Bluegrass Airlines

Flight Reports

December 2007



Newest reports on top.


Posted 1-January

BGAN058, Simon Dix, EDDK-EBBR, 62, 3.95, DH86 Express, Imperial Airways flight Cologne to Croydon.  Leg1


bgam007, Allan Lowson, CYXY-PAJN, 58, 1277.35, Lockheed 10A, Catching up on a few days unlogged flights. These were not all done one after the other!


bgam007, Allan Lowson, PAFA-CYXY, 150, 1276.38, Lockheed 10A,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, PARA-PAFY, 68, 1273.88, Lockheed 10A,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, PAOM-PARY, 102, 1272.75, Lockheed 10A,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, PAJN-KSEA, 157, 1271.05, Citation II, Running low on fuel for such a short trip. Should stick to punkah wallahs instead of these paraffin tubes.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PHSB-PHSB, 191, 7444, G-44A Widgeon, PHTO.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PLCH-PHSB, 411, 7440.82, Grumman HU-16,


bgan040, Dan George, KILG  KLWB, 150, 252.07, BEECH D18S CARGO, Return trip from Wilmington DE to Lewisburg WV.  Rain, snow and strong headwind the entire trip.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, PAMR-PABT, 137, 357.5, Beech Baron 58,


bgan033, Don Hulick, sbeg-sbeg, 56, 530.13, C123 Provider, Gomes to Ponta Pelada(SBMN) and back. Flew 4 approaches.


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, EDDW-EDDW, 36, 538.7, ATR-72, After a series of lousy landings, practised at Bremen.


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, EDDR-EDDW, 81, 538.1, ATR-72, Saarbrucken - Bremen


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, EDDP-EDDR, 83, 536.75, ATR-72,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, EDDH-EDDP, 51, 535.37, ATR-72,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, YPPN-WRRR, 138, 534.52, 747-400F,


bgad031, Andrew Godden, YPPH-YMML, 774, 157.12, DC-3, via YPKG, YCDU, YPAD.


bgad031, Andrew Godden, YMML-YPPH, 780, 144.22, DC-3, via YPAD, YCDU, YPKG.


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YMER-YMAY, 65, 101.73, DC3, GAAR Practice


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YGLB-YMER, 53, 100.65, V1A Vultee, GAAR Practice


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YYNG-YGLB, 45, 99.77, B247d, GAAR Practice


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YBTH-YYNG, 31, 99.02, AT-32 Condor, GAAR Practice


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YORG-YBTH, 20, 98.5, ST-25 Monospar, GAAR Practice


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YTMU-YORG, 75, 98.17, F.VIIIb/3m  Fokker, GAAR Practice


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YDLQ-YTMU, 52, 96.92, DC6, GAAR Practice


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YHOT-YDLQ, 51, 96.05, DC3, GAAR Practice


bgam007, Allan Lowson, PAOM-PAFW, 141, 1268.43, Twin Comanche,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, PAOM-PAJN, 165, 1266.08, Falcon 50, A right hand circuit at Juneau in the dark is not to be recommended.


BGAN057, Matt Thomas, EGPK >>> EGEC, 38, 0.63, Rockwell Commander 500S, PRESTWICK (EGPK) >>> CAPBELTOWN (EGEC)


bgas031, Gary McCarty, NFLB-PLCH, 565, 7433.97, Grumman HU-16,


BGAN058, Simon Dix, EBBR-EDDK, 71, 2.92, DH89A Dragon Rapide, Finished flight to Cologne.  2nd leg Imperial Airways.  Real weather.  No problems


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBGR-KJFK, 113, 355.22, Beech Baron 58,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PABT, 15, 291.33, PIPER  PA-18, RealWeather,updated  tried to get mail to ProspectCreek but 20 miles out heavy snow and less than 1/8yh mile Vis forced a turn around and beat feet back to BETTLES.


bgan002, Joe Weber, KBOS-KBTV, 64, 754.02, CV-240, West Coast ATC


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KILG, 125, 249.57, BEECH D18S CARGO, Cargo flight from Lewisburg WV to Wilmington DE.  Truly, it was a dark and stormy night all the way.


