, 116, 1427.87, Short Solent S45, What an experience to fly across England from Scotland to  the coast of France in this luxury flying boat of mid last century.


bgad042, Don Moore, KLGA-CYOO, 71, 1425.93, Beech 350 KA,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EGLC-EGHN, 103, 1909.87, DH104 Dove, -EGTO-EGMH-EGMD-EGKA- Scenic Flight  Fuel 54gal/324# Real WX


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAGS-PAHN, 23, 234.58, MAAM DC-3, 4,026lbs, Courier Documents


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Jorge Chavez Int-MPTO, 276, 4520, L1049g,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, KTVL-KSFO, 90, 1908.15, DH104 Dove, -O22-KSCK- FOM Flt 503/504 Trans Sierra Airways Fuel 47gal/324# Real Wx The Dove flies great to the numbers-nice.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAKT-PAJN, 74, 234.2, DC-3, 5,991lbs.Meds._$74,684.80


bgan070, Allen Peterson, EDTZ to LOWK, 135, 345.03, DC-3,


bgan070, Allen Peterson, ENBO to ENAT, 115, 342.78, DC-3,


bgan070, Allen Peterson, BIRG to BIVM, 120, 340.87, DC-3,


bgan070, Allen Peterson, EIDW to EGPR, 121, 338.87, DC-3,


bgan070, Allen Peterson, 8G7 to KDCA, 84, 336.85, DC-3,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAPG-PAKT, 36, 232.97, DC-3, 3,602lbs.Computers


bgan076, Lou Ross, KSFO-KSLC, 161, 344.67, DC-7,


bgan070, Allen Peterson, PADU to IKO, 43, 335.45, DC-3,


bgas060, Patrick Stewart, KSFO - KSCK, 36, 858.85, DH104,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAPG-PAGS, 46, 232.37, DC-2, 4,658lbs.Soft Drinks


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAG-PAPG, 44, 231.6, DC-3, 9,951lbs. Tools


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAFE-PAGS, 39, 230.87, DC-3, AirHauler Cargo Flight


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMIA-KEYW, 41, 1001.07, CV-440,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAWG-78K-PAWG, 38, 230.22, DHC-2 Beaver,


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, EDTZ - LOWK, 130, 669.12, R4D-6, DCA WR 2010 flight 05


bgan047, Paul Mensch, ENBO-ENAT, 111, 1111.93, DC3, DCA WR2010 LEG 4


BGAS069, Jerry Gallagher, 8G7 -  KDCA, .67, 9.88, DC-3, THIS IS FROM THE WR2010-01


bgan071, William Lockwood, WIII-PKMD, 139, 1126.65, DC-3, 2010 World Rally.  183 gallons fuel used.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, FADN - FAPS, 148.09, 1295.85, DC-3, DC-3 Airways Flight#8  a lot of turbulance, thunder, and lightning. Poor passengers ,you\\\'d have thought there was a sale on air sickness bags on this one!


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KLBE, 85, 925.7, Beech BE-60 Duke, Beginning of charter flight to Western Canada.  Picking up charter customers.  Lewisburg WV to Latrobe PA.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, KPTV-KSFO, 110, 1906.65, DH104 Dove, -KHJO-C80-KSNS- FOM Trans Sierra Airways Flt 402 Fuel 60gal/360# Real WX


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, KSFO-KPTV, 152, 1904.82, DH104 Dove, -KSNS-C80-KHJO- October FOM Trans Sierra Airways Frisco to Potterville, Great Aircraft & View. Fuel 62gal/372#


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAWG-78K-PAWG, 36, 229.58, Aerosoft DHC-2 Beaver,


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, EDTZ-LOWK, 151, 145.87, DC-3, DC3 Airways WR2010 Flight 5


BGAK015, David R. Evans, IKO - PASD, 143.56, 1293.38, DC-3, DC-3 Airways world rally Flight # 7 this leg back in Alaska , been this route before , nice cool rainy weather an haze.


bgan047, Paul Mensch, BIRG-BIVM, 107, 1110.08, DC3, DCA WR2010 LEG 3


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KCLS-KTIW-KCLS, 33, 228.98, DC-3, Nice sunny day and cold..fall is here.


bgan071, William Lockwood, FADN-FAPS, 144, 1124.33, DC-3, 2010 World Rally, Flight #8.  193 gallons fuel used.


bgan071, William Lockwood, FADN-FADN, 30, 1121.93, L-1649A, Practice approaches.


