Bluegrass Airlines

Flight Reports

December 2008


Newest reports on top




Posted 31-December

BGAK015, David R. Evans, YTTI - YPDN, 100.14, 830.4, B-25H, Gray and rainy  flying back to Darwin on IFR flight plan for RW29


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YTTI - YTTI, 53.63, 828.73, B25H, Gray and Rainy   Practiced four Ndb approuches


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YPDN - YTTI, 115.35, 827.84, B-25H, Gray and Rainy  left Darwin for Troughton Island had a five Knt. head wind entire trip. used published Ndb approuch


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KJFK, 68, 1469.57, Beech Baron 58, Distance 182nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KCLT, 255, 1468.43, Beech Baron 58, Distance 632nm + A Sight Seeing tour to view an airport from above.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, KSKF-KSKF, 586, 11266.05, Beech UC-43, KWRB.


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KFAY, 100, 452.13, Carenado Cessna 182Q, Charter flight to Fayetteville N.C combined with dinner meeting with Wolfgang Ahl for GAAR planning.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KMFD-KILG, 108, 1464.18, Beech Baron 58, Distance 323nm


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KVPS-KCBM, 57, 1254.12, T-39A, IFR to Columbus AFB, Ms with a couple of full Colonels.  Flew at FL 180, landed ILS rwy 31C.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLUK-KLWB, 73, 403.08, SR22, IFR @ 11000\\\', Cincinnati, OH to Lewisburg, WV


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLUK-KLUK, 30, 401.87, SR22, VFR around Cincinnati


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KUIN-KGRR, 100, 1462.38, Beech Baron 58, Distance 310nm


bgan047, Paul Mensch, ZHCC-ZSNJ, 153, 813.75, ATL98 Carvair, IVAO IFR word tour leg 46


bgan047, Paul Mensch, ZMUB-ZHCC, 131, 811.2, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 46


bgan047, Paul Mensch, UNAA-ZMUB, 134, 809.02, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 45


bgan047, Paul Mensch, UAKK-UNAA, 128, 806.78, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 44


bgad062, Bob York, YAYE-YBAS, 59, 16.83, Boeing S307, FSX. VFR. Real World WX


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KLAX-EGLL, 909, 1628.28, Lockheed L1649A, This is te version 2.1 of this aircraft.  It takes a lot to keep up with fuel changes, etc.  Lots of fun


bgan021, Luke, CBQ8-CYVR, 39, 459.1, AC680, .CYCD.CZBB.SAVED.


bgan021, Luke, KLMT-CYLW, 103, 458.45, IL76,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KLAX - PANC, 465.63, 825.91, L-1649A, real weather,updated  climbed to 16,000Ft. and settled into a Maximum range cruise mode.had A hot landing as I lost hydralics and had to pump them down,also lost flaps,thank goodness for reversable pitch.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KFWA-KDCA, 131, 1460.72, Beech Baron 58, Distance 396nm


bgas031, Gary McCarty, KSKF-KSKF, 652, 11256.28, Beechcraft C-12, KTCM.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSUX-KCWA, 106, 1458.53, Beech Baron 58, Distance 324nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KAIA-KJMS, 116, 1456.77, Beech Baron 58, Distance 342nm


bgad035, Sid Knapp, YPPH-YPKG, 130, 376.48, DC3, BGAD520. Mistake made in last PIREP. Destination should have been YPPH. Very sorry for the confusion.


bgad035, Sid Knapp, YPCD-YPKG, 125, 374.32, DC3, BGAD519.


bgad062, Bob York, YOOD-YAYE, 133, 15.85, Boeing S307, FSX. VFR. Real world weather.


bgan023, Guy Goddard, RKPK-RKSI, 30, 181.4, F-86E/F Sabre, This flight was from Busan, Korea to Seol, Korea.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, KSKF-KSKF, 477, 11245.42, C-45, KOFF.


bgan021, Luke, KMOB-KSAV, 57, 456.73, F/A-18E-RAAF 3SQN,


bgan021, Luke, KMIA-KBUF, 136, 455.78, 747SP QANTAS, .KNRB.FOUTN.


bgam007, Allan Lowson, CYSJ-CYQY, 143, 1429.07, Cunliffe-Owen Concordia,


bgas003, Henrique Wiederspahn, CAY2-CAR3, 75, 200.92, Piper J3 Cub,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, khsp-klwb, 29, 2920.03, Piper Malibu Mirage, 6 gal


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kaiy-khsp, 121, 2919.55, Piper Malibu Mirage, 32.5 gal


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kteb-kaiy, 52, 2917.53, Piper Malibu Mirage, 11 gal


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YGEL - YPDN, 564.53, 818.14, Cessna 170A, real weather,updated Fairrying the last plane to Darwin,the weather good at 2AM, doesn\\\'t have the legs of the B-25 or cessna T-50,so made fuel and relief stops at YTEF and YPKU.Darwin must have the same weather cycle as Florida,as the land warms the moisture lifts into thunder storms was routed around them again.


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YHUG - YPDN, 246, 369.2, Corsair F4U, What can I say. I\\\'m here. Camped out at Darwin Int\\\'l waiting for the rest of my fellow GAAR 2009 flyers to show up.


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YBNA - YHUG, 197, 365.1, Corsair F4U, Clear weather and a slight tail wind made the second last leg of my trip to Oz for the GAAR 2009 easy to fly. Getting anxious now as the destination draws near.


bgam007, Allan Lowson, KTCS-KROW, 160, 1426.68, DHC2,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, EGEC-EGPA, 177, 1424.02, Bellanca Cruisemaster,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, EGEC-EGPA, 152, 1421.07, DC-3,



Posted 28-December

bgas031, Gary McCarty, KSKF-KSKF, 520, 11237.47, Rockwell T-39, KFFO-KEDW.


bgan047, Paul Mensch, UWKS-UAKK, 136, 804.65, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 43


bgan040, Dan George, KAGC  KLWB, 105, 450.47, Carenado Cessna 182Q, Return home from meeting with Bill Von Sennet.  Allegheny Co. PA to Lewisburg WV.


bgad042, Don Moore, YSTH-YLTV, 48, 1175.57, DHC 8-400,


bgad042, Don Moore, KBHB-21M, 51, 1174.77, Grumman G21A,


bgad042, Don Moore, YPKU-YARG, 50, 1173.92, Fokker VIIb 3M, Second time base trial flight for GAAR2009.   Now I have a choice.


bgad042, Don Moore, YPKU-YARG, 47, 1173.08, DC-3 , Time base calibration flight for the upcoming GAAR 2009.


