Flight Reports with Comments
February 2005
Newest reports on
Bob Beckelhimer,
02-28-05, KCEF - CYJT, 194, Bob Beckelhimer, R5D
(C-54), Leg 9 of the Berlin Airlift flights
Lawrence Kellie, 02-27-05,
KLAX-KWHP, 36, bgak002, C172,
Tom Easterday,
02/27/04, RJSI - RJCN, 135, BGAN043, DC3,
Tom Easterday,
02/27/04, KLAX - KMCE, 82, BGAN043, Embaur 120,
Tom Easterday,
02/27/04, KIPL - KLAX, 90, BGAN043, BAE Jetstream,
Joe Weber, 02-27-05, KBGR-CYQG,
189, BGAN002, Boeing 377,
Jon Carlson, 02-27-05, AYCH - AYMH,
52, bgas012, DH.82 Tiger Moth, Big burly passenger and his gear and half tank
of fuel had the old Moth close to MTOW. Struggled to get off
the ground - even in the cooler morning air. Threaded through the trees
at the end of the runway and followed a stream for a bit to stay out of the
treetops. Once a decent rate of climb was established (40-50ft/min at
55-60kias) the flight progressed smoothly. The passenger even opened his eyes
and quit swearing. Thunderstorms could be seen near our destination. Lots of lightning but no rain today. Why is it called Mt
Hagen when it sits in a hole in the ground? Landed OK but have no idea how I'm
going to clear the cliffs surrounding the airfield when I leave. At this
altitude what were they thinking putting an airfield in a hole in the ground!!
joncarlson@shaw.ca, 02-27-05, AYNZ
- AYCH, 140, bgas012, DH.82 Tiger Moth, Left Lae with
some storms brewing in the distance. Followed valleys but had to circle for
half an hour to gain altitude when final mountain pass was higher than
expected. Caught a few drops of rain just before landing at Chimbu.
Will have to find a better route home, 9300 ft was a little high for this
Bill Hendrix, 02-27-05, KDAL-KPNS,
100, bgas046, 757-200, real wx, wcatc
server 2, landed rwy 35.
Jon Carlson, 02-27-05, HFD - AYWK,
42, bgas012, DH.82 Tiger Moth, RAIN. Rain all the way. Luckily the slipstream
keeps the water from collecting inside the open cockpits. Taxiing and parking
are a different (and wet) story.
Lyle, Hasty, KBFD-KEKN, 96,
bgas017, DC-3,
george leach, 02-27-05, khln-kboy, 104, BGAN039, king air, W C ATC
Lawrence Kellie, 02-27-05,
KLAX-KLAX, 90, bgak002, C172, LAX316R.SILEX.KBUR.VNY.SMO
Gary McCarty, 02-27-05, EGYM-EINN,
200, bgas031, C-177RG, EGPK
Joe Weber, 02-27-05, KMSP-KCIU,
160, BGAN002, DC-6B,
Lyle Hasty, 02-27-05, EDDB-EDMA,
george leach, 02-26-05,
KSLE-KHLN, 142, BGAN039, DC6,
Bob Beckelhimer,
2-27-05, KNIP - KCEF, 245, bgan005, R5D (C-54), Leg 8 of the Berlin Airlift flights
Bob Beckelhimer,
2-27-05, KSKF - KNIP, 210, bgan005, R5D (C-54), Leg 7 of the Berlin Airlift
Frank van Tongeren,
02-27-05, EFMA-ENHV, 436, BGAD036, DC-3, Stops at: EFHK-EFKS-ULMM-ENKR
Lawrence Kellie, 02-26-05,
KLAX-KLGB, 30, bgak002, C172, With a slight
"hover" over SLI.
