Bluegrass Airlines

Flight Reports with Comments

April 2006



Newest reports on top.



Bob Beckelhimer, 04-30-06, PAEI-BGTL, 332, BGAN005, B-36, I LOVE FLYING THIS BIG MONSTER












Bob Beckelhimer, 04-30-06, ULLI-VVWW, 175, BGAN005, IL-14 BGA, SEPT FOTM


Bob Beckelhimer, 04-30-06, CYVR-KBGR, 510, BGAN005, BOEING B377, P0106 RETURN TO KBGR


Bob Beckelhimer, 04-30-06, KBGR-CYVR, 525, BGAN005, BOEING B377, P0106


Bob Beckelhimer, 04-30-06, KBOS-KBGR, 45, BGAN005, IL-14 BGA, P0051M


Bob Beckelhimer, 04-30-06, KLEX-KMYR, 110, BGAN005, IL-14 BGA, P0039S


Bill Hendrix, 04-30-06, KATL-KMIA, 100, bgas046, 737-200, FL270, landed ILS rwy 9R.


Ron Jorgensen, 04/30/06, KHAI  KAZO, 07, BGAK030, Scottish Pioneer, Pre Barmstorming


Ron Jorgensen, 04/30/06, KHAI  KAZO, 12, BGAK030, DH-82, Pre Barnstorming


Joe Weber, 04-30-06, KLOU-KMDW, 155, BGAN002, DC-3, Stop at KIND.  Rain all the way from Inday to Chi-town


Allan Lowson, 06-04-30, KBJI-KSTC, 54, bgam007, Spartan Executive, First leg of Mississippi Fling. Now I've figured out the missing letter I'm on my way. The Da Vinci Code's got nothing on Tom.


Allan Lowson, 06-04-29, KHSV-SBGL, 548, bgam007, VC10, First leg of World Tour. Just getting the hang of the climb-out - and the descent. The cruise I can just about figure out.


Allan Lowson, 06-04-27, LOWZ-LOIJ, 21, bgam007, Waco ATO, TM16 Leg 12. Still playing with the paint pots on this one.


Allan Lowson, 06-04-25, LSMM-LSMA, 14, bgam007, Stampe SV4, TM16 Leg 7


Allan Lowson, 06-04-23, EGPK-EGPK, 110, bgam007, Dragon Rapide, Day trip Prestwick to Ronaldsway EGNS


Allan Lowson, 06-04-21, EGLL-EGLC, 25, bgam007, Airspeed Ambassador, BEA Elizabeathen Class Ambassador Heathrow to London City. Happy 80th. Birthday Madge. (QEII for residents of the colonies)


Allan Lowson, 06-04-06, LSMJ-LSTS, 31, bgam007, Tiger Moth, TM16 Leg 6.


Allan Lowson, 06-04-03, LSPV-LSMU, 26, bgam007, Hawker Cygnet, TM16 Leg 3. About the only TM this bird can putter round. Lovely scenery all the same.


Allan Lowson, 06-04-03, LSGS-LSAZ, 21, bgam007, Buecker Jungmann, TM16 Leg 2, not doing these in any particular order, but they will all be biplanes. 


David R. Evans, 04-30-06, PADQ - KSEA, 484, bgak015, DC-4, left PADQ ramp @ 5:30am with full load of fuel and fish,RW25 bearly cleared mountain at end of RW.3 hours out of KSEA #4 rpm showed +300rpm differance,tried adjusting with pitch@Mp,told Vancover of problem.landed at KSEA@parked at 2:26pm.Ground inspection showed some leakage around blade seal.will send repair bill.


David R. Evans, 04-30-06, PADQ - KSEA, 484, bgak015, DC-4, left PADQ ramp @ 5:30am with full load of fuel and fish,RW25 bearly cleared mountain at end of RW.3 hours out of KSEA #4 rpm showed +300rpm differance,tried adjusting with pitch@Mp,told Vancover of problem.landed at KSEA@parked at 2:26pm.Ground inspection showed some leakage around blade seal.will send repair bill.


Henrique G. Wiederspahn, 04-29-06, KBHM-KCLT, 102, bgas003, L1049G, Flight 801, leg 3


John Franco, 04/30/06, KBFM-54J, 54, BGAN011, DH104, I am hooked on this plane. Pilot error on landing caused a nosegear collapse but Im ok.