bgad042, Don Moore, KDAN-KATL, 23, 1172.3, B737-800, Just got started on this run and then time constraints caused cancellation after only 23 minutes


bgad042, Don Moore, KBWI-KDAN, 60, 1171.92, Bristol Brabazon,


bgad042, Don Moore, LIRF-DTTA, 31, 1170.92, DHC 8-400,


bgad042, Don Moore, KBGR-KLEB, 67, 1170.4, Baron 58,


bgad042, Don Moore, YMEN-YREN, 73, 1169.28, CV 340,


bgad042, Don Moore, YSCR-YLEO, 67, 1168.07, B737-800,


bgad042, Don Moore, TKL-OOH, 103, 1166.95, Short S23,


bgad042, Don Moore, KBTV-KBGR, 70, 1165.23, Baron 58,


bgad042, Don Moore, SNFR-SBUF, 37, 1164.07, Cessna 208,


bgad042, Don Moore, SNFR-SBUF, 37, 1164.07, Cessna 208,


bgad042, Don Moore, SNFR-SBUF, 37, 1164.07, Cessna 208,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YPKA - YPDN, 496.30, 808.74, Cessna T-50, real weather,updated  second aircraft tied down at Darwin,hadto stop and top the \\\"bambo bomber\\\" off at YCIN and glad I did as a local sever thunderstorm moved over the field and they had me go missed approuh and hold till it moved off. landed with ten gallons in each tank,no resurves.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klwb-kteb, 118, 2916.67, Piper Mirage, 31 gal  15,500\\\'


bgas031, Gary McCarty, KSKF-KSKF, 548, 11228.8, C-121C, KADW.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KRAP-KJAC, 128, 1454.83, Beech Baron 58, Distance 333nm


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KAGC, 80, 448.72, Carenado Cessna 182Q, Travel to Allegheny Co. Airport to meet with Bill Von Sennet for Team GVA GAAR planning session.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YPKA - YPDN, 272.39, 800.47, B-25H Mitchell, real weather updated  Left the ferry blader empty as tail wind was predictied for most of the flight,about 100miles into the flight it switched to a seventeen Knot head wind by the time I reached, Darwin reserve empty  and only 15 Gals in each main. and Darwin went IFR just after I recived vfr clearance to land,heave rain, lightning and 1 Mile Vis.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSJC-KTVL, 79, 1452.7, Mooney Bravo, Distance 184nm


bgan002, Joe Weber, TJST-TNCM, 70, 843.48, DC-6B,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YGEL - YPKA, 239.02, 795.93, Cessna T-50, real,weather updated Ferrying Aircraft after being off loaded for a freighter at Perth being inspected thru costoms then again be A&E and given the ok to go,went smoothly(maybe the offering of a fifth of Kentucky Burbon help grease the wheels)A great flight left as the sun was setting a little turbulance then smooth as glass.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KCRG-KEYW, 133, 1451.38, Beech Baron 58, Distance 409nm


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YPJT - YGEL, 93.22, 791.95, Cessna 170A, real weather,updated  weather was fine as departed from Jandacot up the coast,climbed to 4,500 and could see for 30 miles or more then about 40 miles from Geraldton haze moves in and sight seeing restricted to 4 miles and the insturment panel.followed the Ndb and landed straight into the 7Knt wind on RW21


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kteb-klwb, 185, 2914.7, Cessna 206, 50 gal


BGAK015, David R. Evans, NCVN_KNHK, 44.47, 790.41, F7F-3N TigerCat, fair weather   Cat launch off the USS Eisenhower to Patuuxent River NAS first to Nortfolk VOR then up the river


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, MYNN - MYGF, 109, 1524.5, DC-3, Bahama Island Tour: From Nassau up to Chub Bay then a fly over of Berry Island and Cistern Cay. From there we went over Sandy Point at Abaco Island then up to Castaway Cay and over Mores Island.  Next we flew by Marsh Harbour then to Scotland Cay and then over Treasue Cay VOR.  We then headed direct to Spanish Cay and over to Deep Water Cay getting permission to overfly Grand Bahama Aux AF on our way to Freeport and Grand Bahama Intl


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EFTP-UWKD, 167, 802.38, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 42


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EDDC-EFTP, 118, 799.6, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 41


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KLAS-KLAX, 85, 1449.17, Beech Baron 58, Distance 205nm  This flight was a Re-Flight to make sure that West Coast got my Flight Plan. I flew this trip twice within a couple of hours


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klbe-kteb, 96, 2911.62, Cessna 206, 26 gal


bgak056, Steve Sellmeyer, EGPU-EGPA, 134, 228.03, DC-3, LAST 8 LEGS OF THE DECEMBER BGA TOUR.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KLAS-KLAX, 102, 1447.75, Beech Baron 58, Distance 205nm


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PHNL-KSAT, 424, 11219.67, Lockheed Jetstar, KFAT.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, khsv-klbe, 196, 2910.02, Cessna 206, 49 gal


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KCOE-KTWF, 115, 1446.05, Beech Baron 58, Distance 332nm  Real Weather


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMDW-KMCI, 93, 842.32, L-049 Conniee,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KRAP-KJAC, 131, 1444.13, Beech Baron 58, Distance 333nm


bgad062, Bob York, YOOM-YOOD, 77, 13.63, Avro York, FSX. VFR.  Real world weather


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, CYYZ - MYNN, 168, 1522.68, Level-D 767, 258 passengers with 40843 lbs cargo


bgas003, Henrique Wiederspahn, CAL5-CAY2, 55, 199.67, Piper J3 Cub,


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EKBI-EDDC, 54, 797.63, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 40


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KDCA-KEWB, 120, 1440.07, Beech Baron 58, Distance 326nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSGH-KMDT, 113, 1441.95, Beech Baron 58, Distance 326nm


bgas031, Gary McCarty, AYPY-PHNL, 474, 11212.6, Lockheed Jetstar, PKMJ.


bgan040, Dan George, KBTR  KLWB, 135, 447.38, Epic LT Dyansty, Return home for Christmas after charter was canceled.  Baton Rouge LA to Lewisburg WV.


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KMSP - RJAA, 738, 1519.88, PSS 777-300, 322 passengers with 20282 lbs cargo from St Paul to Japan


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBUF-KTVC, 101, 1438.07, Beech Baron 58, Distance 315nm


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klwb-khsv, 190, 2906.75, Cessna 206, 49.5 gal


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KPHX-KASE, 170, 1436.38, Beech Baron 58, Distance 427nm


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMSN-KLCK, 95, 840.77, DC-6B, West Coast ATC


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YPDN-AYPY, 145, 11204.7, Lockheed Jetstar,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, AYPY-YPDN, 326, 11202.28, C-54,


Posted 24-December   Merry Christmas to all and to all a good flight!

bgan040, Dan George, KFXE  KBTR, 175, 445.13, Epic LT Dyansty, Positioning flight to Baton Rouge LA from Ft. Lauderdale FL.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KCMX-KTVF, 102, 1433.55, Beech Baron 58, Distance 316nm


bgam007, Allan Lowson, LIPE-YPDN, 1098, 1418.53, Citation X,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, OMRK-LIPE, 354, 1400.23, Citation X,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, EGDZ-LIPE, 180, 1394.33, Twin Comanche,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, KFFA-KRWI, 72, 1391.33, DH-85,


bgan021, Luke, NZCH-NZWN, 33, 453.52, C-17,


bgan021, Luke, UHMD-PAGM, 18, 452.97, AC680,


bgan021, Luke, SKGI-SKAS, 39, 452.67, 737-300,


bgan021, Luke, CZAM-CYRV, 26, 452.02, DW-700T,


bgan021, Luke, NZDN-NZWN, 0, 451.58, F-14 DIAMOND BACKS, .NZHK.NZCH.


bgan021, Luke, KLSV-KASE, 46, 451.58, F-14 DIAMOND BACKS,


bgad062, Bob York, YCMU-YOOM, 99, 12.35, Avro York, FSX. VFR. Real world weather.


