Bluegrass Airlines

Flight Reports with Comments

March 2005


Attn: Bluegrass pilots participating in the G.A.A.R. 2005   Beginning on April 1st, 2005 start reporting your G.A.A.R. flights to Bluegrass.  You may report each flight or  file a report for a group of flights.


Newest reports on top.


Ron Jorgensen, 03/29/05, 02ME  KCON, 18, BGAK030, C195,


Ed Burke, 03-30-05, KPSP-KPSP, 60, bgad011, Luscombe 8, Palm Springs local


Gary McCarty, 03-31-05, SBMQ-TTPP, 275, bgas031, C-210M,


Bob Welch, 03-30-05, pasi-pajn, 34, bgak060, dc-3,


Jim Urquhart, 03/31/05, CYCG-KSLC, 180, BGAS041, DC4,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/28/05, CYBL  CAJ4, 60, BGAK030, C208B, F155


Sid Tatton, 03-31-05, YPPH-YABA, 180, BGAD007, DOUGLASS DC3,


Sid Tatton, 03-31-05, NZKT-NZAA, 50, BGAD007, ROCKWELL AC68,


Sid Tatton, 03-31-05, NZGB-NZKT, 46, BGAD007, ROCKWELL AC68,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/27/05, CYPW  CYBL, 12, BGAK030, C206 II, F154


Sid Tatton, 03-31-05, NZRO-NZGB, 42, BGAD007, BEECHCRAFT KING AIR 350,


Sid Tatton, 03-31-05, NZGS-NZRO, 29, BGAD007, BEECHCRAFT KING AIR 350,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/27/05, CYAZ  CYYJ, 31, BGAK030, DHC-6W, F152


Rick Connolly, 03-31-05, WV35-VA48, 71, BGAN015, Grumman Goose, Flight simulated power plant trainees to Smith Mtn Lake Training Lodge that these actually exists in real world.  Weather bumpy, Vor signals good, hazy skys at times. No AP for this one.


Bill Hendrix, 03-31-05, 8FD5-08FL-31FA, 85, bgas046, Cessna 182, flew a medical equip flight for FS Economy, on wcatc server 2 with server wx, rain with 10 miles vis, winds from east at 15, no actual rwy at 31FA but landed on the grass, enjoyed the flight.


Rick, 03-29-05, KBGR-CYVR, 56, BGAN015, Connie, My auto Maintenance Scheduler started and crashed my sim. Flight not finished.  I thought I had it fixed.  Now there's an utility that auto-starts about 6am and I need to find which one that is.  Sorry, it's NOT the westcoastATC server, it's my local problem to find and fix this for online flying.  Thanks.


Jeff Lacy, 03-30-05, NTAA-YMML, 255, bgak063, BAE C4-SST,


Bill Hendrix, 03-30-05, 19SC-1A0, 100, bgas046, C-182, FS Economy flight


Bill Hendrix, 03-30-05, 1MS6-30M-MO67, 70, bgas046, Piper Archer, FS Economy flight


Paul Mensch, 03-31-05, EHKD-EHRD, 46, BGAN047, DC3,


Meryl D Coon, 03-30-05, KPWT-CYYJ, 62, BGAN038, Piper Warrior II,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/26/05, CZMT  CYAZ, 185, BGAK030, DHC-3T Amph., F151


Ron Jorgensen, 03/26/05, CYPR  CZMT, 35, BGAK030, A1B Husky, F150


Ron Jorgensen, 03/26/05, CYZP  CYPR, 50, BGAK030, P Dakota, F145


Gary McCarty, 03-30-05, , 345, bgas031, C-210M,


Paul Mensch, 03-30-05, EHLE-EHKP, 34, BGAN047, Catalina,


Jim Urquhart, 03/30/05, CYQR-CYYC, 126, BGAS041, DC4,


Leo Nascimento, 03-30-05, YBTR - YMIT, 97, bgam003, DHC-2 Beaver,


Leo Nascimento, 03-30-05, YBHM - YBTR, 102, bgam003, Zenith CH801,


Leo Nascimento, 03-30-05, YPAM - YBHM, 99, bgam003, Super Decathlon,


Eon Jorgensen, 03/26/05, KDAL  7XS3, 55, BGAK030, DHC-3,


Jeff Lacy, 03-30-05, KSFO-NTAA, 540, bgak063, Boeing 707-320,


John Gilbert, 03-30-05, KPVD-KEWR, 52, bgad033, Beechcraft C-45G,


John Gilbert, 03-30-05, KBOS-KEWR, 74, bgad033, Beechcraft C-45G,


Ed Burke, 03-28-05, KPSP-KPSP, 351, bgad011, Luscombe 8, Yet more SAR flying


Ed Burke, 03-25-05, KPSP-KPSP, 744, bgad011, Luscombe 8, More SAR flighing


Ed Burke, 03-24-05, KPSP-KPSP, 561, bgad011, Luscombe 8, SAR flight


Ed Burke, 03-22-05, PAMR - PAMU, 293, bgad011, DC-3, This is a repeat submission of this pirep


Brent Brazeel, 03-29-05, PAJN - PAKT, 109, bgak001, DC-3, Little flight on WestCoast Server


Jim Urquhart, 03/29/05, CYWG-CYQR, 105, BGAS041, DC4,


Brent Brazeel, 03-29-05, CBS4 - PAJN, 46, bgak001, Angel44, What a pretty flight down to Juneau.


Brent Brazeel, 03-29-05, CYXY - CBS4, 36, bgak001, Angel44, Test Flight in Angel 44. What a fast little twin. Sure get off the ground in a hurry too. Maybe we need to carry some missionaries up here :)


Ron Jorgensen, 03/25/05, CYZT  CYZP, 95, BGAK030, G.Swift, F144


Bill Hendrix, 03-29-05, KCDN-KSRB, 105, bgas046, Beech Baron,


Bill Hendrix, 03-29-05, 30GA-4GA9-KCDN, 70, bgas046, Beech Baron,


Gary McCarty, 03-29-05, SBFZ-SBMO, 191, bgas031, C-206,


Rick Connolly, 06-28-05, KBGR-CYMX, 85, BGAN015, Connie, P0094R


george leach, 03-31-05, kbhm-kmco, 98, bgan039, NAVY C40,


george leach, 03-30-05, kmco-kbhm, 95, BGAN039, navy c40,


Tom McCoy, 3-25-05, KMYR - KMYR ,      360, bgas057, Dash - 8`, Spring Break Shuttle KPKB - Landed RW-3 and taxied to gate 2 KBLF - Landed ILS 23 and taxied to gate 4 KMYR - Landed ILS 36 and taxied to gate 3


Paul Roth, 03-28-05, KBGR, 173, BGA016, DC-3, Flt BGR001 Round Trip KBGR-KBOS


Norm Holman, 03-27-05, 3G5-KBOS, 140, bgad026, DC-4, had to fly this bird from Dawson AFB to Boston on 3 engines as No 1 engine had cracked cylinders. Feathered the prop, uplifted min fuel load for the trip, no cabin crew, passengers or cargo allowed so the co-pilot had a new duty to make the coffee once airborne. Started rolling with eng's 2 & 3 to 60 knots before bringing eng 4 to max, took a lot of rudder to hold a straight line. Climbed out at 300 fpm. Otherwise a "Milk run". Kept speed at 110 kts on final in case of an abort, touchdown was halfway down the runway.