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YFLI-YYRM, 50, 95.2, B247d, GARR Practice


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YSTH-YFLI, 32, 94.37, AT-32 Condor, GARR Practice


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YCBG-YSTH, 65, 93.83, ST-25 Monospar, Gaar Practice


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YSRN-YCBG, 59, 92.75, F.VIIb/3m Fokker, GAAR Practice


bgan033, Don Hulick, SBEG-SBEG, 175, 529.2, C123 Provider, Manaus(SBEG) Prainha(SWYN) and back to Manaus


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, KSEA-PANC, 79, 91.77, Citation X, WCATC PANC SESSION on ATC Server


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, YPDN-YMML, 378, 253.23, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, WMKK-YPDN, 396, 246.93, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, OPKC-WMKK, 528, 240.33, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, HECA-OPKC, 414, 231.53, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, LFPG-HECA, 402, 224.63, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, EINN-LFPG, 144, 217.93, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, CYYT-EINN, 354, 215.53, L1049G,


BGAN058, Simon Dix, EGCR to EBBR, 104, 1.73, DH89A Dragon Rapide, Imperial Airways flight from Croydon to Cologne.  Leg 1.  Hazy and patchy cloud all the way.  No problems encountered


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, 1B0-KFVE, 94, 353.33, C-172SP,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YPAD-NFLB, 703, 7424.55, Grumman HU-16, YSRB.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YPDN-YBAS, 191, 291.08, Dc-6, RealWeather,Updated  Ifr flight plan, visability 2 Miles at Darwin, was Ifr condition at 7000Ft. until 400 miles inland when it started breaking up,by time arriver at Alice Springs had 15 Miles Vis and broken ceiling at 4500Ft. Burned 1346 Gallons of fuel.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KOWD-1B0, 113, 351.77, C-172SP,


bgan041, Bill Cox, MYGF-MYBS, 56, 167.72, C206, IFR @ 4000\\\', Freeport, Bahamas, to Bimini, Bahamas, C206 Float.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KTIX- MYGF, 88, 166.78, PAY1, IFR @ 17000\\\', Titusville, FL to Freeport, Bahamas.


bgas003, Henrique Wiederspahn, KPLR-KBFM, 126, 135.32, G21A,


bgad042, Don Moore, YSWG-YBBN, 49, 927.35, DHC8-400,


bgad042, Don Moore, KASE-KGWS, 67, 926.53, Cessna 208, Late afternoon winter trip in Colorado.   Departed KASE 1630 in clear weather calm aot 0*.  Snow on runway at 4CO0 made first landing attempt hazardous,second try was successful.   T/G\\\'s at KEGE and KRIL were no problem.   Arrival just before last light at KGWS was very colourful but had a few anxious moments when my approach vision to the airport was hampered by a cloud of mist in the valley just before the threshhold.   With no airfield lighting to help I am glad to have still had a few minutes of daylight left.   Rough touch down but surviveable.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, PAGS-5Z1, 28, 454.37, Short SA6 Sealand, Feature of the Month


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, 5Z1=PAGS, 32, 453.9, Short SA6 Sealand, December Feature of the Month


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, essa-engm, 100, 453.37, DC-3,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, 2B2-ME06, 138, 349.88, C-172SP,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YBRM-YPAD, 640, 7412.83, PA-30, YPPH.


bgak029, Patrick Daley, KBOS-KPWM, 37, 713.3, L-10A,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, TNCA-KIAH, 331, 5369.3, Turbo Super Connie,


bgad042, Don Moore, YSNW-YMMB, 79, 925.42, DHC 8-400, In company with two other A/C,from Nowra-East Sale-West Sale-Moorabbin.


bgad042, Don Moore, YMML-YSWG, 69, 924.1, DHC 8-400,


bgas051, Ruud Heijnen, CYDZ-KIAG, 41, 49.9, Grumman G21,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YPPH-YBRM, 729, 7402.17, PA-30, YPPD-YPPH.


