FS 9                             TOUGH MAN CHALLENGE   # 6                            FS 9

By Ron Jorgensen


Here we go again, and this time we will be flying  in mountains where the mountains are high and the scenery is beautiful both winter and summer. This TMC is for single engine types only. .(NO TURBO’s)  Ambulances will be available for the less fortunate who seem to miss the runways but not the trees or mountains.  Weather is at your option but at least put in some winds.   All scenery is default FS9.


From                To                                Runway   Length   Type            Elevation          NAV Info

MT63              MT62              ++        16/34   500'     DIRT               3500'               314@35Mi

9S4                  MT88              +          28/10   1900'   GRASS            3360'               335@50

0MT9              MT97              +          09/27   1800'   GRASS            2400'               221@59

LFCB              LESU               ++        22/04   4400'   HARD             2625'               130@45


3U7                 8U2                 +++     07/25   3200'   GRASS            4855'               319@40

8U2                 0S1                  ++        17/35   2830'   GRASS            3984                185@16

MT32              0MT0              ++        07/25   4075'   GRASS            3547'               036@19

MM0W           MM1Q            +++     31/13   3900'   GRASS            250'                097@49


99MT              MT14              ++        03/21   1700'   GRASS            5940'               089@56

MT42              MT43              ++        11/29   1770'   GRASS            6090'               291@43

MT47              MT94              +          05/23   900'    GRASS            6600'               019@41

OPCL              OPGT              ++        07/25   5400'   HARD             4796                019@32


MT94              1MT0              +          28/10   4000'   GRASS            6974                155@11

29S                  MT07              ++        16/34   3700'   GRASS            5785'               007@64


Here is a bonus to try

OR11               6OR9               +++     E / W               You do the rest.


NOTE: the + signs designate the following;


+ = piece of cake     ++ = not a piece of cake       +++ = you want me to land on THAT ????  




FS 9                                                                                                                 FS 9