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, 8G7-KDCA, 83, 1440.95, DC-3, Didn\\\'t get to participate in the World Rally this year cause my wife had a knee replacement and I had to take care of her. I decided to fly the Leg 1 anyway.


bgad042, Don Moore, 3B2-KACK, 21, 1424.75, Beech Baron 58,


bgad042, Don Moore, YSSY-YMHB, 89, 1424.4, B747,


bgad042, Don Moore, YBCS-YBBN, 127, 1422.92, B737-800,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KEK-3AK, 19, 228.43, DHC-2, Lt. Snow


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, KSFO-KTVL, 100, 1902.28, DK104 Dove, FOM Trans Sierra Airways  Flt 501/502 Stops at -KSCK-022- Stockton & Sonora Fuel 324#/59gal Real Wx


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KFHR-KCLM-KFHR, 27, 228.12, MAAM DC-3 (Cargo),


bgan071, William Lockwood, IKO-PASD, 151, 1121.43, DC-3, 2010 World Rally, Flight #7.  196 gallons fuel used.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KBGR, 42, 1118.92, L-1649A, Two ILS 33 approach and landings, full stop.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klbl-kwvi, 281, 3622.6, Pilatus PC-12, FL 240 308 gal  Liberal KS - Watsonville CA


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kssi-klbl, 268, 3617.92, Pilatus PC-12, FL 240  326 gal   Brunswick GA - Liberal KS


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KCLS-KOLM-KCLS, 19, 227.67, Bluegrass MAAM DC-3, Lt. Rain



Posted 11th October


bgan071, William Lockwood, MGPP-MHTG, 91, 1118.22, DC-3, 2010 World Rally, Sortie #6.  128 gallons fuel used.


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, ENBO-ENAT, 124, 143.35, DC-3, DC3 Airways WR2010 Flight 4


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PABV-PACL, 69, 227.35, DC-3, Snowing


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAOT-PARB, 124, 226.2, DC-3, Wind 043 Mag. @ 16Kts.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAOT-PAGA, 73, 224.13, Bluegrass DC-3,


bgan041, Bill Cox, KMTN-KLWB, 86, 860.8, BE60, IFR @ 14000\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, KTEB-KMTN, 78, 859.37, BE60, IFR @ 14000\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, KTEB-KTEB, 40, 858.07, R44, VFR @ 2000\\\' around NYC


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLWB-KTEB, 105, 857.4, BE60, IFR @ FL190


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PASC-PABR, 75, 222.92, MAAM C-47 Cargo,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAFA-PASC, 134, 221.67, MAAM DC-3,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KTUL-KSTL, 100, 1000.38, Dc-6B,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBGR-KACK, 93, 2531.93, Beech Baron 58, Distance 220 nm +


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, YPAD-YSSY, 206, 2237.75, DC4, BGAD716


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, YSSY-YPAD, 205, 2234.32, DC4, BGAD715


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, CSR-A89-54AK-CSR, 31, 219.43, DHC-2 Beaver,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAOT-PASH-PAOT, 66, 218.92, DC-3,


bgan071, William Lockwood, ENBO-ENAT, 113, 1116.7, DC-3, Fight #4, 2010 World Rally.  158 gallons fuel used.


bgan071, William Lockwood, EDTZ-LOWK, 121, 1114.82, DC-3, Flight #5, 2010 World Rally.  166 gallons of fuel used.


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, BIRG-BIVM, 128, 141.28, DC-3, DC3 Airways WR2010 Flight 3


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, 5KE-HYG, 22, 217.82, DHC-2, Hvy. Rain


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, ENBO - ENAT, 108, 666.95, R4D=6, DCA WR 2010


bgan040, Dan George, KTRI  KHSP, 90, 924.28, Piper Twin Comanche, Replay of the last flight using the Piper PA-30.  A  better sim model, IMHO.  A much smoother flight.


bgan071, William Lockwood, BIRG-BIVM, 112, 1112.8, DC-3, World Rally 2010.  160 gallons used.