Bill Von Sennet, 03-28-05, yckn-ycbs, 42, bgas001, Texan T-28A, On westcoastATC with bgad032


AP Hendrix, 03-28-05, KBOS - EGLL, 397, bgas047, Boeing C17,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/23/05, CT72   KSWF, 20, BGAK030, DHC-3,


Brent Brazeel, 03-28-05, PFYU - CYXY, 181, bgak001, DC-3, 2nd time today on WestCoast ATC. Flew 3/4 of flight this morning and FS9 crashed and lost my time on WestCoast. Made it this time with a good stiff tail wind.


Ron Jorgensen, 03/22/05, KDAL   KCLL, 60, BGAK030, DHC-3, Back to the old way. FS Economy is too much trouble.


Gary McCarty, 03-28-05, SNES-SBFZ, 276, bgas031, C-206,


Jim Urquhart, 03/28/05, RPLL-VHHH, 262, BGAS041, DC4,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/22/05, CYWL  CYZT, 97, BGAK030, PC-6, F143


Bill Hendrix, 03-28-05, 20A-KEDN, 57, bgas046, Beech Baron, Type A flight for FS Economy


AP Hendrix, 03-27-05, KPNS - KBOS, 186, bgas047, Lear 45, need to keep my jet rating current!


Jon Carlson, 03-28-05, KMLI - KMLI, 61, bgas012, JN-4 Jenny, Mail plane went down southeast of Moline. I volunteered to pick up the mail in my Jenny and deliver it to the Post Office in Moline. Overcast morning with a storm pushing in from the North. Found the downed plane in a small field and JUST managed to get the Jenny stopped in time. No brakes, eh. Back to Moline and land moments before the clouds opened up and soaked the airfield. But I was already in the hangar enjoying a hot cup of joe!


John Gilbert, 03-28-05, ENBO-ENRA, 20, bgad033, Beechcraft C90,


John Gilbert, 03-28-05, ENEV-ENBO, 27, bgad033, Beechcraft C90,


John Gilbert, 03-28-05, ENAN-ENEV, 22, bgad033, Beechcraft C90,


Jim Urquhart, 03/27/05, RCPT-RPLL, 300, BGAS041, L1049H,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/22/05, TE72   TA08, 30, BGAK030, C182, FS E still did not work. ONE more try then its BYE  BYE to FS Economy. Followed Colemans intrructions to the TEE.


Tom Burrill, 03-27-05, KCON -KRUT, 63, bgak033, Beech Baron 58,


Rick Connolly, 03-27-05, CYUL-KLEX, 164, BGAN015, Connie, C0093R


Brent Brazeel, 03-27-05, CYOC - PAFY, 83, bgak001, DHC-6, First Flight on West Coast Server 24 hr Free Server.  Short flight from Old Crow to Ft Yukon in Twin Otter.


Gary McCarty, 03-27-05, SDMC-SNES, 307, bgas031, C-206,


Bob Beckelhimer, 3-27-05, PWAK - NPS, 684, bgan005, Boeing B314A, Leg 2 of 3 on the Clipper return flight across the Pacific. Will utilize the longer range of the 315A to do a three stop return.


Bob Beckelhimer, 3-27-05, RPLS - PWAK, 693, bgan005, Boeing B314A, Leg 1 of 3 on the Clipper return flight across the Pacific. Will utilize the longer range of the 315A to do a three stop return.


Bob Beckelhimer, 3-27-05, PGUA - RPLS, 404, bgan005, Boeing B314A, Leg 5 of 5 on the Clipper flight across the Pacific.


Jim Urquhart, 03/27/05, RJAA-RCTP, 266, BGAS041, L1049H,


Ron Jorgensen, 06/22/05, TA86  TE80, 25, BGAK030, C182,


Gary McCarty, 03-27-05, SEQU-KDVT, 706, bgas031, King Air 90, MSLP-MMTC


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZPM-NZGS, 37, BGAD007, PILATUS PC12,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZWB-NZPM, 26, BGAD007, BELL BOEING V-22 OSPREY,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZWB-, 26, BGAD007, BELL BOEING V-22 OSPREY,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZCH-NZWB, 67, BGAD007, CESSNA  208,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZTU-NZCH, 41, BGAD007, ROBIN DR400,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZQN-NZTU, 55, BGAD007, LAKE RENEGADE,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZDN-NZQN, 76, BGAD007, GRUMMAN G-44  WIDGEON,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZNV-NZDN, 30, BGAD007, FOKKER 27,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZMF-NZNV, 50, BGAD007, DCH6-TWIN OTTER,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZMC-NZMF, 50, BGAD007, cessna 337 skymaster,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZCH-NZMC, 50, BGAD007, beechcraft super g18,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZHK-NZCH, 30, BGAD007, atr42 500,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZWS-NZHK, 30, BGAD007, fairchild c119,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZNS-NZWS, 30, BGAD007, dash7-103,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZWN-NZNS, 30, BGAD007, fokker 50,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZDV-NZWN, 30, BGAD007, fokker 50,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, NZAA-NZDV, 94, BGAD007, beechcraft twin bonanza,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, YSSY-NZAA, 270, BGAD007, C130 hercules,


Sid Tatton, 03-27-05, YSSY-NZAA, 94, BGAD007, C130 hercules,


Rick Connolly, March 27,2005, KBGR-CYUL, 63, BGAN015, Connie,


LYLE HASTY, 03-27-05, KMEM-KTPA, 230, BGAS017, DC-3,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/22/05, 74TE  KLNC, 30, BGAK030, DHC-3, FS Economy did nothing for me after reading 25 pages of instructions, do's and don't etc.


John Kolmos, 03/20/05, PAKT-PAKT, 80, BGAN-029, DC-3, PAKW


John Kolmos, 03/19/05, PAOH-PAJN, 35, BGAN-029, DC-3,


Brent Brazeel, 03-26-05, PABT - CYOC, 152, bgak001, DHC2, Long Flight from Bettles to Old Crow but nice weather this evening.  Got there just as the son was going down. 