Lyle Hasty, 02-26-05, PANC-PADQ,
102, bgas017, CESSNA 208 CARAVAN,
Gary McCarty, 02-26-05, ETNJ-EGYM,
299, bgas031, C-177RG, EGYM-EGNL
Lyle Hasty, 02-26-05, YMHB-YMML,
146, bgas017, DC-3,
Lyle Hasty, 02-24-05, KPIT-KBOS,
100, bgas017, DC-3,
george leach, 02-26-05, lcph-ltan, 65, BGAN039, s-3a, on west atc
Lawrence Kellie, 02-25-05,
Bill Hendrix ,
02-25-05, KSAV-KPNS, 90, bgas046, DC-4, real wx,
beautiful sunset after takeoff at KSAV, landed rwy 35
Gary McCarty, 02-25-05, ESGP-ETNJ,
312, bgas031, C-177RG, ESCN
Don Hulick,
02-25-05, TKPN-TFFR, 127, BGAN033, Beech B18G, Continuing my tour of the
Tom Easterday,
2/24/04, EGNX - EBAW, 96, BGAN043, DC3,
Tom Easterday,
2/20/04, RJTT - RJSI, 114, BGAN043, DC3,
Tom Easterday,
2/19/04, RJOS - RJTT, 120, BGAN043, DC3,
AP Hendrix, 02-24-05, NVVV - NZAA,
264, bgas047, c-130,
Tom Burrill,
02-24-05, CYQT-CYQK, 107, bgak033, DC3,
Tom Burrill,
02-24-05, CYQT-CYQK, , , ,
Meryl D Coon, 02-24-05, LSMU(Switzerland)-LOWZ(Austria), 67,
BGAN038, Aero Cmdr 520, 11,000 to clear mountains. Nice tailwind, though.
aphendrix, 02-24-05, PKMJ -
NVVV, 354, bgas047, C-130,
Gary McCarty, 02-24-05, EGYM-ESGP,
237, bgas031, C-177RG, EHLW
george leach, 02-24-05,
Serdar Badoglu, 02-24-05, YPAD-YMML,
114, BGAD039, DC-4,
Bob Beckelhimer,
02-24-05, KNUQ - KSKF, 316, bgan005, R5D (C-54), Leg 6 of the Berlin Airlift
Leo Nascimento,
02-24-05, NZNS-NZAP, 175, bgam003, Cosmos Ultralight,
Tom McCoy, 02-20-05, KPTT - KISN,
174, bgas057, Howard 500, Charter/Hunting Trip to ND
george leach, 02-23-05,
Ron Jorgensen, 02/23/05, CYPR PAKT, 37,
BGAK030, G-21 Goose, December Feature. ROUTE; CYPR Z43(PANT) GIRTS ANN11
Bill Von Sennet,
02-23-05, EDDF-EDDI, 114, bgas001, C-54, Berlin Airlift Missed approach at
EDDI, re-entered approach at TF (wasn't allowed during the air lift) Snow
Limited Viz.
Gary McCarty, 02-23-05, EGFE-EGYM,
187, bgas031, C-177RG, EGDM-EGNY
AP Hendrix, 02-23-05, PHNL - PKMJ,
432, bgas047, Lockheed C-130,
Leo Nascimento,
02-23-05, NZTU - NZNS, 192, bgam003, Mitchel Wing Ultralight,
Bill Von Sennet, 02-22-05, etou-eddi, 117, bgas001, C-47, Berlin Airlift Flight bal-2 5,000' 145 kts i.a.s. on WestCoast ATC DRM 13min-ASF
21min-FLD 36min-TF 104min Fuel 1212#
Jeffrey Lacy, 02-22-05, KASE-KTIW,
312, bgak063, DHC-6 Twin Otter, Fuel stop at KSUN in
AP Hendrix, 02-22-05, KOAK - PHNL,
474, bgas047, Lockheed C-130,
Gary McCarty, 02-22-05, EGYM-EGFE,
91, bgas031, C-177RG,
Gary McCarty, 02-22-05, LICA-EGYM,
203, bgas031, King Air 90,
george leach, 02-22-05,
AP Hendrix, 02-22-05, MYNN - KOAK,
528, bgas047, C-130,
george leach, 02-22-05,
Bill Von Sennet, 02-21-05,
ETOU-EDDI, 105, bgas001, C-47, Berlin Air Lift
Bob Beckelhimer, 2-22-05, PHJR - KNUQ, 519, bgan005, R5D
(C-54), Leg 5 of the Berlin Airlift flights. At KNUQ I parked out of the Calf. rain
in one of the big airship hangers.