David R. Evans, 04-29-06, KFLL- MYAW, 80, bgak015, Dhc3, dispatcher just got a charter flight, 6 fiherman for MYAW departed 18:30 30mi out of WestEnd Ndb had heavy rain vis,5mi broke out about 10mi from Walker Kay,the sun was down and no lights on fhe field.looked on the chart headed west a few minutes then back to the Ndb on RW heading,crossing Ndb flew 30sec. made hard 180 landed in only open area and hit the runway.Hope the Fishermans luck is as good as mine.


Michael Dale, 04-30-06, PASW-PAMH, 59, BGAD045, DHC-3 Otter, Toughman Challenge One Leg 4 on realWX


Meryl D Coon, 04-29-06, 0A9-KMKJ, 55, BGAN038, Schleicher ASW 15B, Soaring-Elizabethton, TN to Mt Empire, VA Used Francisco Vargas Appalachan Soaring Scenery


Bill Hendrix, 04-29-06, KATL-KLGA-KATL, 240, bgas046, A320, round trip to New York from Atlanta.


Bill Von Sennet, 04-29-06, 1m1-kdal, 122, bgas001, DC-3, 192 gal N Little Rock to Dallas Love.  Near miss with AI Stinson at 6500' enroute.


Bill Von Sennet, 04-29-06, kawm-1m1, 53, bgas001, DC-3, 82 gal West Memphis to N. Little Rock


Sid Tatton, 04-29-06, KDEN-KLAX, 130, BGAD007, 767-300ER, kden-klax atc provided by west coast


Michael Dale, 04-29-06, PASX-PASW, 51, BGAD045, DHC-3 Otter, Toughman Challenge 1 Leg 3


Michael Dale, 04-29-06, PAIL-PASX, 53, BGAD045, DHC-3 Otter, Toughman Challenge 1 Leg 2


Michael Dale, 04-29-06, PAPH-PAIL, 110, BGAD045, DHC-3 Otter, Toughman Challenge 1 Leg 1


Michael Dale, 04-29-06, YSSY-YBTH, 52, BGAD045, Douglas DC-3, D523 lots of cloud early using realWX


Michael Dale, 04-29-06, YBTH-YSSY, 53, BGAD045, Douglas DC-3, Real WX, Overcast, 25 VOR with into SY with MAP and reversal to land Rwy 07


Jim Urquhart, 04-28-06, XDEN-KABQ, 192, BGAS041, DC3, via KALS-KFMN


rON jORGENSEN, 04/27/06, PAMR  PAMR, 80, BGAK030, DHC-2, PAMR - AK44 - PASW - PAMR


Tom Burrill, 04-27-06, FADN-FAJS, 119, bgak033, DC3, Good on line flight in South Africa on Vatsim. The controllers there are great and you can sign up ahead to be sure a controller is on duty for you.  Good free scenery also available,


Joe Weber, 04-27-06, KILM-KORF, 63, BGAN002, DC-4,  Moderate ceiling at takeoff, clear at Norfolk


John Franco, 04-27-06, KPVD-KHVN, 47, BGAN011, Piper Cherokee ,


Jim Urquhart, 04-27-06, KPHX-KELP, 111, BGAS041, DC3, via KSAD


AP Hendrix, 04-26-06, KMEM - KBFM, 98, bgas047, Douglas DC-4,


John Franco, 04-26-06, KBFL-MMTJ, 53, BGAN011, DC9, I sent a screenshot for the 1st Time during this flight. If it makes it to the cut, the pic is an Aeromexico DC9


Bill Hendrix, 04-26-06, KATL-KROA, 85, bgas046, EMB-120, early morning flight.


Jim Urquhart, 0-25-06, KBIL-KSDY, 88, BGAS041, DC3, via KMLS


Don Hulick, 04-25-06, PAJC-PADU, 114, bgan033, Grumman HU-16,


Bill Von Sennet, 04-25-06, kjwn-kawm, 86, bgas001, DC-3, 134 gal  Nashville to Memphis


Tom Burrill, 04-25-06, KBOS-KBTV, 103, bgak033, DC3, Good instrument flight from Boston to Burlington with an ILS arrival in Instrument conditions. Low ceiling and heavy rain poor visibility. Followed by a good landing.


Paul van den Berg, 04-23-06, KVOX-MUOC, 74, bgak036, Grumman Goose, Morning patrol with another Goose. (See screenies)   Practised close formation flying.