Tom Easterday, 03/26/05, KRNO - O46, 126, BGAN043, DC3,


Tom Easterday, 03/26/05, KOAK - KBUR, 84, BGAN043, DC4,


Tom Easterday, 03/26/05, FAJS - FVBU, 156, BGAN043, DC3,


Tom Easterday, 03/22/05, FVHA - FALT, 139, BGAN043, DC3,


Tom Easterday, 03/21/05, LPLA - LEST, 247, BGAN043, DC4,


Allan Lowson, 03-27-05, YBPN-YBWN, 44, bgam007, Airspeed Ambassador, Touch & Go at Hamilton Island en-route. Perhaps next year we could have a sub-gaar field length option!


AP Hendrix, 03-26-05, KMEM - KPNS, 108, bgas047, DC-3,


AP Hendrix, 03-26-05, KHOU - KMEM, 132, bgas047, Convair 240,


Joe Weber, 03-26-05, KYNG-KLEX, 82, BGAN002, DC-6,


Joe Weber, 03-26-05, KORF-TXKF, 127, BGAN002, Connie,


Allan Lowson, 03-12-05, VECO-VQPR, 50, bgam007, BN Trislander, Pre-TMC10 Flight 6. Three engines Ron - not two, but this ship seems to have a CG problem in fs9 so back to the workshops for a while.


Allan Lowson, 03-12-05, MXA9-MXA9, 45, bgam007, Beech Twin Bonanza , Pre-TMC10 Flight 6 and return. Took a couple of laps of the bowl to get out.


Allan Lowson, 03-05-05, CAQ5-CZNL, 36, bgam007, DH-86, Pre-TMC10 Flight 4. Well the DH-86 is a small quad not a large twin Ron.


Allan Lowson, 03-05-05, 6AK-8KA, 28, bgam007, Aeronca K, Pre-TMC10 Flight 3. Only took an extra 10 min by ASH-25 after an aerotow to 5000' - don't suppose that counts without a take-off!


Allan Lowson, 03-05-05, 27W-6S9, 28, bgam007, Bellanca Scout, Pre-TMC10 Flight 2


Brent Brazeel, 03-26-05, PANC - PABT, 133, bgak001, R4D - DC3,


Brent Brazeel, 03-25-03, PAVD - PANC, 68, bgak001, DC-3,


Jim Urquhart, 03/26/05, PASY-RJAA, 342, BGAS041, L1049H,


LYLE HASTY, 03-26-05, KORD-KMEM, 187, BGAS017, DC-3,


Bill Hendrix, 03-25-05, 86LA-9LA9-AL81, 95, bgas046, C172, FS Economy flight


Bill Hendrix, 03-25-05, AL74-2AL6-86LA, 95, bgas046, C172, FS Economy flight


Bill Hendrix, 03-24-05, KNUN-KHYI, 155, bgas046, Beech 1900, Flight on FS Economy, night flight should have gotten a night bonus but I didn't, landed rwy 30


Bill Hendrix, 03-23-05, KPRN-GA49, 65, bgas046, Mooney Bravo, Via 4AL9, FSEconomy flight


Bill Hendrix, 03-23-05, 06A-NRQ, 60, bgas046, Mooney Bravo, FSEconomy flight


Joe Weber, 03-26-05, KYNG-KLEX, 82, BGAN002, DC-6,


Joe Weber, 03-26-05, KORF-TXKF, 127, BGAN002, Connie,


Allan Lowson, 03-12-05, VECO-VQPR, 50, bgam007, BN Trislander, Pre-TMC10 Flight 6. Three engines Ron - not two, but this ship seems to have a CG problem in fs9 so back to the workshops for a while.


Allan Lowson, 03-12-05, MXA9-MXA9, 45, bgam007, Beech Twin Bonanza , Pre-TMC10 Flight 6 and return. Took a couple of laps of the bowl to get out.


Allan Lowson, 03-05-05, CAQ5-CZNL, 36, bgam007, DH-86, Pre-TMC10 Flight 4. Well the DH-86 is a small quad not a large twin Ron.


Allan Lowson, 03-05-05, 6AK-8KA, 28, bgam007, Aeronca K, Pre-TMC10 Flight 3. Only took an extra 10 min by ASH-25 after an aerotow to 5000' - don't suppose that counts without a take-off!


Allan Lowson, 03-05-05, 27W-6S9, 28, bgam007, Bellanca Scout, Pre-TMC10 Flight 2


Brent Brazeel, 03-26-05, PANC - PABT, 133, bgak001, R4D - DC3,


Brent Brazeel, 03-25-03, PAVD - PANC, 68, bgak001, DC-3,


Jim Urquhart, 03/26/05, PASY-RJAA, 342, BGAS041, L1049H,


LYLE HASTY, 03-26-05, KORD-KMEM, 187, BGAS017, DC-3,


Bill Hendrix, 03-25-05, 86LA-9LA9-AL81, 95, bgas046, C172, FS Economy flight


Bill Hendrix, 03-25-05, AL74-2AL6-86LA, 95, bgas046, C172, FS Economy flight


Bill Hendrix, 03-24-05, KNUN-KHYI, 155, bgas046, Beech 1900, Flight on FS Economy, night flight should have gotten a night bonus but I didn't, landed rwy 30


Bill Hendrix, 03-23-05, KPRN-GA49, 65, bgas046, Mooney Bravo, Via 4AL9, FSEconomy flight


Bill Hendrix, 03-23-05, 06A-NRQ, 60, bgas046, Mooney Bravo, FSEconomy flight


Paul Mensch, 03-26-05, KSFO-KLAX, 70, BGAN047, AIRBUS A380-800, First flight with that large aircraft throttle problem on landing




Gary McCarty, 03-25-05, SBPK-SDMC, 323, bgas031, C-206,


Jim Urquhart, 03/25/05, PANC-PASY, 326, BGAS041, L1049H,


John Franco, 03-25-05, KNUW-KOLM, 45, BGAN011, PBY Catalina, just a relaxing short flight in a cool airplane


Ron Jorgensen, 03/21/05, NZCH NZHK, 102, BGAK030, DHC-2, 2nd Run at Hoki Challenge. took safest route, not the shortest route this time. <3,500'


Ron Jorgensen, 03/21/05, NZCH NZHK, 65, BGAK030, DHC-2, 1st Hoki Challenge (shortest route)


Rick Connolly, 03-25-05, KORF-TXKF , 159, BGAN015, Connie, Bluegrass Northern Flight P0036R Page 2-2 Date: 2005-03-24 Time: 04:12:00 Server: Free2  Flight Plan: 0426Z BGAN015 Connie IFR FL070 KORF.TXKF  Flight Time: 02h 39m Pilot Pay: $53.00  Airports: KORF, TXKF Landing Bonus: $20.00  S/P/R: 00h 00m Flight Total: $73.00 Pitch dark flight with no visability, Instruments to taxi exit situation, busy flight.