Posted 27-Dec sorry, no comments- view them on the roster pages


BGAD011, Ed Burke, YPDN - YPDN, 365, An-124


BGAD011, Ed Burke, YGFN - YEVD, 60, Stadler Vampire


BGAD011, Ed Burke, RJAA - YSSY, 574, B767-300ER


BGAD031, Andrew Godden, YBBN-YSSY, 232, DC-3


BGAD031, Andrew Godden, YSSY-YBBN, 219, DC-3


BGAD031, Andrew Godden, YSSY-YMML, 236, DC-3


BGAD031, Andrew Godden, YMML-YSSY, 210, DC-3


BGAD031, Andrew Godden, YDLQ-YMML, 81, DC-3


BGAD031, Andrew Godden, YMML-YDLQ, 72, DC-3


BGAD031, Andrew Godden, YPAD-YMML, 162, DC-3


BGAD042, Don Moore, YPAD-YMML, 107, DHC 8-400


BGAD042, Don Moore, YMMB-YMAV, 21, Curtiss AT 22 Condor


BGAD042, Don Moore, KTHM-MT54, 87, DHC 8-400


BGAD042, Don Moore, EKVG-EGPF, 74, DHC 8-400


BGAD042, Don Moore, 88M-KFCA, 28        , Baron 58


BGAD042, Don Moore, YPPH-YJKT, 59      , Cessna 172


BGAD042, Don Moore, YABA-YPPH, 61, DHC 8-400


BGAD042, Don Moore, YSCB-YARM, 77, Saab 340 B


BGAD042, Don Moore, YMHB-YSSY, 29, B747-400


BGAD042, Don Moore, YMHB-YSSY, 29, B747-400


BGAD042, Don Moore, YMHB-YSSY, 46, Learjet 45


BGAD042, Don Moore, YMML-YMAV, 19, Cessna 172


BGAD042, Don Moore, YMAV-YMML, 100, Cessna 208 Caravan


BGAD042, Don Moore, LLMZ-LLJR, 65, DHC8-400


BGAD042, Don Moore, NZPM-NZAA, 54, DHC 8-400


BGAD042, Don Moore, NZPM-NZAA, 54, DHC 8-400


BGAD042, Don Moore, LXGB-LEMG, 51, Learjet 45


BGAD042, Don Moore, YBUD-YBBN, 49, Saab 340 B


BGAK013, Edward Brunelle, KSFO-KTVL, 64, Beech Baron 58


BGAK013, Edward Brunelle, KPQI-KLEB, 89, Beech Baron 58


BGAK013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KBGR, 71, Beech Baron 58


BGAK013, Edward Brunelle, X68-KCRG, 48, Beech Baron 58


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YKMB-YMYB, 218, Beech King Air 350         


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PANC-DDT, 123, Piper PA-18


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KLAN-KCLE, 64, VAULTE V1A


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KLAN, 60, DC-6


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PAFA-PAJN, 177, DC-6


BGAN002, Joe Weber, KSEA-KEUG, 60, DC-6B


BGAN002, Joe Weber, KSEA-KGEG, 62, DC-6B   


BGAN002, Joe Weber, KOKC-KMCI, 80, LOCKHEED l-049


BGAN033, Don Hulick, SBEG-SBIC, 102, C123 Provider


BGAN033, Don Hulick, TNCC-TTPP, 128, DHC-4 Caribou


BGAN033, Don Hulick, TJIG-TIST, 98, Grumman G111 Albatro


BGAN033, Don Hulick, KEYW-KEYW, 78, Grumman G111 Albatro


BGAN040, Dan George, KMTN KLWB, 80, Piper Cheyenne II


BGAN040, Dan George, KLWB KMTN, 75, Piper Cheyenne II




BGAN041, Bill Cox, KLWB-KTIX, 180, P31T


BGAN041, Bill Cox, KSVH-KLWB, 75, C206


BGAN041, Bill Cox, KGSO-KSVH, 50, C206


BGAN047, Paul Mensch, LSGG-LSZH, 41, Constellation


BGAS031, Gary McCarty, YPPH-YPPH,       496, Beech Baron


BGAS031, Gary McCarty, YPPH-YPPH,       394, Cessna 210


BGAS031, Gary McCarty, YPPH-YPPH,       462, Mooney M20J


BGAS031, Gary McCarty, YPAD-YPPH,       410, Beech Baron


BGAS031, Gary McCarty, YPAD-YPAD, 112, Beech V35B


BGAS031, Gary McCarty, YPAD-YPAD, 556, Super Viking


BGAS031, Gary McCarty, YOOM-YPAD     , 688, PA-30


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, MYNN-TNCA, 289, Britannia        


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYUL-MYHH, 311, Britannia        


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, PANC-KATL, 368, B787-9


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KLAX-PANC, 280, B787-9


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KMCI-KLAX, 230, Turbo Super Connie