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, BIRG - BIVM, 110, 665.15, R4D-6, DCA WR 2010 flight 03


bgan071, William Lockwood, EIDW-EGPR, 144, 1110.93, DC-3,


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EIDW-EGPR, 124, 1108.3, DC3, DC3 RALLY LEG 2


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KSPB-W28-KSPB, 98, 217.45, DC-3, Lt. Rain


BGAK015, David R. Evans, MGPP - MHTG, 90.80, 1290.98, DC-3, DC-3 Airways World Rally Flight#6  nice sunset flight.steep approuch just a little like bush flying!


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KSPB-KSLS-KSPB, 41, 215.82, P2V-7 Neputene, Lt. Rain


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, EIDW-EGPR, 135, 139.15, DC-3, DC3 Airways WR2010 Flight 2


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, EIDW - EGPR, 118, 663.32, R4D-6, DCA WR 2010 flight 02


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KSPB-KTTD-KSPB, 20, 215.13, MAAM DC-3,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KCLS-KSPB, 21, 214.8, MAAM DC-2,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KTTD-KCLS, 26, 214.45, MAAM DC-3,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, EDTZ - LOWK, 125.95, 1289.47, DC-3, DC-3 Airways world rally flight#5    When adjusting fuel load put wrong amounts in diffrent tanks so while cruising fat,dumb,and happy over the Austrian alps, the right engine dies!


BGAK015, David R. Evans, ENBO - ENAT, 113.63, 1287.36, DC-3, DC-3 Airways Flight#4


bgan040, Dan George, KTRI  KHSP, 85, 922.78, Cessna 310, Return home from Tri-cities Regional, diverted to Hot Springs VA.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, BIRG - BIVM, 99.96, 1285.47, DC-3, DC-3 Airways Rally Flight#3 could see the scenery most of the flight, interesting snow squalls at the end.


bgan047, Paul Mensch, 8G7-KDCA, 88, 1106.23, DC3, DCA WORLD RALY LEG 1


BGAN058, Simon Dix, KSFO-KSKC-O22-KTVL, 93, 203.83, De Havilland Dove, October Feature


bgan002, Joe Weber, CYYZ-KDTW, 75, 998.72, CV-340, VATSIM


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KBGR, 24, 1108.53, C-46, ILS 33 approach and landing.


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, LEPA-LFLS, 63, 945.42, 737-BBJ,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KBFI-78WA, 30, 214.02, Quest Kodiak, Weather: Clear


BGAK015, David R. Evans, EIDW - EGPR, 112, 1283.8, DC-3, DC-3 Airways world rally Flight#2  Rain and more rain , no scenery on this one.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Jorge Chavez Int-MPTO, 276, 4515.4, L1049g,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, 8G7 - KDCA, 82.47, 1281.94, DC-3, DC-3 Airways 2010 Rally Flight#1 fairly simple first flight,alow for quarteing head wind of 15Knots most of route.



Posted 4th-October


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, 5KE-4Z7, 46, 213.52, Quest Kodiak, Lt. Rain & Wind


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KTRI, 70, 921.37, Piper Twin Comanche, Flight to Tri-Cities Regional TN to pick up charter.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KLAS-KORD, 60, 341.98, DC-7,  A 60 minute correction.  The original log was erred at 4:18 and should have been 5:18.  Therefore, this correction.


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, 8G7-KDCA, 81, 136.9, DC-3, DC3 Airways WR2010 Flight 1


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Mataveri-Jorge Chavez In, 432, 4510.8, L1049g,


bgan076, Lou Ross, KLAS-KORD, 258, 340.98, DC-7,


bgan071, William Lockwood, EIDN-EGPR, 122, 1108.13, DC-3, 178 Gallons fuel used.