Meryl D Coon, 02-21-05, SBFZ-SBNS, 140, BGAN038, PBY, Catalina
Jaunt Sector Twenty One
Joe Weber, 02-21-05, CYAM-KLEX,
130, BGAN002, DC-6B, Could find no airport at Sault Ste Marie "Y62"
Gary McCarty, 02-21-05, OERF-LICA,
300, bgas031, King Air 90, LGSA
Bob Welch, 02-21-05, 2z6 to tkl, 52,
bgak060, DHC2/float,
Bob Welch, 02-21-05, pec to exi, 38,
bgak060, DHC2/float,
george leach, 02-21-05,
KHST-KJAX, 140, BGAN039, B-E3F, Made flight in west coast ATC provider
Bob Beckelhimer,
2/21/05, PMDY - PHJR, 278, bgan005, R5D (C-54), Leg 4 of the Berlin Airlift
Bob Beckelhimer,
2/21/05, PWAK - PMDY, 272, bgan005, R5D (C-54), Leg 3 of the Berlin Airlift
Bob Beckelhimer,
2/21/05, PGUA - PWAK, 333, bgan005, R5D (C-54), Leg 2 of the Berlin Airlift
Bob Beckelhimer,
2/21/05, ROTM - PGUA, 301, bgan005, R5D (C-54), It is 1 Nov 1948. We are in Okinawa (ROTM) with the Navy VR6.We
received orders on 27 Oct 1948 to fly to
Lawrence Kellie, 02-20-05,
KSEA-KPSC, 125, bgak002, Fokker 100,
george leach, 02-20-05,
KFLL-KJAC, 71, BGAN039, B737, Flew this flight on the west coast server. Happy to earn money for bgan
Joe Weber, 02-19-05, KBOS-KMVY, 40,
BGAN002, D-18, Stop at KHYA
Gary McCarty, 02-20-05, VAKS-OERF,
298, bgas031, King Air 90, OOFQ
Serdar Badoglu, 02-20-05, KMSY-KT56,
120, BGAD039, Stinson,
AP Hendrix,
02-19-05, KSEA - KSFO, 156, bgas047, Lockheed C-130, cross country Test Flight
on new C-130.
Gary McCarty, 02-19-05, WITT-VAKS,
346, bgas031, King Air 90, VOPC
Lyle Hasty, 02-19-05, KATL-KPBI,
193, bgas017, DC-3,
Ron Jorgensen, 02/18/05, KDFW KDFW,
60, BGAK030, B-47, Test hop.
Joe Weber, 02-19-05, KBGR-CYU:, 80, BGAN002, Connie, Missed Approach YUL
Joe Weber, 02-18-05, KORD-KLEX,
116, BGAN002, 4-0-4, Stop at KIND
Bill Hendrix, 02-19-05, KCLT-KGSP,
66, bgas046, M404, Real wx, via SUG and ODF, landed
visual rwy 4.
Lyle, Hasty, KSAN-KSFO, 159,
bgas017, DC-3,
Allan Lowson,
12-16-04, PAGY-CYXY, 47, bgam007, Norseman,
Allan Lowson,
12-16-04, PAJN-PAGY, 47, bgam007, Shorts S23,
Allan Lowson,
12-11-04, PASI-PAJN, 32, bgam007, DH-91,
Allan Lowson,
12-11-04, PAPG-PASI, 39, bgam007, Bristol Freighter,
Allan Lowson,
12-05-04, PANN-PAKT, 67, bgam007, DH-86,
Allan Lowson,
12-04-04, CYPR-PANN, 47, bgam007, Avro York, Seem to
have forgotten to log these flights.