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KPIT-KMCI, 151, Turbo Super Connie


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KBOS-KPIT, 99, Turbo Super Connie


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYQX-KBOS, 154, Turbo Super Connie


BGAS051, Ruud Heijnen, SPIL-SPIL, 73, Grumman G21



Posted 24-Dec


bgan033, Don Hulick, TJIG-TIST, 98, 522.45, Grumman G111 Albatross, THE MOOSE IS LOOSE!!!! Domminicci in San Juan to Cyril King on St Thomas, via Fajardo, Vieques, and Culebera. Its winter, time for my annual trip \\\"down island Mon\\\"!


bgan033, Don Hulick, KEYW-KEYW, 78, 520.82, Grumman G111 Albatross, Key West Intl out to Dry Tortogas. Flew around Ft Jefferson, and back to KW


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, BIKF-CYQX, 671, 5332.42, DH104 Dove, via BGGH


bgak033, Tom Burrill, CYQX-LPLA, 453, 851.13, C54,


bgad011, Ed Burke, LSZH - RJAA, 746, 2664.93, A343, Zurich to Narita, Tokyo, escorting my number 1 son home from the UK


bgad011, Ed Burke, EGLC - LSZH, 83, 2652.5, BAe-146, London City to Zurich in the \\\"Flying Air Brake\\\"


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMEM-KEVV, 60, 749.58, CV-340, West Coast ATC - Raining at KEVV


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YPAD-YOOM, 653, 7338.05, PA-30, YBAS-YPAD-YLEC.


bgas006, William (Bill) Agee, MTG-TOU, 92, 2691.58, B247D,


bgan040, Dan George, KMRB  KLGC, 135, 242.4, BEECH KING AIR, Charter flight from Martinsburg WV to Lagrange GA.


bgak033, Tom Burrill, CYJT-CYQX, 94, 843.58, DC3, Stephensville to Gander


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, EGKK-BIKF, 455, 5321.23, DH104 Dove, via EINN


bgak033, Tom Burrill, KPQI-CYTT, 171, 842.02, DC3,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, EINN-LFPG, 132, 209.63, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, CYYT-EINN, 354, 207.43, L1049G,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YDPO-YPAD, 447, 7327.17, PA-30, YPAD-YPIR-YPAD-YMTG.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLWB-KGSO, 79, 160.23, C421, IFR @ 15000\\\', Lewisburg, WV to Greensboro, NC.


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KMRB, 60, 240.15, BEECH KING AIR, Positioning flight to pick up charter.


bgas051, Ruud Heijnen, LIRB-LIBR, 114, 48, Short S23 Empire,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, A69-PAKY, 39, 532.22, C-206 floats, Yakutat final destination. 


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, PAOH-A69, 76, 531.57, C-206 floats, Tricky landing at Tanis Mesa cabin. Hard to spot the field!


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, PAGS-PAOH, 17, 530.3, C-206 floats,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, 5Z1-PAGS, 36, 530.02, C-206 floats, see screenies dec.07


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, EGPD-EGKK, 196, 5313.65, DH104 Dove, via EGPF


bgak033, Tom Burrill, KMSP-KALO, 72, 839.17, DC3,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YDPO-YDPO, 339, 7319.72, Stampe SV4, YSRN-YDPO-YSTH-YDPO-YSMI.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YDPO-YDPO, 379, 7314.07, Super Viking, YSSY.


bgad011, Ed Burke, RJOA - RJAA, 129, 2651.12, BAe 146, Hiroshima to Narita, Tokyo


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YMML-YDPO, 271, 7307.75, Stampe SV4, YDPO-YMHB.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YMML-YMML, 367, 7303.23, Lear 35, NZNP.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, EGPK-EGPD, 63, 5310.38, DH104 Dove,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, KEWR-CYYT, 456, 201.53, Stinson Model A,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, KOSH-KEWR, 264, 193.93, D17S,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, KHQM-KOSH, 324, 189.53, L1049G,



Posted 16-Dec

bgad011, Ed Burke, RJDO - RJOA, 80, 2648.97, An-24RV, A Japanese ramble to Hiroshima.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YMML-YMML, 254, 7297.12, PA-30, YPAD.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YMML-YMML, 173, 7292.88, Mooney M20J, YDPO.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KAGS-KLWB, 107, 158.92, P31T, IFR @ FL210, Augusta, GA to Lewisburg, WV.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KVRB-KAGS, 129, 157.13, P31T, IFR @ FL220, Vero Beach, FL to Augusta, GA.