bgan002, Joe Weber, KYIP-KBMG, 69, 997.47, DC-7,


bgak077, David Kingsley, KABQ to KOAK, 120, 607.72, 727-200,


bgak077, David Kingsley, KOAK to KONT, 60, 605.72, 727-200,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KBLI-KPDX, 62, 212.75, P2V-7 Neptune, Clear and Sunny


bgan041, Bill Cox, PHJR-PHDH-PHJR, 67, 855.65, R44, VFR @ 1500


bgan041, Bill Cox, PAMR-PATA, 146, 854.53, C206C, VFR @ 10500


bgan041, Bill Cox, KUIN-KLWB, 122, 852.1, C510, IFR @ FL330


bgan041, Bill Cox, KHDN-KUIN, 169, 850.07, C510, IFR @ FL370


bgan041, Bill Cox, KSUN-KHDN, 84, 847.25, C510, IFR @ FL230


bgan041, Bill Cox, 3U2-KSUN, 48, 845.85, PA34, VFR @ 11500


bgan002, Joe Weber, KLGA-KBOS, 57, 996.32, CV-240,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KSYR-KBGR, 156, 995.37, DC-6B, VATSIM


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, 8G7 - KDCA, 85, 661.35, R4D-6, DCA WR -01 check flight will fly it again


bgan071, William Lockwood, EIDN-GPR, 192, 1106.1, DC-3, Lots of practice today.  VFR and IFR at 5,000 feet.  Practice landings at EGPR in the weather.  I got better with time.


bgam007, Allan Lowson, FMNN-FMMI, 307, 1575.2, DC-3,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, FMMI-FMNM, 390, 1570.08, dH89a,


bgan076, Lou Ross, ESPA-EFIV, 77, 336.68, CV240,


bgan071, William Lockwood, 8G7-KDCA, 81.53, 1102.89, DC-3, flown VFR at 5,500 feet. 129 gallons of fuel used.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KBIL-KPOY, 31, 211.72, DC-3,


bgan040, Dan George, KCMI  KLWB, 185, 920.2, Piper Twin Comanche, Return home from family visit to Champaign IL.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Tongareva-Mataveri, 570, 4503.6, L1049G,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, 8G7-KDCA, 87, 211.2, DC-3,


bgad042, Don Moore, YBCS-YBBN, 57, 1420.8, Spitfire MK IX, Set off for Brisbane but some 40nm NNW of Proserpine my flight simulator shut down,looks like I will have to start all over again.   Bah!


bgad042, Don Moore, KELP-KABQ, 61, 1419.85, Beech 350 KA,


bgad042, Don Moore, KSRR-KROW, 45, 1418.83, Beech Baron 58,


bgad042, Don Moore, NM47-KSRR, 60, 1418.08, Beech Baron 58,


bgan071, William Lockwood, 8G7, 80, 1101.53, KCDA, Flown VFR at 5,500 feet.  Visual approach to runway 19.


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, SADL - SAZM, 105, 659.93, R4D-6, MP 28-09 dca flighr


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, SADL - SAZM, 100, 658.18, R4D-6, Pre-MP check flight


bgan044, Ian Robertson, KSUA-80FD, 43, 992, Beech BE58,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KIND-KTYS, 79, 992.77, DC-6B, VATSIM


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KCMI, 180, 917.12, Beech BE-60 Duke, Flight to Champaign IL to visit family.  30 minute hold by Radar Contact due to traffic at CMI.  Good fun.


bgad042, Don Moore, KSBM-KSDF, 55, 1417.08, LJ 45,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, PWAK AFB-Tongareva, 186, 4494.1, L1049G,


bgan070, Allen Peterson, PAPH - PACD - PADU, 152, 334.73, DC-3,


bgan070, Allen Peterson, FMMG to FMMV, 60, 332.2, DH-89A,


bgan076, Lou Ross, ESNU-ESPA, 60, 335.4, CV-240,


bgan076, Lou Ross, ESNN-ESNU, 56, 334.4, CV-240,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KDBQ-KMKG, 81, 991.45, CV-340,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KACY, 106, 2530.38, Beech Baron 58, Distance 245 nm


bgan070, Allen Peterson, PAHO to PAPH, 167, 331.2, DC-3,


bgan076, Lou Ross, ESSA-ESNN, 71, 333.47, CV-240,


bgan071, William Lockwood, VHHX-HHX, 96, 1100.2, L-1649A, ILS 13 approach and landing practice.  Night flight.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBRO-KGFK, 214, 2528.62, Lear Jet 45, Distance 1.323


bgan071, William Lockwood, KLNK-KOMA, 48, 1098.6, L1649A, 2 ILS 18 approach circle to land runway 36 at KLNK, one ILS 18 approach and landing at KOMA.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KBGR, 24, 1097.8, L-1649A, 2 ILS 33 approach and landings.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TJIG-TIST, 31, 1900.62, Arado Ar196, Sector 5 Catalina Jaunt Fuel 206#-34gal water T/O & landing