Joe Weber, 04-24-06, KTPA-KMIA, 59, BGAN002, DC-6B, Flt P0085R  - Pleasant Evening


Jim Urquhart, 04-24-06, KSLC-KGJT, 105, BGAS041, DC3, via KPUC


DON MOORE , 04-22-06, VNLK-VARP, 25, BGAD042, CESSNA 172, A very interesting flight in the Nepalese/ Indian mountains, takeoff being achieved by running off the cliff top at the end of the runway overrun!!.   Its very hard to accelerate at this airfield


DON MOORE, 04-22-06, YMHB-YMML, 72, BGAD042, B737-300, Good trip with an ILS onto Rwy 16


DON MOORE, 04-20-06, YLHI-YSNF, 128, BGAD042, DHC 8-400, Good flight but messy arrival and touch down


DON MOORE, 04-18-06, YBBN-YAMB, 34, BGAD042, CESSNA  152, Uncompleted due to time constraint


DON MOORE, 04-14-06, KAVK-KSAN, 43, BGAD042, DHC-8-400, Once again flight not completed due to time constraint


DON MOORE, 04-13-06, YHML-YMEN, 95, BGAD042, FOKKER  VII a, Aircraft and flight route original ANSETT service of the nineteen thirties .   AUSTRALIA.


DON MOORE, 04-12-06, LFLC-LFPM, 9, BGAD042, KINGAIR 350, Unable to complete flight due to time constraint


Jim Urquhart, 04-23-06, KRWL-KVEL, 69, BGAS041, DC3, via KRKS


Tom McCoy, 04-20-06, KSEA - KSFO , 130, bgas057, 737-800, KSFO - Landed ILS28R and taxied to gate. IFR FL210 KSEA.SEA.LMT.RBL.OAK.KSFO Flew High Altitude Airways Flew on West Coast ATC


Tom McCoy, 04-17-06, OPRN - ODEF, 253, bgas057, MD-11, ODEF - Landed ILS 30 and taxied to gate Used Flight Sim Navigator Flew on West Coast ATC


Tom McCoy, 04-16-06, KSEA - KLAX, 146, bgas057, A330-300, KLAX - Landed ILS 7L and taxied to gate. IFR FL250 KSEA.SEA.SUMMA.POWEL.LKV.HARTT. PYRAM.FMG.GENNE.FRA.REBRG.DERBB.REYES.FIM. LAX.KLAX Dist: 843.3 Fuel Used: 33,841.5#


Tom McCoy, 04-14-06, VNKT - OPRN, 210, bgas057, MD-11, OPRN - Landed ILS30 and taxied to gate Used Flight Sim Navigator IFR FL200 Flew on West Coast ATC


Tom McCoy, 04-11-06, VVNB - VNKT, 252, bgas057, MD-11, IFR FL280 VVNB.NOB.MC.LAPON.LPB.AKASG.OROGA.           MDY.LEGAB.70MDY.APAGO.AVDAX.CTG.           ONEKA.DAC75.OLPAS.BATER.RAJ.REDAP.           KH.BRT.CHURC.AHALE.KTM.BHP.JULIT.           THARA.DNG.VNKT VNKT - Landed ILS26 and taxied to gate Total Fuel: 72,875.4lbs.


Tom McCoy, 04-09-06, KSEA -KSEA, 156, bgas057, MD-11, KSFO - Landed ILS 28R and taxied to gate KSEA - Landed ILS 34R and taxied to gate Flight Sim Navigator Flew on West Coats ATC


Tom McCoy, 04-02-06, KSLC - KSEA, 192, bgas057, MD-11, KSLC - KSEA IFR FL220 KSLC.TWF.BOI.BKE.PDT.CHINS5.KEAS Landed ILS 34R and taxied to gate. Flew on West Coast ATC


John Lawler, 04-23-06, YPDN-WSSS, 537, bgad017, DC-4, Light tail winds all the way. <g>


John Lawler, 04-23-06, YSSY-YPDN, 517, bgad017, DC-4, It's nice to be back!


David R. Evans, 04 - 23 - 06, KFLL - MYGW, 54, bgak015, Dhc-3, left Alaska to visit my dad in Fla.and decided to drop in on the ft.lauderdale airport, and there was a BGA otter in need of a pilot, the regular got some bad sea food at a local buffet! Picked up the passangers , strange-no seal skins,sled dogs,oil drums,just tan faces in shorts and short sleeve shirts,how due these pilots stand it... flight was uneventful- no ice-no ground fog-no mountain to hit,enjoyed by pilot and passengers.