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, KMSY-KMCO, 111, 90.45, Honda Jet, WCATC KMCO Multiplayer Event, ATC Server


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, EGKK-EGPK, 130, 5309.33, DH104 Dove,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KAZO-KFNT, 62, 277.2, Boeing 247d, real weather, major snow storm, Ifr flight useing ADF only.had airsped indicator fail,but thawed out when dec   ed from 5000 to 2000Ft. was glad to find the runway a little to the left a mile out.


bgas003, Henrique Wiederspahn, 8A1-KPLR, 52, 133.22, G21A, Following Coosa River.


bgad005, Terry Howell, fnlb-fzai, 167, 1016.28, dc3,


bgad005, Terry Howell, klzu-kmrn, 68, 1013.5, dc3,


bgad005, Terry Howell, ekbi-essa, 176, 1012.37, dc3,


bgak030, Ron Jorgensen, PAJN  K55, 180, 2420.27, DHC-6, Via Low Alt Routes


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YTNK-YMML, 426, 7290, Commander 500S,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, EGKK-EBAW, 74, 5307.17, DH104 Dove,


bgan040, Dan George, KAVL  KLWB, 55, 239.15, Piper Cheyenne II, Return of extended charter from Asheville NC to Lewisburg WV.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PABR-UBW, 158, 276.17, DC-3, real weather updated,Heavy snow but the mail and supplies must get to the men on the DEW line,keeping a watchfull eye on Captin Zlogg and his commrattes,will not land but parachute most of the bundles in have three airman supervising that    .visibility 1-6miles thanks for adf at the stations, sky cleared at the last drop,and Kuparuk had RW open but taxi way sliperry.landed ok,but slid off trying to trun around,time to try out the snow shovel and beg a tow.


bgan002, Joe Weber, CYXF-CYQR, 55, 748.58, DC-3,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KLCK-KLEX, 55, 747.67, CV440, WEST COAST ATC


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KSEA-CYVR, 60, 5305.93, DH104 Dove, Test flight


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, PAJN-PANC, 278, 5304.93, DH Otter,


bgad031, Andrew Godden, YMML-YPAD, 195, 111.02, DC-3, Strong head winds all the way (using Real Weather).


bgas031, Gary McCarty, WAPP-YTNK, 360, 7282.9, Commander 500S, YPDN.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PABT - PABR, 133, 273.53, DC-3, Real Weather,Up dated. head winds and poor visability entire route. burned 245 gal. fuel


bgas031, Gary McCarty, KOPF-KOPF, 143, 7276.9, PA-18, KEYW.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, RCYU-WAPP, 609, 7274.52, Commander 500S, RPUN.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, LFPO-EDDI, 142, 5320.08, Saab,


bgan039, George Leach, KSEA, 395, 2250.38, KORF, CITATION 2


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KATL-LFPO, 480, 5317.72, A380-800,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, PHNL-KHQM, 456, 184.13, L1049G,


bgas051, Ruud Heijnen, LFRZ-LFML, 182, 46.1, Short S23 Empire,


bgas051, Ruud Heijnen, LFML-LIRF, 143, 43.07, Short S23 Empire,


bgan040, Dan George, KPFN  KAVL, 100, 238.23, Piper Cheyenne II, Charter flight from Panama City FL to Asheville NC.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, UHSS-RCYU, 654, 7264.37, Commander 500S, RJFG.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, MWCR-KATL, 145, 5309.72, B737-800,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PASY-UHSS, 561, 7253.47, Commander 500S,



Posted 12-December

bgan040, Dan George, KAVL  KPFN, 90, 236.57, Piper Cheyenne II, Charter flight from Asheville NC to Panama City FL.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, MMUN-MWCR, 105, 5307.3, Saab,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, CAH9-CAH9, 49, 529.42, DHC-2 Beaver floats, Air-to-air sortie with another Float Beaver. (see screenies) What a scenery!