george leach, 03-24-05, KIAG-KJFK, 115, BGAN039, KING AIR,


george leach, 03-24-05, KJFK-KIAG, 110, BGAN039, KING AIR,


george leach, 03-23-05, KPHF-KJFK, 60, BGAN039, KING AIR,


george leach, 03-23-05, KJFK-KPHF, 93, BGAN039, KING AIR,


Leo Nascimento, 25-03-05, YCKN - YPAM, 180, Leo Nascimento, Rainbow Cheetah Ultralight


Leo Nascimento, 25-03-05, YCKN - YPAM, 180, Leo Nascimento, Rainbow Cheetah Ultralight,


Leo Nascimento, 03-25-05, YHID - YCKN, 98, Leo Nascimento, Lancair Legacy 2000,


Leo Nascimento, 03-25-05, AYPY - YHID, 160, bgam003, Stinson SR10,


Gary McCarty, 03-24-05, SAZH-SBPK, 238, bgas031, C-206,


Patrick Stewart, 03-23-05, gaar 221, 1483, bgas060, DC-3, Completed GAAR 2005


Jim Urquhart, 03/24/05, KAGC-KEWR, 110, BGAS041, DC3,


Jim Urquhart, 03/24/05, EDDI-LFPB, 122, BGAS041, DC4,


Rick Connolly, March 3, 2005, KJFK-KBGR, 71, BGAN015, 367-80 1954 DASH "80" , Date: 2005-03-22 Time: 13:32:06


Rick Connolly, March 24, 2005, KLEX-KORF, 122, BGAN015, Connie,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/21/05, KAVP KCXY, 36, BGAK030, C182RG, IFR Experience. Departed in a snow storm and never saw the ground until just before landing.


Tom McCoy, 3-23-05, KSAN - PHNL, 684, bgas057, L-749,


Ron Jorgensen, 3/21/05, KGBR KAVP, 60, BGAK030, C172SP, IFR Training. WX 3 miles in heavy snow with a slight cross wing. What fun.




Ron Jorgensen, 03/20/05, CAJ4 CYWL, 55, BGAK030, G-21`, F142 Landed on Williams Lake rather then the a/p.


Ron Jorgensen, 03/20/05, CYJC CAJ4, 44, BGAK030, PBY, F141 Landed on lake just outside a/p


Ron Jorgensen, 03/20/05, CYPR CAF2, 68, BGAK030, G-21, F140 Horrible (real) Wx


Gary McCarty, 03-23-05, SAWJ-SAZH, 318, bgas031, C-206, SAVT


Jim Urquhart, 03/23/05, EGCC-EHAM, 102, BGAS041, DC4,



Gary McCarty, 03-19-05, SCCL-SCCH, 246, bgas031, C-206, SCER


Jim Urquhart, 03/19/05, MKJP-SVMI, 237, BGAS041, DC4,


Tom Easterday, 03/18/05, KAMA - KSTL, 182, BGAN043, DC4,


Tom Easterday, 03/17/05, KPKB - KEVV, 142, BGAN043, DC4,


Tom Easterday, 03/15/05, KMEM - KDCA, 210, BGAN043, DC4,


Tom Easterday, 03/14/05, LBSF - LSZH, 154, BGAN043, BAE 146,


Tom Easterday, 03/14/05, KPHX - KGCN, 63, BGAN043, King Air 350,


Bill Hendrix, 03-19-05, 08A-4TA2, 172, bgas046, AC680S, 4 passengers from Tuskeegee, AL to Texas.


Michael Hubschman, 03-19-2005, CYXY-CYDA, 125, BGAK023, BGA Otter,


John Gilbert, 03-19-05, EGYP-SCGC, 130, bgad033, Beechcraft baron ,


John Gilbert, 03-19-05, SFAL-EGYP, 15, bgad033, Beechcraft baron ,


Bob Beckelhimer, 3-19-05, PWAK - PGUM, 362, bgan005, Boeing B314A, This is leg 4 of 5 on a Trans Pacific flight with a Clipper flying boat


Bob Beckelhimer, 3-19-05, PMDY - PWAK, 321, bgan005, Boeing B314A, This is leg 3 of 5 on a Trans Pacific flight with a Clipper flying boat


Jim Urquhart, 03/18/05, KMSY-MKJP, 411, BGAS041, DC4,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/17/05, KDFW  KADS, 12, BGAK030, DHC-2, Charter rich folks.


Paul Mensch, 03-18-05, CYVR-CYPS, 37, BGAN047, B25,


Gary McCarty, 03-18-05, SCAR-SCCL, 242, bgas031, C-206, SCFA


Ron Jorgensen, 03/17/05, PAGA  PATA, 47, BGAK030, DHC-3T, F132


Ron Jorgensen, 03/17/05,   PATA  PFYU, 90, BGASK030, DHC-2, F133


Jim Urquhart, 03/18/05, KMEM-KMSY, 108, BGAS041, DC4,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/16/05, BET  ANN, 47, BGAK030, DHC-3T, F130


Bob Beckelhimer, 03-17-05, NPS - PMDY, 300, bgan005, Boeing B314A, Water at Ford Island HI. to water at Midway. Second leg of Clipper flight to Manila. Will stop at all old stops.


Bob Beckelhimer, 03-17-05, NGZ - NPS, 597, bgan005, Boeing B314A, Water at Treasure Island CA to Water at Ford Island HI.  Learning how to fly 314A.  Bad when trying to taxi. Getting range and flight numbers.  First leg of Clipper flight to Manila.Will stop at all old stops


Jim Urquhart, 03/17/05, KMDW-KMEM, 145, BGAS041, DC4,


Bill Hendrix, 03-17-05, 4A7-4GE2-KFXE, 155, bgas046, AC680S, Rented plane at 4A7, flew to 4GE2 and picked up 4 passengers, then flew to KFXE for FSEconomy.


Ron Jorgensen, 03/16/05, PFYU  PACR, 19, BGAK030, DHC_3Turbo, F134


Paul Mensch, 03-17-05, YABA-YESP, 94, BGAN047, B25, Flight together with gaar327 and 329


Gary McCarty, 03-17-05, SPAY-SCAR, 219, bgas031, C-206, SPTE-SPIY


Jim Urquhart, 03/17/05, KCLE-KMDW, 103, BGAD041, DC4,


AP Hendrix, 03-16-05, PHTO - KOAK, 390, bgas047, DC-6B,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/15/05, K40  BET, 37, BGAK030, C208 Amph,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/15/05, PAGA    K40, 55, BGAK030, PBY,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/15/05, PARY  PAGA, 18, BGAK030, DHC-2,


Gary McCarty, 03-16-05, SBTT-SPAY, 290, bgas031, C-206, SPOT-SPON-SPCL


Jim Urquhart, 03/16/05, KPIT-KCLE, 231, BGAS041, DC4, Intermediate stop at KEWR


Tom McCoy, 01-15-05, KLEX - KBLF, 96, bgas057, Dash-7-100,  KBLF - Landed ILS 23 and taxied to gate 3.