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, MBPV-TJIG, 183, 1900.1, Fairchild F-91, Sector 4 Catalina Jaunt Fuel 576#-96gal.Water Landing


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KCLT, 264, 2525.05, Beech Baron 58, Distance 663 nm


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, , 0, 1897.05, ,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSEA-KORD, 333, 2520.65, Lear Jet 45, Distance 1.490+ nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KOWD-KBOS, 82, 2515.1, Beech Baron 58, Distance 195 nm


bgad042, Don Moore, YSSY-YCOM, 46, 1416.17, Beech 350 KA,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KDEN, 279, 2513.73, Lear Jet 45, Distance 1,519 +


bgan071, William Lockwood, KOMA-KEWR, 198, 1097.4, L-1649A, Flown IFR at FL190.  ILS 22L approach and landing.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KUKI-KMRY, 58, 2509.08, Beech Baron 58, Distance 165 nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-CYQX, 182, 2508.12, Lear Jet 45, Distance 887 nm


bgan082, Charles Flock, KBOS-EIDW, 924.46, 61.91, DC-4, P0049M KBOS-KBGR-CYQX-EIDW 1950\\\'s Style IFR


bgan076, Lou Ross, ESSA-EDDH, 149, 332.28, B377, With new FDE\\\'s; nice.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KSUN-3U2, 85, 845.05, Maule, VFR @ 11500\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, KBJC-KSUN, 126, 843.63, C510, IFR @ FL320


bgan041, Bill Cox, PHFS-PHJR, 193, 841.53, C310, IFR @ 9000\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, PAK-PHFS, 138, 838.32, C310, VFR @ 10500\\\'


bgan040, Dan George, KMTN  KHSP, 115, 914.12, Cessna 310R, Return home from day in Baltimore MD with the family.


bgad042, Don Moore, YPAD-YREN, 39, 1415.4, Beech 350 KA,


bgad042, Don Moore, YCDU-YPAD, 82, 1414.75, Beech 350 KA,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, CYZT-KSEA, 150, 2505.08, Beech Baron 58, Distance 278 nm


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EGLL-EGFF, 70, 1897.05, Lockheed L 049A,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EGPF-EGLL, 106, 1895.88, Lockheed L 049A,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EGGL-EGPF, 103, 1894.12, Lockheed L 049A,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, UUDD-ULLI, 154, 1892.4, Ilyushin IL-12B, Moscow to St Petersburg VFR Fuel 1905#-318gal


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, UMLI-UUDD, 147, 1889.83, Ilyushin IL-12B, Minsk to Moscow VFR Real Wx Fuel 1928#-320gal


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSLC-KBOS, 295, 2502.58, Lear Jet 45, Distance 1.824 nm


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, SAAJ - SAOL, 88, 656.52, R4D-6, DCA Tue MP 21-09 great flight


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, SAAJ - SAOL, 92, 655.05, R4D-6, Check flight


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KLGA, 102, 1094.1, L-1649A, Flown IFR at FL180.  ILS 04 approach and landing.  Ceiling 300, Vis 3/4.  Not a great approach but salvaged the landing.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KEWR-KJFK-KEWR-KLGA-KEWR, 54, 1092.4, L-1649A, New Jersey to New York City Shuttle.


bgad042, Don Moore, YMTG-YCDU, 74, 1413.38, Spitfire MK XIV, First attempt to fly this route ended when an overstressed motor failed and I had to ditch in the Great Southern Ocean about half way between Millicent and Kingscote on King Island.   Rescued by local Fishermen and taken to King Is.   Next try was successful.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, UKHH-UMLI, 98, 1887.38, Ilyushin IL-12, Kharkiv to Minsk VFR Fuel 983# Real WX


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KORD, 288, 2497.67, Boeing 737-800, Distance 776 +