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, ESSB-EFHK, 71, 528.6, 737-700,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, MMMX-MMUN, 183, 5305.55, Saab,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KJFK-MMMX, 272, 5302.5, B787-9,


bgad005, Terry Howell, HKJK-HKMY, 115, 1009.43, dc4,


bgad005, Terry Howell, krmb-kgas, 80, 1007.52, dc3,


bgad005, Terry Howell, fvru-fqlc, 142, 1006.18, DC3,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KICT-KSTL, 94, 748.37, DC6, West Coast ATC


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PAED-PASY, 525, 7244.12, Commander 500S, PADU.


BGAN055, Jim Murphy, KBGR-KBOS, 93, 6.55, DC3, High winds at 8,000. Very rough all the way. Flew on VintageATC server.


bgak011, Coleman Green, NY10-K09, 23, 1575.57, Cessna 210,


bgak011, Coleman Green, 3G7-NY10, 35, 1575.18, Cessna 210,


bgak011, Coleman Green, 78NY-3G7, 31, 1574.6, Cessna 210,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, EHLE-EHLE, 43, 527.42, DC-2, Testing the new DC-2. Circuits and bumps (..and bumps) at Lelystad.


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KAVL, 75, 235.07, Piper Cheyenne II, Charter flight for Helen G. and grandchildren to Asheville NC. from Lewisburg WV.


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, EGPH-EGKK, 67, 526.7, 757-200,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, LOWK-LOWW, 86, 525.58, Caravan, lonely flight above the Alps.


bgad017, John Lawler, WAJJ-AYNZ, 181, 1964.22, DC-3, IFR FL110 via airways B456, 3E75, 3E65


bgad017, John Lawler, AYNZ-WAJJ, 189, 1961.2, DC-3, IFR FL120 via airways 3E65, 3E75, B456.


bgad011, Ed Burke, KFMY - KTPA, 48, 2647.63, DC-3, Florida Airlines leg 1


bgan033, Don Hulick, KNGU-KNGU, 95, 519.52, F9F-5  Panther, NAS Norfolk to NAS Norfolk. Escort A1 Skyraider flight to target range up the Bay...almost Baltimore...and back.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, PWAK-PHNL, 396, 176.53, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, PJTT-PWAK, 390, 169.93, L1049G,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, 5Z1-7K2, 43, 5297.97, Turbo Beaver MK3,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KLAN_KTVC, 69, 271.32, DC-3 Cargo, RealWeather,updated   A blustery day in Michigan ,iceing,sleet,and snow squalls called for IFR clearance and routeing. no coffie on this trip as had to strap in tight due to moderate turbulance the whole trip.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, KSFO-PAED, 654, 7235.37, Commander 500S, CYZP.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KJFK-MDPP, 234, 5297.25, A320-232,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KJFK-MDPP, 234, 5297.25, A320-232,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KBGR, 67, 343.05, Beech Baron 58,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KPBI-MYGF, 35, 746.8, Beech D18, West Coast ATC VFR -Rainy at Grand Bahama


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PADQ-PAFA, 129, 270.17, DC-6B, Real Weather,updated. early mourning flight of sea food and native crafts to Fairbanks always use all the runway getting out on 25 and bearly miss the mountin climbing out.turned out over water and trimed for a 400Fpm climb, as approuched mainland winds shifted more to the tail and i leveled of and set autopilot to hold 10800. picked up ndb and started to let down and was cleared for straight in approuch on 1L. took 2Hours9Min burned 990Gal.


bgak033, Tom Burrill, KCLE-KBWI, 89, 837.97, 737-700, Add minutes not included with previous flight


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, 5Z1-3Z9, 60, 5293.35, Turbo Beaver MK3,


bgan041, Bill Cox, KTPA-KVRB, 83, 154.98, C310, IFR @ 7000\\\', Tampa, FL to Vero Beach, FL.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KSFQ-KTPA, 211, 153.6, P31T, IFR @ FL200, Suffolk, VA to Tampa, FL