John Franco, 03-15-05, KLEX-KTOL, 102, BGAN011, B-18, Flew on WCATC Toledo Approach session 3/15/05


John Franco, 03-15-05, KLEX-KTOL, 102, BGAN011, B-18, Flew on WCATC Toledo Approach session 3/15/05


Michael Dale, 03-16-05, YBTH-YSSY, 73, BGAD045, Douglas DC3, Poor Wx at SY, 2 missed approaches on the 25 VOR approach then when finally had field visual Wx had changed to a 90 degree left crosswind at 24 kts . . made it interesting


AP Hendrix, 03-15-05, PMDY - PHTO, 294, bgas047, DC-6B,


John Franco, 3-15-05, KJFK-KCHS, 196, BGAN011, DC-4, Stopped at KILG and KFFA for brief periods no fuel taken.


John Franco, 3-15-05, KJFK-KCHS, 196, BGAN011, DC-4, Stopped at KILG and KFFA for brief periods no fuel taken.


Ron Jorgensen, 03/14/05, PATA  PARY, 50, BGAK030, DHC-2,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/14/05, PFYU  PATA, 72, BGAK030, C208B,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/14/05, PAEA  PFYU, 48, BGAK030, C208B,


Bill Hendrix, 03-15-05, 6XS7-64TX, 105, bgas046, Cessna 172, rented plane at 6XS7, flew to 77TA and picked up medical supplies, then flew to 64TX. I made the mistake of renting a 172 with no A/P so I had to hand fly it all the way. Got it trimmed up ok but the wind kept blowing me off coarse so I had to keep correcting coarse. Still a lot of fun.


Gary McCarty, 03-15-05, SBMN-SBTT, 266, bgas031, C-206, SBTF


AP Hendrix, 03-15-05, RJBB - PMDY, 552, bgas047, DC-6B,


Ed Wells, 03-15-05, KELP-KDAL, 155, bgas004, Howard 500, Flight T03P (Texas/Mexico)






Bob Beckelhimer, 3/14/05, LPLA - GMMN, 266, bgan005, R5D (C-54), BERLIN AIRLIFT R5D AIRCRAFT DELIVERY FLIGHT LEG 11


Bob Beckelhimer, 3/14/05, LPLA - GMMN, 266, bgan005, R5D (C-54), BERLIN AIRLIFT R5D AIRCRAFT DELIVERY FLIGHT LEG 11


Bob Beckelhimer, 3/14/05, CYYJ - KBGR, 550, bgan005, Connie, BGA Flight P0107R Reversed.  There was no flight back or anyplace from CYYJ.  Had Tailwind.  Previous flight used Connie also. Mouse slipped


Bob Beckelhimer, 3/14/05, CYYJ - KBGR, 550, bgan005, Connie, BGA Flight P0107R Reversed.  There was no flight back or anyplace from CYYJ.  Had Tailwind.  Previous flight used Connie also. Mouse slipped


Bob Beckelhimer, 3/14/05, KBGR - CYYJ, 662, bgan005, CYJT - LPLA, BGA Flight P0107R


Bob Beckelhimer, 3/14/05, KBGR - CYYJ, 662, bgan005, CYJT - LPLA, BGA Flight P0107R


Ron Jorgensen, 03/13/05, KHAE  I^#, 35, BGAK030, P Cub, No water tower, no plane


Michael Dale, 03-15-05, YSSY-YBTH, 41, BGAD045, Douglas DC-3, smooth flight 0.2 IF


george leach, 03-14-05, KPHF-KJFK, 89, BGAN039, B737,


george leach, 03-14-05, KPHF-KJFK, 89, BGAN039, B737,


george leach, 03-14-05, KJFK-KPHF, 99, BGAN039, B737,


george leach, 03-14-05, KJFK-KPHF, 99, BGAN039, B737,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/13/05, HNS  EAA, 140, BGAK030, PBY,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/13/05, CYPR  HNS, 90, BGAK030, DHC-2,


Ron Jorgensen, 3/13/05, YWL  CYPR, 125, BGAK030, Goose G-21,


AP Hendrix, 03-11-05, RPLB - PJBB, 336, bgas047, DC-6B,


Gary McCarty, 03-14-05, SBMQ-SBMN, 281, bgas031, C-206, SBSN-SBIC This is a flight tracking the Amazon across South America. So far it is super.


Leo Nascimento, 03-14-05, AGGH - AGGN, 187, bgam003, Cosmos Bidulm Ultralight,


Leo Nascimento, 03-14-05, AGGT -AGGH, 110, bgam003, Autogyro Bushman,


Ed Wells, 03-14-05, MYBG-MYBC, 13, bgas004, Sikorsky S-43,


Ed Wells, 03-14-05, MYAM-MYNN, 45, bgas004, Sikorsky S-43,


Serdar Badoglu, 03-14-05, YSSY-YBBN, 165, BGAD039, DC-3,


Pat Daley, 03-13-05, PAVD-PAJN, 129, bgak029, Short Skyvan,


Tom McCoy, 3-12-05, KPIT - KPKB, 78, bgas057, DHC-6,  KPKB - Landed RW 3 and taxied to gate.


Bill Von Sennet, 03-13-05, khae-khae, 24, bgas001, DC-4, Search and rescue.


Tom McCoy, 3-11-05, KCMH - KCLT,  216, bgas057, Dash 8-311,  KPKB - Landed and taxied to gate 4. KBLF - Landed and taxied to gate 3. KCLT - Landed and taxied to gate G-10


Lyle Hasty, 03-13-05, ybbn-ybcs, 294, bgas017, DC-3,


Jim Urquhart, 03/13/05, KATL-KPIT, 215, BGAS041, DC4, Intermediate stop at KRDU


Joe Weber, 03-13-05, KLEX-KCLE, 101, BGAN002, Fokker F27, Stop At KCMH


Joe Weber, 03-13-05, KLEX-KCLE, 101, BGAN002, Fokker F27, Stop At KCMH


Ron Jorgensen, 03/13/05, KSEA  KPAE, 20, BGAK030, DC-3, 1st Time in a DC-3 (front seat)  Sure is BIG.