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, NZAA - YBNA, 306, 361.82, Corsair F4U, Made a short stop at a small town called Kaitaia on the North Island to top off the fuel tank and my belly for the last hop to the mainland. Only about a day\\\'s flying from Darwin. It\\\'s Christmas all over the world.


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, NFTF - NZAA, 267, 356.72, CORSAIR F4U, Finally one island to hop and then I\\\'m in OZ. Just over a day\\\'s flight out of Darwin


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, NCRG - NFTF, 288, 352.27, CORSAIR F4U, Weather is now against me. Tail wind the last leg now a gusting head wind




bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBNA-KDFW, 184, 1431.85, Beech Baron 58, Distance 547nm


bgas031, Gary McCarty, RJAW-AYPY, 595, 11196.85, C-69, PGWT.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBUF-KTVC, 102, 1428.78, Beech Baron 58, 317nm


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, NZCH-YBBN, 226, 725.4, 747-400F, Cristchurch to Brisbane, Oz.


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, NFFN-NZCH, 252, 721.63, 747-400F, Fiji - Christchurch NZ.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KGJT-KEKO, 124, 1430.58, Beech Baron 58, Distance 349nm


bgad062, Bob York, YSDU-YSCM, 104, 10.7, Avro York, FSX. VFR. Real world weather.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TMC#!!, 430, 952.82, Various, Complete Challenge flying Mooney,Fairchild F91,Spitfire,Lockheed Vega and Piper P28.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TMC#!!, 430, 952.82, Various, Complete Challenge flying Mooney,Fairchild F91,Spitfire,Lockheed Vega and Piper P28.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TMC#!!, 430, 952.82, Various, Complete Challenge flying Mooney,Fairchild F91,Spitfire,Lockheed Vega and Piper P28.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, HECA-YPCC, 900, 2128.27, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, EGLL-HECA, 354, 2113.27, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, LSZH-EGLL, 114, 2107.37, L1049G,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KAIA-KTEX, 154, 1428.52, Beech Baron 58, Distance 339nm  Off Set LOC


bgas031, Gary McCarty, AYPY-RJAW, 553, 11186.93, C-69, PGWT.


bgas003, Henrique Wiederspahn, CAF4-CAL5, 63, 198.75, Piper J3 Cub,


bgan040, Dan George, YSSY  YMEN, 220, 442.22, Carenado Cessna 182Q, Test flight, preparing for the GAAR.  Sydney to Melbourne.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KTUP-KJLN, 114, 1425.95, Beech Baron 58, Distance 328nm


bgad062, Bob York, YSCH-YSDU, 86, 8.97, Avro York, FSX. VFR. Night. Real World Weather.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, 4DO - KMTC, 58.72, 789.66, Sikorsky CH34A, fair weather  The Choctaw was the first but not the last Army helicopter I would set in and it was here at Abrhams in the 60\\\'s home of Army Reserve Aviation wing and when a freind of my DAD learned I\\\'d Enlisted in the Army Aviation program decided to take me to a meeting and a short hop in the CH34, the mainstay of the NG an Reserve units.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YSRN - YMHB, 48.07, 788.68, B-25H, real weather,updated If it\\\'s not rain, haze,fog or burning sun,it is high wind and moderate turbulance.glad I wasn\\\'t in the Erocoupe. flew the NDB approuch at Hobart 11Knt right side cross wind with rotors from the near by hills.



Posted 21-December

bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KBGR, 74, 1424.05, Beech Baron 58, Distance 179nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KJFK-CYHZ, 205, 1422.82, Beech Baron 58, Distance 648nm


bgas031, Gary McCarty, NGTA-AYPY, 511, 11177.72, C-69,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YPKU - YARG, 37.81, 787.88, B-25H, clear weather GAAR 2009 TEST FLIGHT  I will make the B25 my third entrie usually I fly only one entry but looks like a hard winter is in store for michigan this year so need something to do beside shovel snow. I will have to adapt my Mp and Rpm settings as I added a Quart of Kaptin Zloggs brew to each tank,and as is causes a raise in Cht and preformance unless I pay for A quart each fuel up my times will be off.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YPKU -YARG, 36.10, 787.25, A1-H Skyraider, clear weaather GAAR 2009 TEST FLIGHT,after flight decided to let the big dog keep doing what it likes best, Carrier work and close ground attack/support.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KCIU-KDLH, 120, 1419.4, Beech Baron 58, Distance 320nm


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, CYYZ - KSAN, 295, 1507.58, A330-300, 287 passengers and 64928 lbs cargo


bgad061, Ian Hedrick, YMML - YBDG, 50, 4.33, DC3,


bgan041, Bill Cox, KHSP-KLUK, 123, 401.37, SR22, IFR @ 8000\\\', Hot Springs, VA to Cincinnati, OH


bgad062, Bob York, YGDI-YSCH, 53, 7.53, Avro York, FSX. VFR. Real world weather


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KDTW-KPHX, 409.13, 786.65, L-1649A, real weather, updated  smooth flight, fuel management was a constant chore as did not fill AUX.wing tanks and used center tanks which needed to be switched for center of gravity least I have finally worked out the levers and switches so I didn\\\'t starve an engine.


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KATL - CYYZ, 105, 1502.67, B767-300, 244 passengers with 46856 lbs freight


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KIAH - KATL, 110, 1500.92, B767-300, Carried 247 passengers and 36,880 lbs cargo from Houston to Atlanta


bgas031, Gary McCarty, NGTA-NGTA, 166, 11169.2, F7F-3, NGTE-NGTU.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, AYPY-NGTA, 392, 11166.43, C-69,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YCOM-YSCB, 31.29, 779.84, Cessna T-50, fair weather  Flt#17 GAAR 2008 , practice for GAAR 2009


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, MMMX - KIAH, 135, 1499.08, B767-300, Mexico City to Houston with 235 passengers and 40,839


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, WPDL-YTTI, 113, 1417.4, Beech Baron 58, Distance 315nm


BGAK015, David R. Evans, CVN-74 USS Stennis, 60.78, 779.31, T-28C, Gray & Rainy weather Abourd th USS Stennis in the Straits of Juan de Fuca WA,USA 5 cats and traps


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, YPDN-YOEN, 56, 1415.52, Beech Baron 58, Distance 129nm  - Side trip


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PAB T-CHP, 107.68, 778.29, Cessna T-50, real weather,updated Clear with scattered clouds at 1800 Ft.flew first to prospect creek Adf then fort yukon Vor then 139 deg. radial to CHP at fort yukon ran into snow and visability drooped to 5 miles cessna in pattern had a missed approuch but I slipped in with no problems


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, YGPT-WPDL, 113, 1414.58, Beech Baron 58, Distance 345 nm


bgan040, Dan George, YSTW  YSWG, 195, 438.55, Carenado Cessna 182Q, Training flight for GAAR.  Tamworth NSW to Wagga Wagga NSW Australia.


bgan040, Dan George, YSTW  YSWG, 195, 438.55, Carenado Cessna 182Q, Training flight for GAAR.  Tamworth NSW to Wagga Wagga NSW Australia.


