

GB  England Australia Air Race Centenary 2019 Aus_09

presented by Bluegrass & WestWind Airlines


 Rob’s Challenge


Instructions for Pireps


Flight Time is calculated from wheels rolling (Start Timer) on the take off roll, to wheels stop (Stop Timer) at the end of the landing roll, and must be reported in Minutes to 2 (two) decimal places.  For added realism, you may reposition your aircraft in the respective Flight Leg Situation file and taxi from parking to the active runway, and you may taxi to the terminal at the end of rollout, but this time must not be included in the flight time.  To avoid possible timing errors due to crossing time zones it is recommended that UTC (Zulu) time be used rather than local time.

This timing process can be simplified by using Tom Goodrick's flight timer program available from the "Downloads" page

You are required to submit a single flight report (PIREP) for each of the 23 flights as they are completed.  If flying the A route, remember to add together the times for each of the sectors as necessary. A single PIREP for each flight must be sent as an email to gaar15director(at)gmail.com with the flight data appearing in the subject line of the email.  Text is not required in the body of the message although flight comments are welcome.  It is important that the PIREP FLIGHT DATA be entered on the SUBJECT LINE in the following format exactly, and by padding numbers with leading 0's where necessary to have the required digits:

TWO digits of the Event Flight Leg number (space) THREE digits of the Event Pilot number (space) MINUTES.

Flight Leg
06 is flown by pilot 017 in 125.66 minutes.
The Subject Line of the email will be as follows:
06 017 125.66

Please note that all numbers in the report should be whole numbers with no commas, colons, or decimal points, except for the flight time.

PIREP DUE DATES.  Due to the number of legs for this event and the need to accomodate entrants to the DCA World Rally, we will not be setting any due dates. A suggested programme to enable all flights to be completed by the end of December will be made available.

Comments.  If you wish to make comments about the flown Flight Leg, please add it in the text body.

Problems and Corrections.  If you have any problems or corrections relating to PIREPs, send an email to gaar15director(at)gmail.com ASAP and we will endeavour to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

Further Note on Filing PIREPs.  Filing PIREPs as and when completed is highly recommended and encouraged.