Allan Lowson,
01-23-05, OPKC-VECC, 516, bgam007, Shorts S23, Floating on the Hooghli - will continue flight after GAAR.
Allan Lowson,
01-23-05, ORMM-OPKC, 500, bgam007, Shorts S23,
Allan Lowson,
01-16-05, HEAX-ORMM, 421, bgam007, Shorts S23,
Allan Lowson,
01-09-05, EGHI-HEAX, 848, bgam007, Shorts S23, Headng
off for the GAAR.
Allan Lowson,
02-14-05, 3S8-6OR6, 17, bgam007, Porterfield-Turner Collegiate, Nice change
from slogging across/round continents. It's a small world, but I wouldn't want
to have to paint it.
Lawrence Kellie, 02-18-05,
KSEA-KBKE, 60, bgak002, Fokker 100,
Tom Easterday,
02/18/05, RJFU - RJOS, 102, BGAN 043, DC3,
(No space in the
pilot ID please)
Tom Easterday,
02/17/05, LSZH - LBSF, 151, BGAN 043, BAe 146,
Tom Easterday,
02/14/05, KSNA - KIGM, 85, BGAN 043, DC3,
Bill Hendrix, 02-18-05, EHBK-EGLL, 90,
bgas046, Martin 404, m/p with the Lufthansa Virtual Airlines session along with
Bill Von Sennet,
02-18-05, ehbk-egll, 86, bgas001, Martin 4-0-4, ATC
Session with Lufthansa Airlines. Flew
with bgas046 FL
140 ILS RW27 left at Heathrow.
Joe Weber, 02-18-05, KATL-MYEF,
Jeffrey Lacy,
02-18-05, KMRY-KASE, 250, bgak063, Lockheed Electra L-10, Very tricky
Bill Von Sennet, 02-18-05, ehbk-egll, 90, bgas001, Martin 4-0-4, 14,500' used 1545# fuel Test run for the WestCoastATC
Lufthansa fly in tonight. Déjà vu. This is a trip I often flew 20+ years ago
with the DC-10 simulator for the Sanyo computer. The only graphics were the runway edge lines
on short final. But it was a good
instrument simulator.
Gary McCarty, 02-18-05, YPPD-WITT,
411, bgas031, King Air 90, WIIP
AP Hendrix, 02-18-05, NZPG - NZAA,
624, bgas047, DC-7,
Tom McCoy, 02-17-05, KCHS - KLAS,
246, bgas057, Vickers VC-10, Charter/Medical University of South Carolina
Anesthesia Simposium in Vages.
KLAS - Landed ILS 25R and taxied to gate B-14 Flight uneventfull.
Gary McCarty, 02-17-05, YMHB-YPPD,
404, bgas031, King Air 90, YMPA
AP Hendrix, 02-17-05, SAWC - NZPG,
696, bgas047, DC-7,
AP Hendrix, 02-16-05, SCTE - SAWC,
138, bgas047, DC-7,
george leach, 02-16-05,
Don Hulick,
02-16-05, TNCM-TKPN, 78, BGAN033, Beech 18G, Continuing my trip "Down Island"
TNCM (St Maarten)- TFFG (Grand Case)- TFFJ (St Barts)- SABA (Saba)- TNCE (St Eusasius)
-TKPK (St Kitts) -TKPN (Nevis)
Tom Burrill,
02-16-05, CYAM-CYQT, 125, bgak033, DC3,
AP Hendrix, 02-15-05, SCEL - SCTE,
138, bgas047, DC-6,
Bill Hendrix, 02-16-05, KPNS-KTLH,
62, bgas046, T-28A,
Gary McCarty, 02-16-05, YCDU-YMHB,
366, bgas031, C-310Q, YPED-YKSC-YPOD-YMAV-YQNS
Leo Nascimento,
02-16-95, MYBC - MYCA, 97, bgam003, DHC2 Beaver,
Leo Nascimento,
02-16-05, mybs-mybc, 54, bgam003, DHC-2 Beaver,
Bob Beckelhimer,
02-16-05, KEWR - KBUF , 316, BGAN005, Howard 500, BGA
Flight NE116 with stops at KSWF, KEEN, KALB, KSYR, and KROC. Good A/C for flying but a little hard to
taxi. Worst in winds.