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, CYYZ - MMMX, 253, 1496.83, PMDG 747, Charter flight to Mexico City with 408 passengers and 71,808 lbs of freight


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, YOEN-YGPT, 64, 1412.7, Beech Baron 58, Distance 174nm


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, YPDN-YSSY, 405, 1766.12, CONNIE, BGAD217


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, WSSS-YPDN, 435, 1759.37, CONNIE, BGAD217


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, VTBD-WSSS, 0195, 1752.12, CONNIE, BGAD217


bgad062, Bob York, YBBN-YGDI, 96, 6.65, DH9 Dragon Rapide, VFR. Real world weather.


bgas003, Henrique Wiederspahn, CBA7-CAF4, 55, 197.7, Piper J3 Cub, What a flight!!!


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KDTW - KLAN, 27.21, 776.5, Dash8-100G, real weather, updated   After a delay of two hours due to the ten to twelve inches of new snow and freezing rain,that finally moved out of the area,passengers loaded , through the de-ice station,and out to RW4R,call to tower,an climb out to 4,500 landing 10R at Lansingin 17 to25 Knt winds ,but striaght down the RW.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PGUA-AYPY, 491, 11159.9, C-47,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, YPDN-YOEN, 44, 1411.63, Beech Baron 58, Distance 129nm Leg 1 Aus.



Posted 19-December

bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KCVG-KJVL, 102, 1410.9, Beech Baron 58, Distance 292nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KALS-KCNM, 120, 1409.2, Beech Baron 58, Distance 315nm


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KTUL - KAFW, 58, 1492.62, B767-300, 258 passengers and 44696 lbs cargo


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KLNS-KBGR, 133, 1407.2, Beech Baron 58, Distance 434nm


bgad062, Bob York, YBRK-YBBN, 95, 5.05, Avro Argonaut, VFR. Real world weather.


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, CYYC - KMIA, 310, 1491.65, A340-300, Carried 287 passengers and 62,422


bgad062, Bob York, YBMK-YBRK, 63, 3.47, Avro Argosy, VFR. Real world weather.


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EHRD-EKBI, 56, 796.73, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 39


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YBJW - YBJW, 34.44, 776.06, Cessna 170A, real weather updated, Doing Adf navigation practice,flew to MNE Adf then LST to MH then back to YBJW weather was haze then patchy fog after sundown.  7 Knt cross wind made the night landing hard to avoid vertigo


bgak056, Steve Sellmeyer, EGEC-EGPI-OBN-ULL-EGPU, 74, 225.8, DC-3, Rough flight using real weather. Turbulent, bouncy and kept the seat belt light on the whole time.Aborted all attempts at landings except EGPU. That even took 3 tries to get on the ground ! !


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KORD - CYYC, 188, 1486.48, B767-300, 258 passengers and 40680 lbs cargo


bgas051, Ruud Heijnen, EHBK-EHEH, 15, 65.1, FW190D9,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, PAJN-PANC, 217, 1404.98, Beech Baron 58, Distance 494nm  Explored many inlets and rivers.


bgas031, Gary McCarty,  AYPY-PGUA, 450, 11151.72, C-47,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kphl-kewr, 26, 2903.58, Martin 4-0-4,


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, CYYZ - KORD, 75, 1483.35, B767-300, First complete flight in FS-X


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBGR-KJFK, 166, 1401.37, Beech Baron 58, Distance 370nm  Plus side trip to take on two more flyers, Don and Kenny.


bgan029, John Kolmos, LHBP-EDDM, 80, 362.72, 727-100,


bgak029, Patrick Daley, CJX7-CYIO, 75, 738.93, C-208, Stop at CYSR


bgas031, Gary McCarty, AYBK-AYPY, 684, 11144.22, C-47, AYPY-AGGH.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, AYBK-AYPY, 684, 11144.22, C-47, AYPY-AGGH.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klns-kcam, 29, 2903.15, Martin 4-0-4, 1960 Allegheny Flight 334  (leg 4)  The 1930 Camden NJ airport is two short for the Martin.  Ran off the end of the runway.  Use KPHL instead.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kaoo-klns, 38, 2902.67, Martin 4-0-4, 1960 Allegheny Flight 334  (leg 3)


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kjst-kaoo, 18, 2902.03, Martin 4-0-4, 1960 Allegheny Flight 334  (leg 2)


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kpit-kjst, 33, 2901.73, Martin 4-0-4, 1960 Allegheny Flight 334  (leg 1)


bgak069, John Cox, CYXL-CYRL, 60, 3.92, DHC3 TTC, Return leg to Red Lake.


bgak069, John Cox, CYXL-CYRL, 60, 3.92, DHC3 TTC, Return leg to Red Lake.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KJVL-KBNA, 145, 1398.6, Beech Baron 58, Distance 405nm


bgan044, Ian Robertson, CYQX-EGPK, 438, 984.08, Boston MKIII,


bgan041, Bill Cox, 24A-KHSP, 132, 399.32, C421, IFR @ FL210, Sylva, NC to Hot Springs, VA


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KSLC - CYYZ, 212, 1482.1, B767-300, Scheduled flight of  255 passengers with 44,884 lbs of cargo


bgak069, John Cox, CYRL-CYXL, 65, 2.92, DHC3 TTC, Flight to Sioux Lookout.


bgak069, John Cox, CYVZ-CYRL, 50, 1.83, DHC3 TTC, Return from Deer Lake.


bgak069, John Cox, CYRL-CYVZ, 60, 1, DHC3 TTC, First flight completed.


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KSFO - KSLC, 96, 1478.57, B767-300, Carried 244 passengers with 41700 lbs cargo






BGAK015, David R. Evans, YPKU - YARG, 54.89, 775.48, ERCO Erocoupe, GAAR test flight , SLOW and with 95 Hp, rate of climb if leg goes over mountains would mean alot of extra time to get over, no flaps, can\\\'t slip so decents might mean longer down wind legs, tried but still be a weekend airknocker


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YPKU - YARG, 38.54, 774.56, Cessna 170A, GAAR test flight a good stable platform,and I am comfortable with the panel lay out


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YPKU -YARG, 40.75, 773.91, Cessna T-50, GAAR test flight point to point time less but took bird awhile to climb and decend at both ends


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KDSM, 324, 1396.18, Beech Baron 58, Distance 1009nm


bgas031, Gary McCarty, AYPY-AYBK, 176, 11132.82, C-47,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YPDN-AYPY, 303, 11129.88, C-54,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KAMA-KMCI, 171, 1390.78, Beech Baron 58, Distance 414nm  Also took side trips to explore the area



Posted 16-December

bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KCID-KCMX, 119, 1387.93, Beech Baron 58, Distance 346nm


bgan040, Dan George, KCRW  KLWB, 60, 435.3, Cessna 182Q, Return flight to Lewisburg WV from Charleston WV.  Nasty weather--rain and fog--all the way.