Sid Tatton, 04-23-06, RCSS-VHHH, 100, BGAD007, 767-300ER, FLOWN ON MP USING VATSIM


Sid Tatton, 04-23-06, VHHH-RPLL, 90, BGAD007, 767-300ER, FLOWN ON MP USING VATSIM


Brent Brazeel, 04-23-06, PASI - PAVD, 126, bgak001, DC-4, Record time for me to PAVD.


Joe Weber, 04-22-06, KAGC-KLGA, 97, BGAN002, Convair CV-440, New York approach drove me south of MCGuire AFB fo an approach to LaGuardia - out of range for the localizer.


Brent Brazeel, 04-22-06, YSSY - YSSY, 55, bgak001, DC-4, Buzzed the Sydney Opera House and flew under the harbor bridge. Needless to say I got into just a wee bit of trouble. g'day


Henrique G. Wiederspahn, 04-21-06, KNEW-KBHM, 114, bgas003, L1049G, Flight 801, Leg 2


Henrique G. Wiederspahn, 04-17-06, KDAL-KNEW, 117, bgas003, L1049, Flight 801, 1st leg


AP Hendrix, 04-21-06, KTYR - KMEM, 126, bgas047, Douglas DC-4, IFR


Brent Brazeel, 04-21-06, KBNA - KTYS, 60, bgak001, DC-3, Flying Civil Air Routes


Brent Brazeel, 04-21-06, KMEM - KBNA, 80, bgak001, DC-3, Flying Civil Air Routes


Geoff Boardman, 04-21-06, YMIA-YPAD, 56, bgad047, Aero commander 680, Thats a long way round Australia!


Don Hulick, 04-21-06, PASI-PAWD, 174, bgan033, Grumman HU-16, Sitka to Seward Alaska. Leg 3 of my round the world trip.


Don Hulick, 04-20-06, CYPR-PASD, 96, bgan033, Grumman HU-16, Prince Rupert, Canada, to Seward Alaska. Leg 2 of my round the world trip.


Bill Hendrix, 04-20-06, KATL-KPNS, 70, bgas046, Dash 8, flew at FL180, using Silver Cloud nice day wx, made it look so real at altitude, see screenshot.


Jim Urquhart, 04-19-06, KMDW-KATL, 202, BGAS041, DC3, via KBNA


rON jORGENSEN, 04/18/06, PAOM  PAFA, 290, BGAK030, DHC-2, PAOM 4Z2 PAFM PAFA


Paul van den Berg, 04-17-06, LFSB-LSZH, 36, bgak036, Piper Dakota, Took a flight to Zurich in this lovely GA airplane. Cruised at 4000'. Was curious if both Classic Air Dakota's HB-ISB and -ISC were still based there, so I took a looooong taxi ride across the field to the GA ramp and ... YES !! Neatly parked next to each other but it was clear that they have not flown for a while...  (see screenshot)


Paul van den Berg, 04-09-06, GCXO-GCGM, 54, bgak036, B737-700, Tenerife (North) to La Gomera. Landing at GCGM is like on an aircraft carrier: lost of water close by and short runway!


Paul van den Berg, 04-09-06, GCLA-GCXO, 26, bgak036, B737-700, La Palma-Tenerife (North) is just a small hop, but pretty scenic!


Henrique G. Wiederspahn, 04-17-06, KDAL-KNEW, 117, bgas003, L1049G, Flight 801, leg 1


Bill Hendrix, 04-17-06, KATL-KDTW-KATL, 205, bgas046, CRJ-200LR, Day flight to Detroit and night flight back to Atlanta.


Joe Weber, 04-17-06, KFLL-KFLL, 199, BGAN002, DC-3, Stops at MYGW, MYHT and MYNN  Low Stratus in the Bahamas (1000' AGL)


Bill Von Sennet, 04-17-06, kdkx-kjwn, 69, bgas001, DC-3, 115 gal  6500' cruise  High tension tower on final to RW 1 at Tune!


Jim Urquhart, 04-17-06, KMIA-KATL, 283, BGAS041, DC3, via KJAX


Bill Von Sennet, 04-17-06, kdca-ktri, 134, bgas001, DC-3, American Airlines 1939 schedule  220 gal  gate times 210pm - 433pm  31kt winds


Ed Burke, 04-17-06, KFYV - KBJI, 389, bgad011, C182s, Fayettville to Bemidji with plenty of winds, not all of them kind.  Snow all over the place.