Bob Beckelhimer,
02-16-05, KBUF - KEWR, 261, BGAN005, AERO COMMANDER 500, BGA Flight NE115 with
stops at KROC, KSYR, KALB,KEEN, and KSWF. Had trouble with landings until I found all
Docs on A/C were in MPH instead of NM.
Tom Easterday,
12/14/05, KSNA - KIGM, 85, BGAN043, DC-3,
Adrian Hoogenbosch,
16-02-05, YLIL-YDLQ, 49, BGAD027, Howard 500, Here's
my first pirep in 2005. The Howard 500 is a delight
to fly. This flight was from Lilydale to Deniliquin, uneventful just a nostalgic trip like 'been
there - done it'.
Gary McCarty, 02-15-05, YMOG-YCDU,
394, bgas031, C-310Q, YPEA-YABA-YESP
Joe Weber, 02-14-05, KSBN-KLEX,
185, BGAN002, Convair 240, Stops At KFTW,KIND, KCVG,KSDF
Bill Hendrix, 02-14-05, KPNS-KTPA,
176, bgas046, Mooney Bravo, flew
george leach, 02-13-05,
Rick Hoffman, 02-14-05, KBGR-KPWM,
58, BGAN051, DC-3,
Gary McCarty, 02-14-05, YFTZ-YMOG, 352,
bgas031, C-310Q, YTEF-YBWX-YPBO
Leo Nascimento,
02-14-05, KMIA-MYBS, 46, bgam003, DHC2 Beaver,
Don Hulick,
02-13-05, TIST-TNCM, 115, BGAN033, Beech 18G, TIST(
Brent Brazeel,
02-13-05, PAUM - PABT, 61, bgak001, DHC6, Brought a load of pelts back down to Bettles. I am ready for the cup of coffee.
Brent Brazeel,
02/13/05, PABT - PAUM, 50, bgak001, DHC6, Took a load of building supplies and
mail up to Umiat. Seems all the other pilots are
flying down under. Will
be glad to pick up that load of Pelts to take back to Bettles
because it is pretty darn cool up here. I sure hope that Sr. Capt Odell
had the coffee pot still on because this will be a cold night flight.
AP Hendrix, 02-13-05, SPSO - SCEL,
324, bgas047, DC-6,
Meryl D Coon, 02-13-05, SBMQ-SNYA-SNIN, 123, BGAN083, Fairey Swordfish, Sunday stroll up the Amazon w/t&g SNYA
Ron Jorgensen, 02/12/05, 9AK0 IBN, 11, BGAK030, CH 801, Test hop in an
Brent Brazeel,
02-13-05, WSM - PABT, 52, bgak001, DC-3, Brought old DC-3 back to Bettles for repairs and some needed updating.
Brent Brazeel,
02-13-05, PABT - WSM, 25, bgak001, DHC2, Took natives home
Gary McCarty, 02-03-05, YNGU-YFTZ,
Bill Hendrix, 02-13-05, KBAD-KCBM,
89, bgas046, T-28A, real wx, wcatc
server2, 271 miles, fuel used 66 gal, vfr, alt 9500,
35 kt tailwind, cruise rpm 2500, manifold press 25
inches, landed ILS rwy 31C. (see
Meryl D Coon, 02-12-05, KBUR-KTUS, 155, BGAN038, Lockeed Electra 10A, Leg two of AE's round the world try.
Her route can be found at FSBerlin web site for
anyone interested, also the 10A.
Joe Weber, 02-12-2005, KATL-MYNN, 216,
BGAN002, DC-4, Stops at KJAX,KTPA and KMIA
Lawrence Kellie, 02-12-05,
KSEA-KPDX, 102, bgak002, Spitfire, Nice scenic routes over three
Lawrence Kellie, 02-12-05,
KLNK-KONT, 60, bgak002, Howard 500, Beautiful plane to fly!