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, KSFO-PHNL, 287, 717.43, 747-400F, GAAR delivery to Darwin - Honolulu fuel stop


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, KSEA-KSFO, 124, 712.65, 747-400F,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, CYYJ-KSEA, 33, 710.58, A-26C, DELIVERING TO SEATAC


bgad062, Bob York, YBTL-YBMK, 82, 2.42, DC3, VFR.  Real world weather.


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EGNT-EHRD, 54, 795.8, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 38


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, SBRB-SWAB, 65, 945.65, Fairchild F-91,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, KBGR-KBOS, 86, 944.57, DC-3,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, KPQI-KBGR, 91, 943.13, DC-3,


bgan038, Meryl Coon, PACS-PAPB, 72, 223.9, Bell?Agusta BA609 Tilt Rotor, Cape Sarichef to St George, AK


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KROW - KSUU, 162, 1476.97, B767-300, 244 passengers with 31418 from Roswell to Travis


BGAN058, Simon Dix, EGPC-EGPA, 23, 92.1, DH89A Dragon Rapide, Leg 10 Monthly Feature


BGAN058, Simon Dix, UK10-EGPC, 66, 91.72, DH89A Dragon Rapide, Leg 9 Monthly Feature


BGAN058, Simon Dix, EGPO-UK10, 38, 90.62, DH89A Dragon Rapide, Leg 8 Monthly Feature


BGAN058, Simon Dix, EGPL-EGPO, 36, 89.98, DH89A Dragon Rapide, Leg 7 Monthly Feature


BGAN058, Simon Dix, EGPR-EGPL, 20, 89.38, DH89A Dragon Rapide, Leg 6 Monthly Feature


BGAN058, Simon Dix, EGPU-EGPR, 22, 89.05, DH89A Dragon Rapide, Leg 5 Monthly Feature


BGAN058, Simon Dix, ULL-EGPU, 22, 88.68, DH89A Dragon Rapide, Leg 4 Monthly Feature


BGAN058, Simon Dix, OBN-ULL, 35, 88.32, DH89A Dragon Rapide, Leg 3 Monthly Feature


BGAN058, Simon Dix, EGPI-OBN, 41, 87.73, DH89A Dragon Rapide, Leg 2 Monthly Feature


BGAN058, Simon Dix, EGEC-EGPI, 18, 87.05, DH89A Dragon Rapide, Leg 1 Monthly Feature


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PTKK-YPDN, 542, 11124.83, C-54,


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KCRW, 45, 434.3,  Carenado Cessna 182Q, Test flight of new airplane--getting ready for the 09 GAAR.  Lewisburg WV to Charleston WV.


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KTIK - KROW, 80, 1474.27, A319-100, 113 passengers with 9,337 lbs of equipment from Tinker AFB to Roswell, NM


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KTUL - KTIK, 48, 1472.93, Dash-7, Carried 48 passengers


bgad017, John Lawler, WRRR-WRKK, 231, 2163.32, DC-3, Flight BGAD4704. IFR FL90 via NR NDB


bgad062, Bob York, YBCS-YBTL, 63, 1.05, DC3, VFR. Real world weather.


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KMEM - CYYZ, 124, 1472.13, A340-300, 287 passengers with 68,293 lbs cargo from Memphis to Toronto


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, egpc-egpa, 14, 2901.18, DC-3, Gael Force #10  Thanks Allan for an interesting series of flights. 


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, uk10-egpc, 39, 2900.95, DC-3, Gael Force #9


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, egpo-bfd-uk10, 36, 2900.3, DC-3, Gael Force #7


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, egpl-egpo, 24, 2899.7, DC-3, Gael Force #6


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, egpr-egpl, 14, 2899.3, DC-3, Gael Force Flight #6


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KFCS -KBKF, 50.60, 773.23, Cessna T-50, real weather, updated  skys partly cloudy on departure ,climbed to assinged 11,000Ft. ,when arived at destination snow squalls cut visibility to 1 mile under them,but control lined me up good and was able to visual RW at 6 miles out and was down be the time the next squall moved in.


bgak033, Tom Burrill, KBGR_KBOS, 108, 984.45, DC3,


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, SCIR-SCIP, 374, 335.37, CORSAIR F4U,


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, SCDA - SCIR, 240, 329.13, CORSAIR F4U,




bgan038, Meryl Coon, YBCS-YDKI, 27, 222.7, Bell/Augusta BA609 Tilt Rotor, Cairns to Dunk Island, AU


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KAMA-KMCI, 137, 1385.95, Beech Baron 58, Distance 414nm


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, obn-ull, 9, 2898.47, DC-3, Gael Force #3  I wouldn\\\'t have found the airport without FSNav. My eyes have difficulty with grass runways unless the surrounding area is snow covered.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSHR-KGJT, 128, 1380.22, Beech Baron 58, Distance 346nm


bgan002, Joe Weber, KCOE-KBIL, 110, 839.18, DC-6B,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, 65G - 65G, 37.20, 772.39, Cessna T-50, realweather,updated  wind 185deg.@ 17Knts Visibility 20miles rain/sleet flew to Capital City but the only RW FS9 would let me have was 10R that was downwind! so cancelled landing and went back to Maple Grove


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, egpi-obn, 23, 2898.32, DC-3, Gael Force #2  missed approach and a go around


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, egec-egpi, 21, 2897.93, DC-3, Gael Force #1


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, egpu-egpr, 18, 2899.07, DC-3, Gael Force #5


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBRL-KFSD, 103, 1381.93, Beech Baron 58, Distance 301nm


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ull-egpu, 18, 2898.77, DC-3, Gael Force #4


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PWAK-PTKK, 399, 11115.8, C-54,


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KTUL - KMEM, 77, 1470.07, B767-300, Charter Flight from Tulsa to Memphis with 258 passengers and 44844 lbs cargo


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KELP-KMRF, 65, 1253.17, Trans Texas DC-3, Real wx, IFR 9000 ft alt, landed rwy 21.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KHSP-24A, 124, 397.12, C421, IFR @ FL200, Hot Springs, VA to Sylva, NC


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KFSD-KBRL, 104, 1383.67, Beech Baron 58, Distance 301nm