Paul Mensch, 04-16-06, EHAM-KJFK, 673, BGAN047, DC7, Long flight in FSpassengers to make money for purchasing the TU114


Ron Jorgensen, 04/15/06, KBFI  KPDX, 77, BGAK030, DHC-3, KBFI 21W 55S KPDX

Don Hulick, 04-15-06, W36-CYPR, 156, bgan033, Grumman HU-16, Will Rogers/Wiley Post (Seattle) to Prince Rupert, Canada. First leg of a Round the World trip


Scott Anderson, 04-15-06, STL-MAY (see comments), 197, BGAM006, DH-4B, Inaugural flight of C.A.M No. 2. Departed Lambert Field (STL), St. Louis, MO @4:30pm CDT- dropped off and picked up mail at Conkling Field (SPI), Springfield, ILL and Peoria Airport (PIA), Peoria, ILL. Arrived Maywood Air Mail Field (MAY), Maywood (Chicago), ILL at 8:03pm CDT.


Bill Von Sennet, 04-15-06, 3my-kmdw, 71, bgas001, DH-4B, 28 gal  80th anniversary flight of CAM-2


Bill Von Sennet, 04-15-06, kspi-3my, 40, bgas001, DH-4B, 22 gal  80th anniversary flight of CAM-2


Bill Von Sennet, 04-15-06, kstl-kspi, 52, bgas001, DH-4B, 23 gal  80th anniversary flight of CAM-2


Ron Jorgensen, 04/15/06, PACD   PAKN, 140, BGAK030, G-21, PACD KCG 9A8 PAKN


Jim Urquhart, 04-15-06, KMKC-KMPS, 154, BGAS041, DC3rr, via KOMA


David R. Evans, 04-15-06, PABT-PAKD-PABT, 118, bgak015, Gruman Goose,  Lost use of Adf. on way to the pass,landed picked up the explorers and climbed out till i could find a pass that would let me turn towards 268Hdg. opened into another valley,and after 15min. came to the lake they mention good approuch from north or south, landed taxi up onto a cravel bar that juts out at one end and camped for the night. left at day break piked up PABT vor and followed it home.


John Franco, 04-15-06, PANC-SLLP, 801, BGAN011, A380, 13 hours and 21 minutes. I didnt oversleep this time.


Ron Jorgensen, 04/15/06, PMDY  PMDY, 39, BGAK030, C208 Amphib., PMDY  HI99  PMDY


Bill Agee, 04-14-06, KTTD-KSEA, 44, bgas006, DHC-3 OTTOR, Fuel 242 lbs.


Ron Jorgensen, 04/14/06, PAMR  PAMR, 155, BGAK030, AC500, PAMR HRR AK80 PAMR


Jim Urquhart, 04-14-06, KMEM-KMKC, 150, BGAS041, DC3rr, via KSGF


John Franco, 04-13-06, KMYF-KMYF, 21, BGAN011, Curtiss Jenny, I wanted to head eastward but the shaking prompted me to land back at montgomery field.


Paul Mensch, 04-13-06, LTBA-LBSF, 90, BGAN047, TU 114, Leg 19 of IVAO world tour IFR 2006


Paul Roth, 04-12-06, KLEX-I53, 181, BGAN016, DC-3, 18I-44I-KTZV-KEKQ-KSME-K24-196


Ron Jorgensen, 05/10/06, PAMR  PAMR, 85, BGAK030, C337, PAMR PASW 5AK0 PAMR


Bill Agee, 04-12-06, KTTD-KSEA, 46, bgas006, Spartan  7W, Fuel 80 lbs.  Nice flying plane Quick.


Bill Von Sennet, 04-12-06, ktri-kdkx, 38, bgas001, DC-3, 62 gal  Bristol-Knoxville Downtown American Airlines Flt 8 1939


John Franco, 04-11-06, KADW-KADW, 15, BGAN011, B47, this plane must be realistic because it handles like c***


Bill Von Sennet, 04-11-06, 5ll5-kmdw, 76, bgas001, DH-4B, 36.66 gal   Had 9.14 gals left on arrival in Chicago.  Trip from St Louis via Springfield and Peoria

used a total of 79.86 gal.  Departed at 4pm  Springfield at 4:45  Peoria at 5:34  ar Chicago at 6:50 pm Only spent 3-4 minutes loading mail at each stop. When

C.A. Lindberg flew this route on April 15 1926 he spent a little longer at each stop getting his picture taken etc.