Rick Hoffman, 02-12-05, KACK-KBOS,
45, bgan051, Howard 500,
Rick Hoffman, 02-12-05, KLGA-KACK,
55, bgan051, Howard 500,
Gary McCarty, 02-12-05, AYDU-YNGU,
Lyle Hasty, 02-12-05, KTPA-KJAX,
83, bgas017, DC-3,
Bill Hendrix, 02-12-05, KPSN-KBAD,
49, bgas046, T-28A, real wx, landed ILS rwy 15, wcatc server #2.
Lawrence Kellie, 02-11-05,
KSEA-KSEA, 45, bgak002, aero 500,
AP Hendrix, 02-11-05, SEGU - SPSO,
168, bgas047, DC-6,
Tom Burrill,
02-10-05, CYSK-CYBW, 126, bgak033, Boeing 314, Beautiful Flgiht
from Shediak,NB
to Botwood,N.F near Gander. NExt
leg is 11 hrs across the pond.
Gary McCarty, 02-11-05, CYRV-CZBB,
253, bgas031, Ford Tri Motor, CAX5
Lawrence Kellie, 02-09-05,
KSEA-KSEA, 90, bgak002, Fokker 100, Pattern flying
Joe Weber, 01-10-05, EIDW-EGLL, 75,
BGAN002, DC-6B,
Gary McCarty, 02-10-05, CYBL-CYRV,
374, bgas031, Ford Tri Motor, CBB7-CBE2
Bill Hendrix, 02-10-05, KBTR-KPSN, 126,
bgas046, Piper Arrow III, real wx, wcatc server #2, real bad wind shift the entire flight,
loaded flight plan in wcatc server in bold letters,
see if I can get a landing bonus( see forum-flight plans )
AP Hendrix, 02-10-05, MMMX - SEGU,
414, bgas047, DC-6,
Lawrence Kellie, 02-09-05,
KSEA-KMSO, 72, bgak002, Fokker 100,
Joe Weber, 01-09-05, KATL-MYGF,
278, BGAN002, Martn 404, Stops KSAV, KJAX, KTPA,
Lawrence Kellie, 02-09-05,
PAFA-PAFA, 30, bgak002, C337, Just flying around enjoying the scenery
AP Hendrix, 02-09-05, KMIA - MMMX,
294, bgas047, DC-6,
george leach, 02-06-05, khif-ktik, 145, BGAN039, T-45A,
AP Hendrix, 02-09-05, KDFW - KMIA,
288, bgas047, DC-6,
Don Hulick,
02-09-05, TJSJ-TIST, 51, bgan033, DHC6, Luis Munoz Marin Intl (San Juan PR)/Fajardo/Vieqes/Culebra/King (
Gary McCarty, 02-09-05, CBZ3-CYBL,
353, bgas031, Ford Tri Motor, CYZY-CZBB
Serdar Badoglu, 02-09-05, CYQX-KBGR,
236, BGAD039, DC-3,
Lyle Hasty, 02-09-05, KOMA-KMCI,
95, bgas017, DC-3,
Tom Burrill,
02-08-05, KLMT-CYSK, 330, bgak033, B-314, Flight from
Lawrence Kellie,
02-08-05, KSMX-KSMX, 36, bgak002, Fokker 100, Pattern flying, yes a second time
Gary McCarty, 02-08-05, CZBB-CBZ3,
444, bgas031, Ford Tri Motor, CYJQ-CYXT
Bill Hendrix, 02-08-05, kpns-kbtr, 105, bgas046, Piper Arrow III, real wx, wcatc server #2, was planning
on landing on rwy 31 visual but could not see the
runway due to fog so I landed ILS rwy 13.