Gary McCarty, 03-13-05, SMZQ-SBMQ, 179, bgas031, C-206,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/13/05, PAJN  PAGY, 37, BGAK030, DHC-3 Float, December Adventure. 5Z1 (PAJN) to 7K2 (PAGY) Wx  30 BKN  60 OVC 5 -S  270/10  Flew at 1500' AGL


Bill Hendrix, 03-13-05, KGPT-3R2, 85, bgas046, Beech Baron 58, flew 4 passengers from Gulfport to 3R2 for FSEconomy.


george leach, 03-12-05, KSOF-PHNL, 310, BGAN039, B737,


george leach, 03-12-05, KSOF-PHNL, 310, BGAN039, B737,


Ed Burke, 03-13-05, KHAE local SAR, 372, bgad011, Luscombe 8, Finding Tom's Wreck.  I was too methodical.  I reckoned that the report of "south of the new water tower" was the sort of report that any pilot in extremus would give, fairly elastic.  So I did an 'on track search' extending off to each side and then I looked at the runway extensions at each end, etc.,etc., you know the drill.  So six hours later I found it.  Might have known with an engineer on the job!  Interesting exercise.


John Thorne, 03/13/05, YSSY-YBBN, 137, BGAD001, DC3,


Bill Hendrix, 03-12-05, KMVC-KTOI-MS90, 143, bgas046, DC-3, Rented a DC-3 at KMVC, flew to KTOI to pickup cargo, then flew to MS90 to deliver said cargo. All I did was lose money on that deal, after I paid for the plane and the fuel. Better stick to assignments that furnish the plane and the fuel.


Ron Jorgensen, 03/12/05, PASI   PAJN, 44, BGAK030, Twotter, PAJN is an 18 degree OFF-Set LDA nota standard ILS December Adventure # 4


Tom Burrill, 03-12-05, KCON-KEWR, 95, bgak033, DC3,


Jim Urquhart, 03/12/05, KMSY-KATL, 159, BGAS041, DC4,


Tom Easterday, 03/12/05, UHPP - PASY, 168, BGAN043, DC4, Back home on American soil on my "around the world in 80 flights" trip.


Tom Easterday, 03/12/05, KMRY - KLAX, 83, BGAN043, Bch 1900D,


Tom Easterday, 03/12/05, KGEG - KSEA, 75, BGAN043, Bch 1900D,


Tom Easterday, 03/12/05, KDEN - KALO, 180, BGAN043, DC4,


Joe Weber, 03-12-05, KDAL-KNEW, 95, BGAN002, Connie,


Joe Weber, 03-12-05, KDAL-KNEW, 95, BGAN002, Connie,


Joe Weber, 03-12-05, KPBX-KLEX, 75, BGAN002, D-18,


Joe Weber, 03-12-05, KPBX-KLEX, 75, BGAN002, D-18,


Joe Weber, 03-12-05, KLEX-KPBX, 75, BGAN002, D-18, Stops kjkl, k316,k522


Joe Weber, 03-12-05, KLEX-KPBX, 75, BGAN002, D-18, Stops kjkl, k316,k522


Tom Burrill, 03-10-05, KBOS to KCON, 35, bga033, DC3, Illegal IFR in a NEw England snow storm with ceiling under 300 ft. Stretched the runway and got in safely.


Bill Hendrix, 03-12-05, KBFM-AL73, 90, bgas046, Cessna Grand Caravan, Flew 4 passengers to AL73 from Brookley Field in Mobile for FSEconomy. Made $874.00.


LYLE HASTY, 03-11-05, EGLL-EGCC, 72, BGAS017, DC-3,


Mike Waller, 03-11-05, KSEA  PAKT, 128, bgak003, MD80, It was my first flight for Bluegrass Northern Div., albiet in an, the deal is I had to get there to pick up my cargo plane...a former United DC6-B, of which I should be more comfortable with! Looking forward to working with Bluegrass Northern Division. Next flight to PANC....


Mike Waller, 03-11-05, KSEA  PAKT, 128, bgak003, MD80, It was my first flight for Bluegrass Northern Div., albiet in an, the deal is I had to get there to pick up my cargo plane...a former United DC6-B, of which I should be more comfortable with! Looking forward to working with Bluegrass Northern Division. Next flight to PANC....


Ed Wells, 03-12-05, MYAT-MBGT, 157, bgas004, Howard 500,


Ed Wells, 03-11-05, CYYQ-CYYQ, 336, bgas004, DHC-2a Beaver, Never again, lol!! 5.5 hours of driving snow, zero visibility and nobody to talk to (CYYQ-CYBK-CYEK-CYYQ). . .I actually tried putting words to the VOR Ident, lol. Long haul Bush Flights are not my thing.


John Franco, 03-11-05, KERI-KLAN, 96, BGAN011, DHC6 Twin Otter, flew on West Coast ATC in the Lansing APP session. Made visual 28L


John Franco, 03-11-05, KERI-KLAN, 96, BGAN011, DHC6 Twin Otter, flew on West Coast ATC in the Lansing APP session. Made visual 28L


Joew Weber, 03-11-05, MYNN-KATL, 220, BGAN002, DC-4, Stop at KMIA, KJAX


Joew Weber, 03-11-05, MYNN-KATL, 220, BGAN002, DC-4, Stop at KMIA, KJAX


AP Hendrix, 03-11-05, AYNZ -  RPLB, 510, bgas047, DC-6B,


Gary McCarty, 03-11-05, TKPK-TGPY, 160, bgas031, C-206, TLPL


Ed Wells, 03-11-05, KFLL-MYAW, 43, bgas004, DC-3, CAR 139 Ft. Lauderdale to Walker Cay


Ed Wells, 03-11-05, KMIA-MYNN, 45, bgas004, DC-3, CAR141 Miami-Nassau


Jim Urquhart, 03/11/05, KBGR-CYQY, 150, BGAS041, DC3, Intermediate stop at CYYG


Ron Jorgensen, 03//11/05, PAPG   PASI, 48, BGAK030, DHC-6, December feature  Flight # 3 1st time in a Twotter in 3 years.  Not bad.


Ed Wells, 03-11-05, KTPA-KSAV, 81, bgas004, Lockheed Electra L-188, Flt. 807 of the Southeast Hub terminated.


John Franco, 03--10-05, LFPO-LFAA, 45, BGAN011, C208B, diverted to LFAA due to the fact that my sister hijacked me and forced me down. I originally wanted to head to Courchevel France(LFLJ)


Ron Jorgensen, 03/10/05, YSRN  YQNS, 15, BGAK030, B737, To see if I could really do it.  DID IT


Ed Wells, 03-10-05, KNEW-KTPA, 123, bgas004, Lockheed Electra L-188, Final leg will take me to KSAV, Savanna.


AP Hendrix, 03-10-05, YSSY - AYNZ, 402, bgas047, DC-6B,


Gary McCarty, 03-10-05, MBSY-TKPK, 265, bgas031, C-206, TJBQ


Ed Wells, 03-10-05, KHOU-KNEW, 81, bgas004, Lockheed Electra L-188, Intermediate stop for Flt. 807 (Southeast Hub), will continue on to Tampa and terminate at Savanna.