Bill Von Sennet, 04-11-06, il97-5ll5, 45, bgas001, DH-4B, 21.46 gal   Had a very hard time seeing the airport (5ll5)


Bill Von Sennet, 04-11-06, kstl-il97, 42, bgas001, DH-4B, 20.74 gal   Had a hard time seeing the airport (IL97)


Bill Agee, 04-10-06, KSLE-KPDX, 16, bgas006, AT-32A CONDOR, Fuel 419 lbs.


Bill Agee, 04-10-06, KTTD-KSEA, 74, bgas006, C152, Fuel 84 lbs.


Ron Jorgensen, 4/10/06, 0T4  KIAH, 30, BGAK030, TB10GT, New plane. Test hop.  This little trainer seems to do it all.


Ron Jorgensen, 4/10/06, PAMR   PAMR, 140, BGAK030, DHC-6, PAMR - PACL – PAMR



John Franco, 04-09-06, KBOS-EHAM, 582, BGAN011, A380, This flight was a long 9 hours and 42 minutes. I got in the air and when I was over the Atlantic Ocean, I went to sleep. I woke up and found out that I had overshot Schipol. I then backtracked and landed on runway 27. FS passengers used with 555 souls aboard.


Paul Mensch, 04-07-06, LMML-LIBC, 86, BGAN047, DC4, LEG 14 of IVAO worldtour


Bill Agee, 04-08-06, KPDX-KSEA, 65, bgas006, PA-20, 56 lbs of fuel.


Bill Agee, 04-08-06, KPDX-KSEA, 54, bgas006, Brushhawk xp, 109 lbs of fuel.


Meryl D Coon, 04-07-06, LSZA-LSGK, 41, BGAN038, Westland Lysander, Love those automatic leading edge slats and flaps!


Bill Agee, 04-07-06, LSZA-LSGK, 98, bgas006, PA-22, Fuel 154 lbs. Did a lot of passes and go arounds.


Bill Agee, 04-07-06, KPDX-KSEA, 70, bgas006, PA-22, Fuel 65 lbs.


DON MOORE, 04-05-06, LFLG-LFNC, 13, BGAD 042, BARON 58, Flight not completed due to time constraint


Tom McCoy, 04-05-06, KCHS - KJFK, 162, bgas057, MD-11, Flight Plan Details: FL 190, KCHS.JOINT.MULLS.BLAMO.TYI.FKN.KATZN.LEESA.SBY.VILLS.JOHNI.KJFK KJFK - Landed ILS 31L and taxied to gate. Fuel Used: 24,588.1lbs. Distance: 555.3 miles


Jim Urquhart, 04-06-06, KEWR-KBGR, 152, BGAS041, DC3rr, via KBOS


Paul Mensch, 04-06-06, LFLB-LMML, 128, BGAN047, TU 114, Leg 13 of Ivao world tour 2006


Bill Von Sennet, 04-06-06, kstc-kona, 87, bgas001, Waco CTO-mailwing, 27.2 gal  via waypoints kane-krgk Mississippi Fling #2


Pat Daley, 04-06-06, CYZW-CYXY, 56, bgak029, DHC-3,


Bill Von Sennet, 04-06-06, kbj1-lstc, 88, bgas001, Waco CTO Mailwing, 1st segment of the Mississisppi Fling


Bill Hendrix, 04-06-06, KTPA-KMIA, 62, bgas046, EMB-120, alt 9500, landed ILS rwy 9L.


Paul van den Berg, 04-05-06, KBOS-CYYZ, 118, bgak036, ATR-72, Swapped the Dak for another twin-prop, the ATR. Crossed the border to Toronto. Was tempted for a low pass at Niagra Falls, but co-pilot stopped me.. ;)


Paul van den Berg, 04-03-06, KBDL-KBOS, 53, bgak036, DC-3, Bradley-Boston (Logan) in good old Pumpkin.