Lawrence Kellie, 02-08-05,
KSMX-KSMX, 36, bgak002, Fokker 100, pattern flying
Lawrence Kellie,
02-07-05, ID25-S23, 40, bgak002, C337, Nice little
Gary McCarty, 02-07-05, CBM5-CZBB,
513, bgas031, Ford Tri Motor, CBK7
Serdar Badoglu, 02-07-05, KBGR-CYQX,
232, BGAD039, DC-3,
Lawrence Kellie, 02-06-05,
KMOT-KEWR, 228, bgak002, Fokker 100, Nice little jaunt from North Dakota to New
Jersey, USA.
Bill Hendrix, 02-06-05, ksea-ksea, 30, bgas046, Piper Arrow-III, 30 min shooting
touch and goes at Sea-Tac checking out my new
Meryl D Coon, 02-06-05, KOAK-KBUR, 121, BGAN038, Lockheed Electra
10A, Leg one of Amelia Earharts never finished round
the world flight.
Lawrence Kellie, 02-06-05,
KSEA-KSEA, 60, bgak002, Fokker 100, Pattern flying
Joe Weber, 02-06-05, KTAL-MYGF,
210, BGAN002, DC-6, Stops at KTLH, KMCO,KMIA
Gary McCarty, 02-06-05, CZBB-CBM5,
382, bgas031, Ford Tri Motor,
Lawrence Kellie, 02-06-05,
L35-KSBD, 60, bgak002, C337, Relief mission for flooded areas in SoCal.
Lawrence Kellie, 02-06-05, KSEA-KMOT,
150, bgak002, Fokker 100,
Gary McCarty, 02-06-05, AYGN-AYDU,
165, bgas031, C-310Q, AYPY
Lyle Hasty, 02-06-05, EGNV-EGLL,
95, bgas017, DC-3,
Lyle Hasty, 02-06-05, EGNT-EGNV,
33, bgas017, DC-3,
Pat Daley, 02-06-05, 7ak2-PAPG, 58,
Pat Daley, 02-06-05, PAJN-PAWG, 76,
Joe Weber, 02-05-05, KBOS-KLGA,
104, BAGN002, DC-3,
Bill Von Sennet, 02-05-05, Botwood-Foynes, 580, bgas001, B-314 Clipper, Botwood Newfoundland-Foynes Ireland
at long range cruise 130 ias
used 2,336 gal
20kts tailwind, still got there too
early, had to adjust clock up two hours to dawn. The
Lawrence Kellie, 02-05-05,
KMIA-SKBQ, 144, bgak004, Fokker 100, UCA MLY BAQ
Lyle Hasty, 02-05-05, KNRN-KRAP,
85, bgas017, DC-3,
Joe Weber, 02-05-05, KBOS-KLGA,
104, BGAN002, DC-3,
Joe Weber, 02-04/05, KBGR-CYHU,
100, BGAN002, Convair 240,
Tom Burrill,
02-05-04, CYQR-KLAS, 336, bgak033, DC4, Great first flight with the DC4 from
Zolliecoffer, 02-05-05, ktul-kokc, 77,
bgam012, DHC-3, I have been working out of town sorry for long gap between flights.Sent: Saturday,
February 05, 2005 3:50 PM
Tom Easterday,
2/2/05, KBFL - KLAX, 43, BGAN043, Beech 1900D,
Tom Easterday,
2/2/05, KSNA - KRNO, 152, BGAN043, DC3,
Tom Easterday,
1/29/05, RJKI - RJFU, 120, BGAN043, DC3,
Tom Easterday,
1/29/05, RODN - RJKI, 72, BGAN043, DC3,
Gary McCarty, 02-05-05, AYMD-AYGN,
168, bgas031, C-310Q, AYNZ-AYGR
Gary McCarty, 02-06-05, YBAM-AYMD,
203, bgas031, C-310Q, WAKK-AYMR-AYMH
Gary McCarty, 02-06-05, YIGM-YBAM,
201, bgas031, C-310Q, YMBA-YCKN-YLHR
Lyle Hasty, 02/05/05, KBOS-KEWR,
88, bgas017, DC-3, finally was able to connect to server 1
Lawrence Kellie, 02-05-05,