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KLAX-KORD, 360, 5292.35, DC7,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PHSB-KSSB, 659, 7224.47, Sikorsky VS-44,


bgak030, Ron Jorgensen, KMSP  K00, 295, 2417.27, C337, \\\"V\\\" routes.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KLXV-KALS, 85, 341.93, C-172SP,


bgan040, Dan George, KGVQ  KLWB, 105, 233.82, BEECH KING AIR, Charter for Batavia NY native John Elway and friends to the Greenbrier Resort for the weekend.  Guy claims to be some sort  of football player or something.  Never heard of \\\'em (wink).


bgad031, Andrew Godden, RPMD-RPLL, 227, 107.77, DC-3,


bgad031, Andrew Godden, WRKK-RPMD, 433, 103.98, DC-3,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PICS-PHSB, 601, 7213.48, Sikorsky VS-44,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, 5Z1-PAGS-5Z1, 124, 5286.35, Beaver Turbo MK3,


bgan047, Paul Mensch, MTCH-MDBH, 56, 626.4, ATL98 Carvair, IVAO tour Wings over Caribbean leg 20


bgas031, Gary McCarty, NFLB-PCIS, 465, 7203.47, Sikorsky VS-44,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KSLC-KMSY, 158, 5284.28, B878,



Posted 7-December

bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KACK-KOWD, 45, 340.52, C-172SP,


bgan040, Dan George, KFLD  KGVQ, 105, 232.07, BEECH KING AIR, Positioning flight to pick up charter to the Greenbrier Resort  White Sulphur Springs WV.  Fond Du Lac WI to Batavia NY.


bgan033, Don Hulick, KNGU-KNGU, 82, 517.93, F9F-5  Panther, Flew two intercepts in W-72, then three touch and gos at Fentress (KNFE) and back to NAS Norfolk.


bgad031, Andrew Godden, YPDN - WRKK, 174, 96.77, DC-3,


bgad031, Andrew Godden, YBMA - YPDN, 287, 93.87, DC-3,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, PAGY local, 82, 5281.65, DHC3 Turbo, Flighr check


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, VHHH-PJTT, 342, 163.43, L1049G,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YSRB-NFLB, 583, 7195.72, Sikorsky VS-44,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KSEA-KATL, 230, 5280.28, B787,


bgad031, Andrew Godden, YBBN-YBMA, 357, 89.08, DC-3,


bgak033, Tom Burrill, EHGG-EHGG, 1.5, 836.48, Mooney IFR, Practice flight with Mooney IFR at Gronigen to get used to European activity.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KLAS-KSEA, 223, 5276.45, Saab,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KOZW, 60, 268.02, CW AT32 Condor, Take Offs @ Landings learning operating procedures,several times I thought Iwas down only to drop the tail at 40Knts indicated to have it float in ground effect, then started using power to come in low then 3 point instead of wheel landings so it\\\'s stalled .


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YMML-YSRB, 143, 7186, G-44A Widgeon,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YMML-YMML, 285, 7183.62, Mooney M20J, YHAY-YMML-YPOD.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kekn-klwb, 37, 2734.02, CW AT-32 Condor, Practice flight - Aircraft 2 for the GAAR 2008


bgas060, Patrick Stewart, 3Z9 - 5Z1, 45, 782.55, DHC-2,


bgas060, Patrick Stewart, 5Z1 - 3Z9, 43, 781.8, DHC-2,


bgas060, Patrick Stewart, PAGS - 5Z1, 031, 781.08, DHC-2,


bgan039, George Leach, KPHX, 242, 2243.8, KPIT,


bgas060, Patrick Stewart, 5Z1 - PAGS, 36, 780.57, DHC-2,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KLGA-KLAS, 522, 5272.73, L1049G,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KAGC-KSYR, 83, 746.22, DC-6B, West Coast ATC - SNOW!!


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YMML-YMML, 376, 7178.87, PA-18, YWSL-YMML-YYRM-YMML-YSHT.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kcrw-kekn, 43, 2733.4, DC-3,


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KMGM-KPNS, 55, 1216.85, Twin Comanche, First flight using Radar Contact. Flew at 7000 ft, real wx, ATC directed me to land ILS rwy 17. Pretty neat program.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KMEM-KORD, 144, 5264.03, CV340, via KSTL


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBGR-KBOS, 73, 339.77, Beech Baron 58,