Jim Urquhart, 03/10/05, KMIA-MKJS, 126, BGAS041, CV240,


Adrian Hoogenbosch, 03-11-05, YGTE YPDN, 92, BGAD027, Douglas DC-4, Easy nightflight from Groote Eilandt (Gulf of Carpentaria) to Darwin.


Adrian Hoogenbosch, 03-10-05, PGUM RJAA, 302, BGAD027, Boeing-314 Dixie Clipper, Guam to Japan. This Clipper is a freeware job. In many ways it performed better than the pay-ware model with which I flew around the world.


Leo Nascimento, 03-10-05, AGGL - AGGT, 172, bgam003, Flightstar II SC Ultralight,


Leo Nascimento, 03-10-05, NVSE - AGGL, 118, bgam003, Lancair Legacy 2000,


Leo Nascimento, 03-10-05, NVVW - NVSE, 115, bgam003, Kolb FireStar Ultralight,


Adrian Hoogenbosch, 03-10=05, YCKN YKMB, 405, BGAD027, Howard-500, This flight in the Howard-500 a solid and delightful aircraft to fly. Chased cyclone Ingrid with Jeppeson weather. Got near the center and observed the changes of wind-direction and velocity. From Cooktown to Lizard Island to Coen and Weipa. Then southerly to Normanton and finishing up in Karumba. The Gulf of Carpentaria is a big expance of water. The whole flight was between 2500' and 4500'.


Jim Urquhart, 03/09/05, KSTL-KMDW, 71, BGAS041, CV240,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/08/05, PAKT  PAPG, 48, BGAK030, G-21 G00se, Glad to get back to down and dirty or in this case down and wet. December Fearure Flight #2


Ron Jorgensen, 03/08/05, KSEA  6WA5, 30, BGAK030, DHC-3, Something beside the GAAR


Gary McCarty, 03-09-05, X01-MBSY, 306, bgas031, C-206, MYAN-MYE2-MYX1


Bill Von Sennet, 03-09-05, kpit-kcid, 198, bgas001, DC-4,


Jim Urquhart, 03/08/05, KAMA-KBUR, 342, BGAS041, DC3, Intermediate stops at KABQ-KINW


Tom Easterday, 3/8/05, YPDN - YNGU, 129, BGAN043, DC-3,


Tom Easterday, 3/6/05, YSSY - YSSY, 28, BGAN043, DC-4,


Tom Easterday, 3/6/05, YSSY - YSWG, 128, BGAN043, DC-4,


Tom Easterday, 3/5/05, YSSY - YSSY, 104, BGAN043, DC-4,


Tom Easterday, 3/4/05, KDEN - KTEX, 84, BGAN043, King Air 350,


John Franco, 03-08-05, KPSF-KLGA, 84, BGAN011, DC3, nasty weather the whole route, today a cold front came through going from heavy downpours to blinding snow in just a few minutes. I was in the snow the whole time.


Bill Von Sennet, 03-08-05, yswg-yssy, 144, bgas001, DC-4, Training Flight


Gary McCarty, 03-08-05, 1N9-X01, 270, bgas031, C-421, KSGT


rON jORGENSEN, 03/08/05, DGTK   DIAO, 40, BGAK030, G-21, Charter Flight


Jim Urquhart, 03/07/05, KMKC-KAMA, 200, BGAS041, DC3, Intermediate stop at KICT


AP Hendrix, 03-07-05, NZAA - YSSY, 312, bgas047, DC-6B,


John Franco, 03-07-05, 59B-ME37, 40, BGAN011, B314 Clipper, wanted to test out the Clipper so I just substituted ME37 for KBGR. But holy smokes I ran into a blinding blizzard near touchdown


Gary McCarty, 03-07-05, CYYT-1N9, 323, bgas031, C-421, KBGR


Bill Von Sennet, 03-07-05, yssy-yswg, 89, bgas001, DC-4, Training Flight


Leo Nascimento, 03-07-05, NWWE - NVVW, 150, bgam003, Experimental Microlight,


Leo Nascimento, 03-07-05, YSNF - NWWE, 110, bgam003, Lancair Legacy 2000,


Leo Nascimento, 03-07-05, NZKT - YSNF, 124, bgam003, Lancair Legacy 2000,


Leo Nascimento, 03-07-05, NZAP - NZKT, 213, bgam003, Evans VP-1 Ultralight,


Ron Jorgensen, 03/06/05, K00   K00, 30, BGAK030, Tiger Moth, Touch - N - Go's


John Thorne, 03/06/05, YMML-YPPH, 435, BGAD001, DC6,


Jim Urquhart, 03/06/05, KSTL-KMKC, 94, BGAS041, DC3,


Jim Urquhart, 03/06/05, KCMH-KSTL, 196, BGAS041, DC3, Intermediate stops at KDAY-KIND


Bill Von Sennet, 03-06-05, yssy-yssy, 90, bgas001, DC-4, Training flight


Coleman Green, 03-06-05, KBOS-KORF, 115, bgak011, Convair CV240,


Lyle Hasty, 03-06-05, KDTW-KDFW, 237,  bgas017, L1049A  Connie,


Bill Hendrix, 03-06-05, KLUF-KCBM, 168, bgas046, T-33A, real wx, long flight in a T-Bird, landed rwy 13C.


George Leach, 03-06-05, LOWS-LOWZ-EDMO, 98, BGAN039, MOONEY, WC ATC


Joe Weber, 03-06-05, KLEX-KMDW, 145, BGAN002, Convair 340, Stop At KIND


Charles Wert, 03-06-05, KGGG-KACT, 32, bgas039, DC-4,


Gary McCarty, 03-06-05, LPFL-CYYT, 322, bgas031, C-421,


Ed Wells, 03-06-05, KMFE-KHOU, 73, bgas004, Lockheed Electra L-188, First leg of flight 807, terminating in Savanna, Ga.