Jim Urquhart, 04-05-06, KRIC-KEWR, 111, BGAS041, DC3, via KDCA


Joe Weber, 04-04-06, LSGSLSAZ, 5945, BGAN002, Cessna L-19, Toughman 16 Flt2


Joe Weber, 04-04-06, LSZA-LSGK, 59, BGAN002, Cessna L-19, Toughman 16 Flt 1


Patrick Stewart, 04-05-06, LSMM - LSMA, 28, bgas060, DHC-2, Flew real wx.  Was tracking off WIL but could not find strip.  Found LSMU so knew LSMA had to be in that valley somewhere.  It was overcast and snowing but finally picked it up and got in safely!  Shazam!!!


Patrick Stewart, 04-05-06, LSMJ - LSTS, 13, bgas060, DHC-2,


John Franco, 04-04-06, KFDK-KCGE, 62, BGAN011, C182S, Intentionally flew over DCA to see if the FSP warzone would shoot me down. It didnt.


Bill Hendrix, 04-04-06, KRAD-KDEN, 90, bgas046, B1900, flew at FL250 via CDR, BBF, and GLL.


Bill Hendrix, 04-03-06, KDEN-KDEN, 60, bgas046, B1900, Training flight in Beech 1900D, including stalls, engine failure, and spin recovery procedures. Took off and landed on rwy 35R.


Tom McCoy, 04-02-06, KSLC - KSEA, 192, bgas057, MD-11, KSEA - Landed ILS 34R and taxied to gate G-1       Flew on West Coast ATC. IFR FL220


Patrick Stewart, 04-03-06, LSGP - LSMP, 29, bgas060, DHC-2, 4th leg of TM #16. 


Patrick Stewart, 04-03-06, LSPV - LSMU, 33, bgas060, DHC-2, 3rd leg of TM #16.  Easy landing coming off the lake.


Patrick Stewart, 04-03-06, LSGS - LSAZ, 23, bgas060, DHC-2, 2nd leg of TM #16.  Who put that tree at the end of the RWY?


Patrick Stewart, 04-03-06, LSZA - LSGK, 50, bgas060, DHC-2, 1st leg og TM #16.  Flew toward MOT and on to strip.


Paul van den Berg, 04-02-06, KEWR-KBDL, 49, bgak036, DC-3, Another Cargo-hop with "Pumpkin".


Paul van den Berg, 04-01-06, KNTK-KEWR, 204, bgak036, DC-3, Cargo flight from Pontiac, MI to Newark, delivering car-parts. This flight was recreated (incl. repaint, see Screenshots) using an article I recently read about DC-3 N9382, a Dak used in the 90-ties by IFL based at Pontiac. The DC-3 was nicknamed "Pumpkin" by her crew. She used to fly for Arctic Research and carried the orange/green livery from that period.  Last year, I spotted this same Lady at Opa Locka , FL where she was stored minus engines and still that same orange/green Arctic coat...  A Survivor.


John Franco, 04-02-06, KMTV-KVUJ, 64, BGAN011, C172SP, Dusk to Nightfall flight out of the Martinsville NASCAR Race.


Joe Weber, 04-02-06, KMKE-KERI, 120, BGAN002, Convair CV-440, Stop at KFNT


Bill Agee, 04-02-06, KTTD-KSEA, 41, bgas006, AT-32A CONDOR, Fuel, 144 lbs


Bill Agee, 04-02-06, KTTD-KSEA, 40, bgas006, AERO AC 50, Fuel, 144 lbs


John Franco, 04-02-06, KHVN-KEEN, 88, BGAN011, C172SP, kinda bumpa on the way up to New Hampshire but the weather was much better today.


Joe Weber, 04-02-06, KLEX-KCPS, 143, BGAN002, DC-3, Stops at KLOU, KEVV.  Thunderstorms at St. Louis ADF Approach


Bill Hendrix, 04-01-06, RKJK-RJTY, 130, bgas046, Jetstar II, Intermediate stop at RKSO.


John Franco, 04-01-06, CYPS-CYHE, 86, BGAN011, DC3, Made a stop at CBB7 (Tipella) and fought with cruddy weather the whole way


John Franco, 04-01-06, KHVN-KTEB, 61, BGAN011, C172SP, Rainy and dreary the whole way down to Teterboro. IFR.


Tom McCoy, 03-31-06, RPLB - VVNB, 150, bgas057, MD-11, VVNB - Landed ILS 5 and taxied to gate. FL300       Fuel used: 7515.4gal. Weather was        clear with a few scattered clouds.        Flew West Coast ATC.