Posted 14-December

bgan029, John Kolmos, KJFK-EGKK, 380, 361.38, 747-200, GREAT TAIL WIND


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KMTC - KMMI, 120.1, 771.77, Caribou C7, heavy snow storm, Ifr.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KTTF -KOZW, 30.48, 769.77, Cessna 172 Sq.tail, real weather,updated just added a TG flight timer,and a Chronograph,so a little night flight to familerise with the panel,always these computers amaze me with the weather as I only live a few miles from KOZW the wind ,temp,precipatation are spot on.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSTS-KBUR, 139, 1378.08, Beech Baron 58, Distance 336nm + short side trip


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kagc-kmdw, 123, 2897.58, Martin 4-0-4, 381 gal


BGAK015, David R. Evans, STEN - PAPP, 383.9, 769.27, A1 - H Skyraider, fair weather , Another SteveHinson Carrier to my add on scenery file. The USS PAPPY BOYINGTON on station between California and Hawaii.three drop tanks used and 3/4 of the mains used and oil streaks over the fusalage and a pilot with one numb behind managed to trap the first attempt was ever so glad to be guided to the tie down.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PWAK-PWAK, 645, 11109.15, C-54, PMDY.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, PANC-KSEA, 220, 1375.77, Boeing 737-800, Distance 1317nm


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YYMI - YHID, 38.22, 762.87, Piper PA22-135, fair weather Night flt.  Another 50,s aircraft the old flying milk stool as the flying farmers around home call it,slower than the square tail 172 but gets of the ground a bit quicker and all the lights work.not much for radio gear but true to era and type.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YYMI - YHID, 33.66, 762.23, Cessna 172, night Flt. Fair weather this is the \\\"Old Square Tail\\\" version,nice wood grain panel,but landing and taxi lights only visiable from outside veiw.this could be a handicap on any night legs of the GAAR.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSEA-PANC, 210, 1372.1, Boeing 737-800, Distance 1298nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSFO-PANC, 210, 1368.6, Boeing 737-800, Distance 1298nm


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YNWN - YNWN, 30.4, 761.67, Waco E model, real weather, updated  VOR RW5 CAT. C&D


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YTTI - YTTI, 36.4, 761.17, Cessna 170A, real weather,updated  Troughton Island, West Austraila, wind straight across RW14 at 8Knts ,Ceiling at 1500FT Vis.2Miles,Practice NDB_A Approach was able to get on the runway all three times but always about 10 deg.right or left of centerline,needing a short base to get centered.


bgad061, Ian Hedrick, YSCB - YMML, 120, 3.5, DC3,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSFO-KSAT, 226, 1365.1, Boeing 737-800, Distance 1285nm


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KELP-KMAF, 93, 1252.08, DC-3, El Paso to Midland, real wx, Trans Texas airways, used 146 gals fuel.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YPDN-PWAK, 832, 11098.4, C-54, PTKK.


bgas006, William (Bill) Agee, CYBD-CAW3, 081, 2710.28, HT295, CAJ4 STOP


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, PANC-KSEA, 243, 1361.33, Boeing 737-800, Distance 1255nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSFO-HAUS, 249, 1357.28, Boeing 737-800, Distance 1304nm


bgak056, Steve Sellmeyer, PAGS-PAJN, 26, 224.57, BEAVER, Rough weather, heavy cloud cover.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, WBGS-YPDN, 485, 11084.53, C-46,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kolm-pajn, 304, 2895.53, Beech Twin Bonanza, 157 gal  State Capital Tour Flight #48


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ksle-kolm, 45, 2890.47, Beech Twin Bonanza, 21 gal  State Capital Tour flight #47




Posted 11-December

bgad042, Don Moore, NZOU-NZCH, 70, 1163.45, DH 89A,


bgad042, Don Moore, CYCW-CYHE, 58, 1162.28, Fokker VII B, Canada flight,what a beautiful place to see.


bgad042, Don Moore, YAMB-YBOK, 28, 1161.32, DH 89A,


bgad042, Don Moore, KGRB-KORD, 47, 1160.85, DC 6B, An adventure flight in an oldtime airliner with good company and plenty of laughs along the way.


bgad042, Don Moore, EPGD-EPEL, 45, 1160.07, ,


bgad042, Don Moore, EGPD-EGKK, 109, 1159.32, DHC 8-400,


bgad042, Don Moore, YIMB-YPPF, 69, 1157.5, Beech 1900 D,


bgad042, Don Moore, YIMB-YPPF, 69, 1157.5, Beech 1900 D,


bgad042, Don Moore, YIMB-YPPF, 69, 1157.5, Beech 1900 D,


bgad042, Don Moore, CZAM-CYCP, 69, 1156.35, DC-3,


bgad042, Don Moore, LIMW-LIMC, 37, 1155.2, DC-3, The Aosta Valley in northern Italy is a lovely place to fly especially when in the good company of other Bluegrass aviators.


bgad042, Don Moore, EGPH-EGPE, 48, 1154.58, Piper 180 Cherokee,


bgad042, Don Moore, EGOD-EGPB, 64, 1153.78, DHC 8-400,


bgad042, Don Moore, YWGT-YMES, 68, 1152.72, Vega 5C,


bgad042, Don Moore, MYNN-KBOW, 73, 1151.58, B737-800,


bgad042, Don Moore, EGTE-EIDW, 26, 1150.37, DHC 8-400,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSFO-KDEN, 146, 1353.13, Boeing 737-800, Distance 838nm


bgas006, William (Bill) Agee, CZML-CAQ4 , 89, 2708.93, HT-295, STOP OVER CBG4-CAR3


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ksac-ksle, 129, 2889.72, Beech Twin Bonanza, 89 gal State Capital Tour Flight #46


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kcxp-ksac, 41, 2887.57, Beech Twin Bonanza, 30 gal State Capital Tour Flight # 45


bgas031, Gary McCarty, VEMN-WBGS, 566, 11076.45, C-46, ZPPP.


bgan041, Bill Cox, W24-KHSP, 43, 395.05, C421, IFR @ 8000\\\', Lynchburg, VA (Falwell) to Hot Springs, VA


bgan041, Bill Cox, KFLO-W24, 122, 394.33, M20J, IFR @ 9000\\\', Florence, SC to Lynchburg, VA (Falwell)


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSFO-KSEA, 124, 1350.7, Boeing 737-800, Distance 590nm


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, EDDI-EDDI, 34, 710.03, C-47A, ATA-sortie Tempelhof with C-47


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, MMMX-MMAA, 42, 709.47, 767-300, Mexico City- Acapulco.  Gosh, what a nice weather!!