Don Hulick, 03-05-05, TFFR-TDCF, 75, BGAN033, Beech B18G, Continuing my trip through the Islands. TFFR(La Riazet) - TFFB (Guadalope) - LSAN(Les Saintes) - TFFM(Marie Galante) - TDPD(Melville Intl, Dominica) - -TDCF(Canefield Intl, Dominica)


Lyle Hasty, 03-05-05, WSSS-VTSP, 230, bgas017, DC-3,


Lyle Hasty, 03-05-05, VHHH-WSSS, 247, bgas017, 1049A constellation,


John Franco, 03-05-04, KLEX-KORD, 105, BGAN011, L049A Constellation, farm equipment delivery complete, Indy Apt wanted some tractors so we loaded them off then proceeded to KORD, flew with MP


Joe Weber, 03-05-05, MYNN-KATL, 368, BGAN002, Martin 4-0-4, Stops KMIA-KFMY-KSRQ-KTPA-KPNS


Ed Wells, 03-05-05, KCHS-TXKF, 138, bgas004, Antonov AN-26,


Ed Wells, 03-05-05, KCLT-KCHS, 65, bgas004, Lockheed Electra L-10A, Final stop prior to the long haul to Bermuda. Will take crew rest in Charleston and head for TXKF in the AM


Bill Odell, 03-05-05, EGWU - EGAA, 84, BGAK004, DC-4,


Gary McCarty, 03-05-05, LPCS-LPFL, 317, bgas031, C-421,


Bill Hendrix, 03-03-05, KCHS-KPIT, 110, bgas046, 727, real wx, wcatc, landed rwy 32


Ed Wells, 03-02-05, KMIA-MYAT, 77, bgas004, DC-3_Twin Otter,


Ed Wells, 03-03-05, KMIA-MYBS, 41, bgas004, DC-3,


Bill Odell, 03-03-05, EGWU - EGWU, 86, BGAK004, DC-3, Round trip to EGCC.


george leach, 03-03-05, lfrk-egdl, 79, BGAN039, dc3, WCATC


Gary McCarty, 03-03-05, LEAL-EGYM, 300, bgas031, C-210M, LEAP


Jeffrey Lacy, 03-03-05, KTIW-PHLI, 465, bgak063, Lockheed L-188 Electra, Barely made it across the ocean to the Hawaiian Islands!


Lyle Hasty, 03-02-05, KDTW-KAVL, 108, bgas017, L1049A  Constellation,


Pat Daley, 03-03-05, PANT-PANT, 74, bgak029, Lake Renegade, to misty fjords. stops at HBL & BWW.


Tom Easterday, 2/28/04, LSGS - LFPO, 138, BGAN043, DC3,


Tom Easterday, 3/2/04, LFPO - UHPP, 315, BGAN043, DC3,


Tom Easterday, 3/3/04, KHLN - KGCC, 126, BGAN043, DC3,


Bob Welch, 03-03-05, 68a-kbe, 35, bgak060, dhc2/float,


Bob Welch, 03-02-05, z43-4z7, 39, bgak060, dc3/float,


Bill Odell, 03-04-05, EGWU - EGWU, 53, BGAK004, DC-3, Round trip EGBB


Jim Urquhart, 03/04/05, KDAL-KLIT, 74, BGAS041, CV240,


Bill Odell, 03-04-05, EGPF - EGPF, 72, BGAK004, DC-3, Roundtrip EGPU


george leach, 03-04-05, LFSR-SDDL, 82, BGAN039, DC3, WC  ATC


Gary McCarty, 03-04-05, EGYM-LPCS, 264, bgas031, C-421,


Bill Odell, 03-04-05, EGPU - EGPL, 34, BGAK004, DC-3,


Bill Odell, 03-04-05, EGPL - EGPO, 20, BGAK004, DC-3,


Bill Odell, 03-04-05, EGPO - EGPE, 31, BGAK004, DC-3,


John Franco, 03-04-05, KMVY-KLGA, 142, BGAN011, DHC-6-300, Flew to KACK as instructed via Route at 1000 ft, and did a touch and go at KACK then preceeded to KLGA via CCC and DPK VOR's at 4500 making a visual to runway 31.


Jim Urquhart, 03/04/05, KEWR-19N, 36, BGAS041, DC3,


Ed Wells, 03-04-05, KMIA-MYGW, 41, bgas004, DC-3,


Ed Wells, 03-04-05, KDAL-KNEW, 120, bgas004, L049 Connie, First leg of flight 801 with final destination TXKF (SouthEast Hub)


Lyle, Hasty, KAVL-KAYS, 114, bgas017, DC-3,


Jim Urquhart, 03/05/05, 19N-KCMH, 165, BGAS041, DC3, Intermediate stop at KAGC


Coleman Green, 03-05-05, KPWM-KBOS, 40, bgak011, Convair CV240,


Ed Wells, 03-05-05, KNEW-KBHM, 73, bgas004, Howard 500, This is the second leg of Flt. 801 originating at KDAL and terminating at TXKF


Bill Odell, 03-05-05, EGPE - EGPO, 29, BGAK004, DC-3,


Bill Odell, 03-05-05, EGPO - EGPL, 20, BGAK004, DC-3,


Bill Odell, 03-05-05, EGPL - EGPU, 33, BGAK004, DC-3,


Bill Odell, 03-05-05, EGPU - EGPF, 33, BGAK004, DC-3,


george leach, 03-02-05, KBOI-KSFO, 95, BGAN039, B737, W.C.ATC


John Franco, 03-02-05, 52B-KHFD, 120, BGAN011, Cessna 208 Amphibian, First flight with Bluegrass. Flew with real time into a beautiful sunset real WX.


Gary McCarty, 03-02-05, EGYM-LEAL, 274, bgas031, C-210M,


Ed Wells, 03-02-05, KFLL - MYGW, 45, bgas004, DC-3,


Jim Urquhart, 03/02/05, KDCA-KBOS, 120, BGAS041, CV240, Intermediate stop at KEWR


george leach, 03-02-05, LGRX-LIBC, 95, BGAN039, DC3, WC ATC SHUTDOWN AFTER 134 MN INTO FLIGHT


Tom McCoy, 03-01-05, KSEA - KLEX, 372, bgas057, L-749, KLEX - Landed and taxied to gate


Bob Beckelhimer, 03-02-05, CYJT - LPLA, 365, Bob Beckelhimer, R5D (C-54), Leg 10 of 12 for the Berlin Airlift R5D delivery flights for the Navy


Bill Odell, 3-01-05, EGKK - LFMN, 123, BGAK004, DC-4,


Gary McCarty, 03-01-05, EGIP-EGYM, 306, bgas031, C-177RG, EGHI-EGPK


george leach, 03-01-05, kden-katl, 125, BGAN039, f-18, w.c.atc


Jim Urquhart, 03/01/05, KMDW-KMKC, 147, BGAS041, DC3,


george leach, 03-01-05, LGTS-LGRX, 68, BGAN039, S3A, WC ATC


Bill Odell, 03-01-05, EGPF - EGWU, 98, BGAK004, DC-3,


Bill Odell, 03-01-05, EGWU -EGPF, 102, BGAK004, DC-3,


Pat Daley, 02-28-05, PANT-PANT, 58, bgak029, Lake Renegade, Flew to the misty fjords


Smithy, 03 / 01 / 05, PKMJ - NGTA, 229, bgad032, Fokker VIIb/3m,


John Thorne, 03/01/05, YMML-YSSY, 142, BGAD001, DC3,


Gary McCarty, 02-28-05, EINN-EGTP, 316, bgas031, C-177RG, UK10