Posted 3-December

BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KDCA-KMEM, 220, CV340,


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLEB-KSFQ, 160, P31T, IFR @ FL200  Lebanon, NH to Suffolk, VA.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KIAH-EGKK, 511, B777,


bgan047, Paul Mensch, MYCI-MBPV, 53, PBY Catalina, IVAO Tour: Wings over Caribbean leg 18


bgan047,Paul Mensch, MYLD-MYCI, 32, PBY Catalina, IVAO Tour: Wings over Caribbean leg 17


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YMML-YMML, 480, DHC-1 Chipmunk, YHML-YNRC-YMML-YWBL-YMCT.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, RPLL-VHHH, 138, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, YPDN-RPLL, 384, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, YSSY-YPDN, 372, L1049G,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, OOH-5Z1, 30, DHC-3 Otter, Well, I take the scenic route through the Inner Passage every time.


bgam007, Allan Lowson, 5Z1-OOH, 24, DHC-2 Beaver,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KEWR-TFFR, 506, A320-232,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, 5Z1-7K2-5Z1, 121, Dhc-3 PZL, real weather,updateted .wings had a bever with mechanical problems at skakway ,so I loaded up a mechanich, his tools,and a carburator would drop him off there pick up the passengers and return. flew at 1500Ft following the passage,running into a rain shower now and then. made a right and the sun broke out an shown right on the airport.landed dropped the gear and pulled uo on the gravel,unloaded as the SUV pulled up with the passengers for 5Z1,started made sure everyone fastened in roled out into the water picked up the gear and was out of there.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YMML-YMML, 357, DH-89A, YNHL-YGWA


BGAK015, David R. Evans, LOW1-LIPB, 50, ASW-28, CCS2004,Austria thermal BGL. Innsbuck to Bolzano , summer,fair weather. Needed a vacation from the Ice and snow.


bgas003, Henrique Wiederspahn, 1A0-8A1, 68, G21A,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYVR-KHOU, 325, Britania, via KDIA


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YMML-YMML, 318, Mitsubishi MU-2B, YBBN.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YMML-YMML, 138, Cessna 185, YBLT-YARA-YHSM.


bgan039, George Leach, kszl-kffo, 195, KC-135,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klwb-klou, 129, Boeing 247D          , Practice flight to get current with the 247D. Aircraft #1 for the GAAR 2008


BGAK015, David R. Evans, 5Z1-PAGS, 32, Dhc-3 PZL, RealWeather,Updated.High presure still holding and while Alaska Airways Pilots are hauling tourist,I,m hauling food and medical supplies,hear some of the tourist will slip a pilot a tip once and awhile,but what there paying BlueGrass for the rent it will keep us in fuel awhile.decided to use Nav aids and fly mostly over water than waste fule climbing over the pennisulas.great scenery when the sun is shineing like today,landed on RW2 with almost a perfect wind down the runway was no proplem landing on the short runway.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PABT-5Z1, 321, Dhc-3 PZL,      RealWeather,Updated. Alaska Airways called to say they were swampped with tourist wanting sight seeing flights from lasr of the season cruise ships,and would charter a plane and pilot to help out for a few days,lucky-me the only pilot not on assignment.only plane not in use the shinny new otter.had a plan so carefully went over to Maintance and asked if the Otter could make 13,000ft,the book says 7000 Max,chief took the cigar out of his mouth and said \"*%#!airplane can\'t read\",and told me where to get some oxygen bottles and a mask,Then filled me in on Turbochargeing ,climb rate and prop not in the book,and away I went.High pressure gave great flying weather,and a rear Quartering 51 Knt.tail wind at 13000.Started decent 50Mi. out as I cleared the last range.Landed and cheaked in for the first flight after lunch.


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KLBE-KCRW, 75, D18S, Alt. 6500, real wx, via IHD.MGW.CKB.WARDO


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KLWB-KLBE, 75,D18S, Flew on WCATC


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KSEA-CYVR, 44, DC3,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KDFW-KSEA, 331, B797, via KLAS


bgan038, Meryl Coon, MYER-MYAM, 66, PA28R-201 Arrow III, Rock Sound Airport Eleuthera to Marsh Harbor Abaco


bgan044, Ian Robertson, HUEN-HKNV, 138, Short S-23,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, KFMY-KJAX, 102, Martin 4-0-4, Northern leg of FLA routes


bgas031, Gary McCarty, ,YMML-YMML, 379, Mooney M20J, YSCB-YMML-YMCO