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, EGKK-EGKK, 23, 708.77, DC-3C, ATAsortie DC3 FS-story


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, tncm-tncm, 49, 708.38, DC-3C, ATA sortie FS-article


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, YAYE-YAYE, 36, 707.57, DC-3C, air-to-air photo sortie for article about FS.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kiwa-kcxp, 168, 2886.88, Beech Twin Bonanza, 50.3 gal State Capital Tour Flight #44


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, u43-kiwa, 118, 2884.08, Piaggio Avanti, 153 gal  State Capital Tour Flight #43


bgak029, Patrick Daley, CYUX-CJX7, 128, 737.68, Cessna 208, stop at CYGT


bgan038, Meryl Coon, NTAA-NTTG, 74, 222.25, Piper PA-31 Navajo, Tahiti to Rangiroa, Fr Polynesia.  Real Weather using


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSFO-KDEN, 180, 1348.63, Boeing 737-800, Distance 838nm - West Coast Went Down and I lost my time with them. I kept track of the time on this flight myself and including it in my hours with Bluegrass.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, WGGS-VEMN, 575, 11067.02, C-46,



Posted 8-December

bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kboi-u42, 76, 2882.12, Piaggio P180 Avanti, State Capital Tour Flight #42  Boise-Salt Lake City


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, KHLN-KBOI, 92, 2880.85, Piper Malibu Mirage, 18,500  State Capital Tour Flight #41


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, MSLP - SEGS, 240, 318.77, Corsair F4U, went feet wet this afternoon overnighting at Galapogous


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, MMTM - MSLP, 192, 314.77, Corsair F4U, To gaar 2009 leg 3


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, KNFW - MMTM, 174, 311.57, Corsair F4U, to GAAR 2009 leg2


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, CYWG - KNFW, 276, 308.67, Corsair F4U, on my way to GAAR 2009 first leg


BGAK015, David R. Evans, 65G - KAZO, 33.03, 760.57, Waco E model, real weather,updated  windy and cold with lake effect snow,precursor to a winter storm bringing sleet,freezing rain,and iceing contitons,ceiling 8000 but visability only 7 miles snow squalls. finding the Waco very comfortable to fly,though the panel awfull hard to scan for IFR.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KDFW-KORD, 136, 1345.63, Boeing 737-800, Distance 696nm


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YPDN-WBGS, 542, 11057.43, C-46,


bgan040, Dan George, KCPK  KFXE, 195, 433.55, Epic LT Dyansty, Charter from KCPE Chesapeake Exec, Norfolk VA to KFXE Ft Lauderdale Exec FL.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TMC#8, 290, 941.62, Lockheed Vega, Complete Tough Man Challenge # 8.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, ULL - EGPU, 18.25, 760.02, Waco E model, winds still 25 - 35 Knts but direction more stable,landed with a slight crosswind about 3Deg. off the nose at 30 Knts. I,ve flown most of the planes in my hanger and still have know ideal which i\\\'ll chose for GAAR09


BGAK015, David R. Evans, OBN - ULL, 12.48, 759.72, Stinson SR10, The approuch to ULL reminds me of some strips in Alaska,full flaps useing power to drag over tree tops then dropping in , enjoyed it.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kcys-khln, 171, 2879.32, Beech Twin Bonanza, 10,500\\\'  stayed east of the Rockies.  via CZI-Sheridan-and Billings VOR\\\'s


bgan041, Bill Cox, KEVB-KFLO, 162, 392.3, M20J, IFR @ 11000, New Smyrna Beach, FL to Florence, SC


bgak011, Coleman Green, SBNT-SBPL, 159, 1626.72, Cessna 206,


bgak011, Coleman Green, SNIG-SBNT, 88, 1624.07, Cessna 206,


bgak011, Coleman Green, SNRJ-SNIG, 94, 1622.6, Cessna 206,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMLI-KLSE, 71, 837.35, D18S, West Coast ATC


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kbjc-kcys, 40, 2876.47, Beech Twin Bonanza, 20 gal State Capital Flight # 39  10,500\\\'


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PGUM-YPDN, 381, 11048.4, Lockheed 1049G,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ksaf-kbjc, 117, 2875.8, Beech Twin Bonanza, 64 gal.  Flight #38 of the State Capital Tour.  Had to suck ozygen for about an hour as we went up and over the Rockies between Taos and Pueblo.  Cruise at 10,500\\\' and up to 18,500\\\'


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSLC-KSFO, 116, 1343.37, Boeing 737-800, Distance 519nm


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KMEM - CYYZ, 120, 1468.78, B767-400, Carried 258 passengers along with 40540 lbs cargo


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KORD-KSLC, 168, 1341.43, Boeing 737-800, Distance 1,082nm


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EBCI-EGNT, 66, 794.9, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 37


bgan047, Paul Mensch, LKKV-EBCI, 61, 793.8, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 36


bgan047, Paul Mensch, LHDC-LKKV, 124, 792.78, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 35


bgad061, Ian Hedrick, YSSY - YSCB, 90, 1.5, DC3, 1st IFR Flight - Good weather


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KORD - KMEM, 99, 1466.78, B737-800, Charter flight with 142 passengers and 12,000 cargo


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YBWG - YMMI, 28.92, 759.52, F7F-3 Tigercat, real weather, updated , My hot rod of the hangar, poard the poweron and climbed too 2500Ft. in around 30 sec. Vis improved a little to about 10 miles 14Knt quartering head wind didnt,effect the big blue bird to much. useda an field 15 miles away wich on the map was almost 90Deg. from YMMI so when the neddel was at a right angle to course I was there.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YCAR - YSHK, 42.62, 759.03, Erco Erocoupe, real weather, updated  thought I would jump a little farther down the list hopeing to see some scenary, if they use this real weather, no use getting add on,still rotten visability. the erco coupe is plesant to fly but not much faster than a champ and a doubt it could climb fast enough to clear some of the mountains in route.she stays home this one.


bgas003, Henrique Wiederspahn, CCI9-CBA7, 100, 196.78, Piper J3 Cub,


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, CYYZ - KORD, 90, 1465.13, A340-300, Scheduled flight from Toronto to Chicago with 286 passengers and 68,877 lbs cargo


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YTTI - YGIB, 54.5, 758.31, B-25 Mitchell, real weather,updated  testing diffrent aircraft over verious routes of GAAR 2009 the mitchell under full load bearly made it of the small strip at Troughton Island was in haze and 4 mile Vis. untill 20 miles inland .even with good visability GibbRiver is hard to spot inFS9 used Ndb Approuch to find it.


bgan002, Joe Weber, EGKK-EDDF, 85, 836.17, L749 Connoe,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KYIP-KLCK, 95, 834.75, CV-349, VATSIM


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KBNA, 170, 1338.63, Boeing 737-800, Distance 817nm


BGAK015, David R. Evans, WDDL-YTTI, 134.66, 757.39, Westland LysanderMk3, realweather,updated  a hard climb required to get over the central mountians to 9000ft and wind shifts and turbulance,moderate at 9000ft decended to 3000ft winds were steadier but visability down to 4 miles,with no GPS no Land marks, had to use wind correction and magnegtic deviations until recived NDB 30 miles out was  only a Deg. off,made a good landing on the white coral strip.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, katt-ksaf, 221, 2873.85, Beech Twin Bonanza, 85.9 gal  State Capital Tour Flight #37    Shakedown flight for my possible entry into GAAR_2009


bgas031, Gary McCarty, ZPPP-PGUM, 542, 11042.05, Lockheed 1049G,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KORD-KBOS, 137, 1335.8, Boeing 737-800, Distance 756nm