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Sendai-PWAK AFB, 318, 4491, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, VHHH-Sendai, 402, 4485.7, L1049G,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KDEN, 308, 2492.87, Lear Jet 45, Distance 1,519 +


bgan071, William Lockwood, KEWR-KEWR, 60, 1091.5, L-1649A, Traffic Pattern Work.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KACY, 75, 2487.73, Lear Jet 45, Distance 238 nm


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, UKDR-UKHH, 80, 1885.75, Avro Tudor, VFR Kryvyi Hih to Kharkiv at 18500ft Fuel 1449#-242gal ILS Rwy 26


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PHNL-KMSP, 450, 209.75, CLS A300,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KSEA/PHNL, 335, 202.25, CLS A300,


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, SAOL - SAAJ, 128, 653.52, R4R-6, DCA MP flight


bgad017, John Lawler, FMNO-FMNM, 45, 2350.07, DH89A,


bgad017, John Lawler, FMNQ-FMNO, 44, 2349.32, DH89A,


bgad017, John Lawler, FMMO-FMNQ, 48, 2348.58, DH89A,


bgad017, John Lawler, FMMG-FMMO, 46, 2347.78, DH89A,


bgad017, John Lawler, FMMK-FMMG, 35, 2347.02, DH89A,


bgad017, John Lawler, FMMX-FMMK, 36, 2346.43, DH89A,


bgad017, John Lawler, FMMI-FMMX, 55, 2345.83, DH89A,


BGAN058, Simon Dix, PAUN-PAOM, 49, 202.28, Curtiss C46,


BGAN058, Simon Dix, AK26-PAUN, 120, 201.47, Curtis C-46, Completed September feature of month flight flown partly before/  AK26-WMO-GLV ELI-MOS-PAKK-2C7-PAUN


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMAX-KCHS, 110, 990.1, C-118, VATSIM


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KOWD-KBOS, 123, 2486.48, Cessna 172, Distance  195 nm   Tour Cape Cod


bgad042, Don Moore, KHLN-KGTF, 39, 1412.15, Cessna 208 Caravan,


bgad042, Don Moore, KFCA-KHLN, 52, 1411.5, Beech KA 350,


bgad042, Don Moore, YSRN-YMHB, 94, 1410.63, Lockheed L-749, Trip around all of Tasmania\\\'s generic Airports and in only 94 minutes.  Great scenery!


bgan071, William Lockwood, KPQI-KHUL-KBGR, 78, 1090.5, L-1649A, Traffic pattern work.


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KNPA-KWRB, 73, 1439.57, C-131, VFR flight at 7500 ft, landed rwy 33.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KOWD-KBOS, 66, 2484.43, Beech Baron 58, Distance 195nm


bgan002, Joe Weber, KSZL-KBLV, 67, 988.27, C-131, VATSIM


bgan040, Dan George, KHSP  KMTN, 100, 912.2, Cessna 310R, Family outing to Baltimore MD to test new Milviz Cessna 310.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LUKK-UKDR, 100, 1884.42, DH-91 Albatross, Chisinau to Kryvyy Rih VFR Fuel 850#


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LROP-LUKK, 80, 1882.75, DH-91 Albatross, Bucharest to Chisinau, VFR 9500ft Fuel 822# ILS Rwy 26 Real Wx


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LYBE-LROP, -40, 1881.42, HP.81 Hermes, 40 minutes overstated on previous entry


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LYBE-LROP, 129, 1882.08, HP.81 Hermes, Belgrade to Bucharest, VFR, 8500 ft. Real Wx, ILS Rwy 8L.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LWSK-LYBE, 180, 1879.93, Ilyushin IL-14P, Skopje to Belgrade with a stop at LBSF Sofia. Fuel 1386#-231gal Real WX


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KATL-KBOS, 160, 2483.33, Lear Jet 45, Dostance 843 nm


bgan071, William Lockwood, KLGA-KLGA, 66, 1089.2, L-1649A, Traffic pattern work.  ILS 04 and visual approaches to runway 04.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KGRB-ORD, 82, 329.8, CV240,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KLGA-KJFK, 102, 1088.1, L-1649A, Flown IFR at FL180.  ILS 22 low approach at KLGA followed by a visual full stop to runway 22 at KJFK.