KJFK-KMIA, 162, bgak002, fokker 100, KFJK WAVEY PLUME
Lawrence Kellie, 02-04-05, KDEN-KJFK,
210, bgak002, Fokker 100, PLAIN2 . HCT J128 DBQ J84
Gary McCarty, 02-04-05, YBCV-YIGM,
256, bgas031, C-310Q, YLRE-YBPN
Chris Pollard, 2-3-05, KBGR - KBOS,
73, bgan003, lockheed constellation 1049A,
Lawrence Kellie, 02-03-05,
KLAX-KDEN, 168, bgak002, Fokker 100, Nice flight from
Jim Urquhart,
02/03/05, KDTN-KDAL, 78, BGAS041, DC3,
Terry Booth, 02-04-05, YMHB-YDPO,
68, BGAD038, DC-3,
Lawrence Kellie, 02-03-05,
KSMX-KSMX, 45, bgak002, Fokker 100, pattern flying
Tom Burrill,
02-03-05, CYYB-CYAM, 116, bgak033, DC3,
Bob Welch, 02-01-05, 5z1-pec, 47,
bgak060, Maule/float,
Chris Pollard, 02-03-05, KACY -
KCLT, 165, bgan003, Lockheed Constellation 1049-A, 1235hrs (local) lost hydrolics for landing gear. Was forced to manualy lower them on approach to KCLT WX- CAVU
Gary McCarty, 02-03-05, YROM-YBCV,
239, bgas031, C-310Q, YMIT
Serdar Badoglu, 02-03-95, YSSY-YBBN,
145, BGAD039, DC-3,
Chris Pollard, 02-03-05, KBVT-KLEX,
225, bgan003, lockheed constellation 1049A, IFR
Bill Hendrix, 02-03-05, kpns-khou, 107, bgas046, Delta DC-9,
Lawrence Kellie, 02-02-05,
KSMX-KSMX, 100, bgak002, Fokker 100, Pattern flying
Chris Pollard, 02-02-05, KLEX-KJFK,
210, bgan003, Lockheed Constellation, #2 engine failure and feather 69 min into
Tom Burrill,
02-02-05, KLAX-KMDW, 503, bgak033, Lockheed Constellation, Shakedown first time
flight from LosAngelos to Chicacgo.
With trials and tribulations I made in way overdue. A DC3 it is not a fun challenge
it is for sure more to come.
Charles Wert, 02-02-05,
MYNN-MYEF, 67, bgas039, Catalina,
Sector 2-Catalina Jaunt,Good
Plane, FS 2004
Joe Weber, 02-01-05, KTPA-KMIA, 47,
BgaN002, DC-7,
Chris Pollard, 02-02-05, KJFK -
KLEX, 200, bgan003, Lockheed 1049-G Constellation,
Gary McCarty, 02-02-05, YMEN-YSCH,
241, bgas031, C-310Q, YCOM-YSII-YMND
Bill Hendrix, 01-02-05, KJAX-KFLL,
78, bgas046, MD-80, flew on wcatc server #2, real wx, landed ILS rwy 09L.
Lawrence Kellie, 02-02-05, KSMX-KSMX,
30, bgak002, Fokker 100, patterns
george leach, 01-31-05,
Jon Carlson, 02-02-05, GRN - HFD,
88, bgas012, DH.82 Tiger Moth, Left Green River Papua New
Lawrence Kellie, 02-01-05,
KSEA-KSEA, 60, bgak002, Fokker 100, patterns
Pat Daley, 02-01-05, cbr2-CYCG, 37,
bgak029, C-172, At 3500' I could only see mountains on the left side, thought
my left wing was low so I was always turning right.
Pat Daley, 02-01-05, ENST-ENRA, 37,
bgak029, C-172,
Gary McCarty, 02-01-05, YMHB-YMEN,
157, bgas031, C-310Q, YDPO-YKII
Bill Von Sennet, 02-01-05, KLMT-Shediak, 176, bgas001, B-314, Test Flight Boeing 314 Clipper 7,500' 6251# of fuel.