BGAK015, David R. Evans, EGPI - OBW, 26.6, 755.14, A1 Skyraider, provided weather, winds shifty but not near as strong,switched aircraft to the old Able Dog, enough horsepower,lift and toughness,to take anything.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KAPF-KEVB, 112, 389.6, M20J, IFR @ 3000\\\', Naples to New Smyrna Beach, FL


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, 2dt-katt, 94, 2870.17, Piper Malibu Mirage, 25.3 gal State Capital Flight #36  23,000\\\'


bgas006, William (Bill) Agee, KSEA-XBLI, 74, 2707.45, J-3 CLUB,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kfoe-2dt, 88, 2868.6, Piper Malibu Mirage, 30.5 gal  State Capital Tour Flight # 35


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PGUM-ZPPP, 561, 11033.02, Lockheed 1049G,


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, VECC-VTBD, 216, 1748.87, CONNIE, BGAD217


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, VIDP-VECC, 179, 1745.27, CONNIE, BGAD217


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, OPKC-VIDP, 150, 1742.28, CONNIE, BGAD217


BGAK015, David R. Evans, EGEC - EGPI, 20.7, 754.7, Cessna 170A, provided  weather, I know why there are so many distilleries in Scottland.this wind would drive anyone to drink! thought a short hop this first leg ,then after the first attempted landing, the secound,the third, the wind blowing my rag winged cessna around like a kite,my bush pilot mentality clicked in and I landed dead into the wind on a taxi way. will try a diffrent, heavier.more powerfull craft next leg.but first a trip to the local pub and try a shot of the local distilleries best to steady my nerves.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KPDK-KAPF, 235, 387.73, M20J, IFR @ 4000\\\', Atlanta, GA to Naples, FL


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klnk-kfoe, 45, 2867.13, Piper Malibu Mirage, State Capital Tour Flight #34


bgas031, Gary McCarty, VHHX-PGUM, 423, 11023.67, Lockheed 1049G, RPLL.



Posted 4-December

bgad017, John Lawler, EGEG-OBN, 59, 2159.47, Twin Pioneer, Gael Force legs 1-2, with a short stop at Islay. It may have been the Laphroiag, but the scenery of the second leg is very beautiful, apart from that horrid over-the-hill approach to Oban rwy 20.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kdsm-klnk, 65, 2866.38, Piper Malibu, 26.7 gal  State Capitals Tour Flight #33


bgak033, Tom Burrill, KBOS-KBGR, 120, 982.65, ,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSEA-PANC, 240, 1333.52, Boeing 737-800, Distance 1360nm


BGAK015, David R. Evans, 5BL - LHD, 59.4, 754.36, DHC-2 MK1 (floats), real weather,updated winds calm, but ceiling only 2800ft. climbed to 2700 and ran into rain 10 miles from Homer. Vis. still above VFr.Minimums,emptied the rear tank and used the front tank rest of flight.


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, EDFD-EDDM, 43, 706.97, Douglas A-26C, First GAAR testflight.  Testing IFR radio equipment by filing IFR flight plan. ILS-approach at Munchen went well.


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, EHAM-LFPG, 51, 706.25, 737-800, Routine KLM-flight


bgan047, Paul Mensch, LOWI-LHDC, 68, 790.72, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 34


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KIGM-KLUF, 45, 1250.53, C-141, While I was laying over in Kingman Az, I got a call that the Air Force needed a C-141 pilot to fly an emergency flight from KIGM to Luke Air Force Base.  I volunteered my services and after a short briefing, we were on our way. Probably going to be flying a few more of those Starlifter flights.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PGUM-VHHX, 449, 11016.62, Lockheed 1049G, RPLL.


bgas006, William (Bill) Agee, KTTD-KUAO, 73, 2706.22, J-3  CLUB, KHIO-WA80 One leg using the mooney


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ktex-krow, 103, 2865.3, Martin 4-0-4, Testing High Altitude Takeoff.  Wasp R-2800-CB-16 Engines with two speed superchargers.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KJAX, 187, 1329.52, Boeing 737-800, Distance 940nm


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KMTN, 75, 430.3, Piper Cheyenne II, Emergency trip to Baltimore for execs from a Dubai based tanker company.  One of their ships was hijacked this morning off the coast of Somalia.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KORD-KBOS, 139, 1326.4, Boeing 737-800, Distance 756nm


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kagc-klwb, 63, 2863.58, Martin 4-0-4,



Posted 3-December

bgas003, Henrique Wiederspahn, CYPB-CCI9, 57, 195.12, Piper J3 Cub,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PAEI - PAEI, 50.5, 753.36, F7F Tigercat, real weather,updated  Weather clear with a small cresant moon,training mission for night interception with night fighter version, climbed to 14000 and set at, turned off all lights, continued east in restricted area till controll vectored us west , REO picked up a target a commercial flight out of Anchorage we turned an ran intercept to within 7 Miles and broke off for home


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KORD, 150, 1324.08, Boeing 737-800, Distance 755nm


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KPIH-KSLC, 65, 1249.78, Frontier DC-3, Multiplayer flight with BGAS001, via MLD,OGD,TCH VOR, flew downwind and landed ILS rwy 34R. Used 95 gals fuel.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kpih-kslc, 65, 2862.53, DC-3, On line with bgas046 Bill Hendrix.  He landed on 34R I landed on 35


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PGUM-PGUM, 646, 11009.13, Lockheed L-1049G, RCSS.


bgas006, William (Bill) Agee, KAST-WA01-CTAF, 35, 2705, J-3  CLUB,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kpir-kdsm, 85, 2861.45, Piper Meridian, 25 gal  State Capital Flight #32


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kbis-kpir, 58, 2860.03, Piper Malibu, 20 gal  State Capital Flight #31


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kstp-kbis, 109, 2859.07, Piper Meridian, 34 gal  State Capital Flight #30


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBGR-KBOS, 63, 1321.58, Boeing 737-800, Distance 179nm


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EGEC-EGPA, 265, 936.78, DH-86, December 08 Feature of the Month, a Bonny Flight it was too.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KBGR, 53, 1320.53, Boeing 737-800, Distance 179nm


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PGUM-PGUM, 759, 10998.37, Lockheed L-1049G, RKSS.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, RJAW-PGUM, 469, 10985.72, Lockheed L-1049G, RJOA-RJAW.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kmsn-kstp, 58, 2857.25, Piper Meridian, 22 gal  49 State Capital Tour Flight # 29


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kstp-kdsm, 71, 2856.28, Piper Meridian, 36 gal


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, XDEN-KPUB, 46, 1248.7, Frontier DC-3, Denver Stapleton to Pueblo, alt 9500, using Cal Classic scenery, 73 gals fuel.


bgan047, Paul Mensch, LIRN-LOWI, 77, 789.58, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour leg 33