bgad042, Don Moore, NZAA-NZHN, 32, 1409.07, Grumman G21A,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LGTS-LWSK, 46, 1876.93, Lockheed L 049A, Thessaloniki to Skopji, VFR 10000ft, Real Wx, Fuel 1434#


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LTBA-LGTS, 102, 1876.17, Lockheed L 049A, Istanbul to Thesoloniki, VFR 18000ft, Fuel 3274#-546gal, Real WX.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KMDW-KGRB, 69, 328.43, CV240,


bgan076, Lou Ross, KMSN-KMDW, 57, 327.28, CV240,


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, SAOL-SAAJ, 129, 651.38, R4D-6, DCA MP flight


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, SAOU-SAOL, 89, 649.23, R4D-6, DCA MP flight


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, SANU-SAOU, 97, 647.75, R4D-6, DCA Mp flight


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, KDCA-KEWR, 120, 646.13, R4D-6, DCA AA route


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, KDCA- KBOS, 290, 644.13, R4D-6, Flying the old DCA AA routes


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KBGR, 80, 2480.67, Beech Baron 58, Distance 174 nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KBID, 61, 2479.33, Beech Baron 58, Distance 76 +


bgad042, Don Moore, YWBL-YMAV, 36, 1408.53, Spitfire MK IX, Low level coastal run.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, MYXM-MBPV, 102, 1874.47, Sikorsky S-42B, The Catalina Jaunt, Gt. Exuma to Providenciales, Fuel 1639#-273Gal. Water landing.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, MYNN-MYXM, 54, 1872.77, Short S25 Sandringham, The Catalina Jaunt, Nassau to Great Exuma, Fuel 875#


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, KDIN-MYNN, 76, 1871.87, Short S.23 Empire, The Catalina Jaunt Miami to Nassau, Fuel 1115#


bgan076, Lou Ross, KLSE-KMSN, 45, 326.33, CV240,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KMSY, 245, 2478.32, Lear Jet 45, Distance 1,187


bgan076, Lou Ross, KMSP-KLSE, 45, 325.58, CV240, The new CV240 by VFB with modified FDE\\\'s by calclassics.


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EGDC-EGFF, 26, 1104.77, DC3, hoplist


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KBIL-KPOY, 24, 196.67, MAAM DC-3,


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EGHD-EGDC, 25, 1104.33, DC3, Hoplist FSVintageAir


bgad042, Don Moore, YWBL-YBLT, 60, 1407.93, DHC 6-300,


bgad042, Don Moore, FAYP-FXMM, 31, 1406.93, LJ45, flt interrupted by sim. problems,can not remember arriving at FXMM


bgad042, Don Moore, YMES-YWBL, 104, 1406.42, Mooney Bravo,


bgad042, Don Moore, KBIS-KSHR, 64, 1404.68, LJ45,


bgad042, Don Moore, KDTW-KBOS, 45, 1403.62, LJ45,


bgad042, Don Moore, LFPG-LFPN, 38, 1402.87, Maule M7,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LTAC-LTBA, 76, 1870.6, Lockheed L 049A, Ankara to Istanbul FL20 ILS 36R Fuel 2630#-428Gal Real WX


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LTAF-LTAC, 83, 1869.33, Lockheed L 049A, Adana to Ankara VFR FL185 Fuel 2516#-419Gal. ILS Rwy 21L Real WX


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, OLBA-LTAF, 86, 1867.95, Lockheed L 049A, Beirut to Adana VFR 18500ft (NDB)-RA-LTK-ISK- ILS to Rwy 5 Fuel 2757#-460Gal.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KDEN, 323, 2474.23, Lear Jet 45, Distance 1,519 nm


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EGHC-EGHD, 27, 1103.92, DC3, Hoplist  VFR


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LLBG-OLBA, 55, 1866.52, Lockheed L 049A, Fuel 1564#-261Gal


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, ORBS-LLBG, 152, 1865.6, Lockheed L049A, Baghdad Airlift, Baghdad to Tel-Aviv Fuel 5240# / 873Gal. FL180 Real WX -BL-AD-TAN-BWG- vis RWY 30


bgan082, Charles Flock, KBOS-KORD-KLEX, 437.54, 46.49, DC-3, C0006R Victor Airways IFR (MSFS ATC)


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KSAN, 357, 2468.85, Lear Jet 45, Distance 2,243 nm


bgan040, Dan George, KPKB  KLWB, 70, 910.53, Beech BE-60 Duke, Charter flight from Parkersburg WV to Lewisburg WV.  Friends of J. Justice\\\'s daughter.


bgan041, Bill Cox, PHJR-PAK, 50, 836.02, C310, IFR @ 6000\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, PHJR-PHJR, 58, 835.18, C310, VFR @ 2500\\\' around Oahu


bgan041, Bill Cox, KSBS-KBJC, 40, 834.22, C510, IFR @ 15000\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, KHND-KSBS, 110, 833.55, C510, IFR @ FL310


bgan002, Joe Weber, KBNA-KEVV, 43, 987.15, CV-240,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSFO-KJFK, 363, 2462.9, Lear Jet 45, Distance 2,240 nm


bgan040, Dan George, KLBE  KPKB, 55, 909.37, Beech BE-60 Duke, Positioning for charter flight.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KABQ-DEN Stapleton, 124, 324.83, DC4,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAPH-PACD, 78, 196.27, MAAM DC-3, Lt. Rain & Wind


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KJFK-KSFO, 380, 2456.85, Lear Jet 45, Distance 2,240 nm


bgan070, Allen Peterson, FMMS - FMNR - FMNH, 72, 328.42, DC-3,


bgan070, Allen Peterson, FMMX - FMMK - FMMG, 100, 327.22, DH-89a,


bgan047, Paul Mensch, KLEX-KBMA, 160, 1103.47, DC3, VFR flight for engine overhaul and other maintenance in advance of the DC3 world rally 2010


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KBOS, 54, 1086.4, Convair T-29, Flown VFR.  ILS 22L approach and landing.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, OLBA-ORBS, 144, 1863.07, Douglas DC-6, Baghdad Airlift from Beirut, Fuel 4573# 9500 ft VFR


bgan071, William Lockwood, FMNG-FMNL, 24, 1085.5, DC-3, Sep 2010 FOM, North NorthWest Sector, Leg 3.  Flown VFR at 4,500 feet.  Runway 11 approach and landing.


bgan070, Allen Peterson, FMMI to FMMT, 69, 325.55, DH-89 , Oops, should have flown to FMMX


bgan070, Allen Peterson, FMMT to FMNH, 81, 324.4, R4D-6R,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSLC-KSFO, 103, 2450.52, 747-400, Distance 519 nm +


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-EGLL, 366, 2448.8, 747-400, Distance 2,827 nm


bgan076, Lou Ross, KPHX-KABQ, 91, 322.77, DC-4,


bgan071, William Lockwood, FMNM-FMNG, 36, 1085.1, DC-3, Sep 2010 FOM, Pullman Route, North and North-West Sector, Leg 2.  Flown VFR at 3,500 feet.  Visual approach and landing to runway 11.


bgan002, Joe Weber, KPNS-KMSY, 67, 986.43, CV-440,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KIND, 130, 2442.7, 747-400, Distance 723 nm


bgad042, Don Moore, YMLT-YSTH, 46, 1402.23, Consolidated PBY5A,


bgan076, Lou Ross, KLAX-KPHX, 129, 321.25, DC-4, Calclassics 1957 AI Traffic and sceneries.


bgan082, Charles Flock, FMMV-FMST, 255.11, 39.2, DH89, VFR Day Dead Reckoning/Pilotage


bgan070, Allen Peterson, PABL to PAIK, 30, 323.05, DC-3, DC-3 Airways


bgan070, Allen Peterson, MOS to KPC, 57, 321.98, R4D-6R, FSX


bgan070, Allen Peterson, PABL to PAOT, 32, 321.03, R4D-6R, FSX


bgan070, Allen Peterson, PAOM to PASH, 51, 320.5, R4D-6R, FSX


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KORD-KMIA, 167, 2440.53, 747-400, Distance 1,085


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KATL-KBOS, 134, 2437.75, 747-400, Distance 843 nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KMIA-KMSP, 213, 2435.52, 747-400, Distance 1.308 nm


bgan076, Lou Ross, KATW-KORD, 56, 319.1, Fairchild Metro,