Bluegrass Airlines

Flight Reports

March 2008



Newest reports on top.



Posted 31-March


bgad042, Don Moore, KSEA-S86, 20, 992.62, Fokker VII B,


bgad042, Don Moore, YLST-YMEK, 59, 992.28, Beech 350 KA, Night flight.


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, KSTL-KDFW, 120, 163.85, Boeing 777,


bgad032, Smithy, WIIJ - WRRR, 91, 862.57, DH Dove 104,


bgad032, Smithy, WIIJ - WRRR, 91, 862.57, DH Dove 104,


bgad032, Smithy, WIIL - WIIJ, 28, 861.05, DH Dove 104,


bgad032, Smithy, WIII - WIIL, 54, 860.58, DH Dove 104,


bgad032, Smithy, WRRR - WRRA, 22, 859.68, DH Dove 104,


bgad032, Smithy, WRRA - WIAS, 90, 859.32, DH Dove 104,


bgad032, Smithy, WIAS - WIAR, 36, 857.82, DH Dove 104,


bgad032, Smithy, WIAR - WIIA, 102, 857.22, DH Dove 104,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KSAN-KMEM, 241, 6073.53, MD11F, FedEx flight


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, KCUG-KSTL, 162.63, 32.93, DC3, In rain all way,landed in rain quite a windy trip.


bgad032, Smithy, KSEA - S86, 76, 855.52, Skyhawk,


bgad032, Smithy, NZKT - NZTG, 47, 854.25, Vampire,


bgad032, Smithy, YPKG - YESP, 41, 853.47, FA/18 Superhornet,


bgad032, Smithy, MYNN - MYXH, 45, 852.78, Baron,


bgad032, Smithy, WPDL - WPEC, 85, 852.03, Metroliner,


bgad032, Smithy, YPDN - YPDL, 82, 850.62, Metroliner,


bgad032, Smithy, YPDN - WPDL, 51, 849.25, Metroliner,


bgad032, Smithy, YPDN - YPDN, 70, 848.4, Apache,


bgad032, Smithy, YPTN - YPDN, 37, 847.23, Metroliner,


bgad032, Smithy, YPDN - YPTN, 58, 846.62, Metroliner,


bgad032, Smithy, KLAS - KTVL, 132, 845.65, Baron,


bgad032, Smithy, WIII - WRRR, 184, 843.45, Caravan,


bgad032, Smithy, YKKG - YPKT, 117, 840.38, Metroliner,


bgad032, Smithy, YTNK - YKKG, 57, 838.43, Metroliner,


bgad032, Smithy, UGSS - URMM, 17, 837.48, AC680S,


bgad032, Smithy, YPTN - YTEE, 80, 837.2, Fairchild Provider,


bgad032, Smithy, YTEE - YBAR, 17, 835.87, Metroliner,


bgad032, Smithy, YCCY - YTEE, 48, 835.58, Metroliner,


bgad032, Smithy, YKID - YCCY, 59, 834.78, Fairchild Metroliner,


bgad005, Terry Howell, YMML-YMRY, 156, 1042.28, dc3,


bgan021, Luke, KPDX-6S9, 0, 373.58, 737-300 AUSTRALIAN AIR EXPRESS, .5WA5. Flying the 37 into a regional strip in the Cascades...easy


bgan021, Luke, KSUU-KPDX, 66, 373.58, 747-SP SOUTH AFRICAN,


bgan047, Paul Mensch, KDVT-KAVX, 136, 690.45, DC4, Deer Valley Vatsim flight


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kjqf-kmtv, 44, 104.97, beech baron, rnav 12


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kmci-klit, 93, 104.23, l-049, KMCI 301204Z 08005KT 7SM BKN006 OVC014 07/05 A3002 RMK AO2 KLIT 301224Z 26004KT 2SM -RA BR FEW005 OVC100 12/11 A3006 RMK AO2 RAB23 P0000 racr3.bum


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kmci-klit, 0, 102.68, l-049, KMCI 301204Z 08005KT 7SM BKN006 OVC014 07/05 A3002 RMK AO2 KLIT 301224Z 26004KT 2SM -RA BR FEW005 OVC100 12/11 A3006 RMK AO2 RAB23 P0000 racr3.bum


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KIAH-KSEA, 333, 6069.52, B737-800, CO Flt#267


bgas031, Gary McCarty, MKJP-MBSY, 299, 8453.5, SF-260, MWCR.


bgam007, Allan Lowson, PHUP-HI49, 93, 1283.58, Flying Flea, Puttering onwards ever so slowly round the Hawaiian Islands.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KOWD-KJFK, 71, 703.97, Beech Baron 58, Distance: 153 nm


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLWB-KCUB, 96, 228.9, PAY1, IFR @ FL200, Lewisburg, WV to Columbia, SC (Owens Downtown)


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, KPIT-KCVG, 104.37, 30.22, DC3, good flight, world weather.


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, kipt-kpit, 70.17, 30.99, DC3, Flying world weather,weather cleared from rain,flight good,very enjoyable.


bgas003, Henrique Wiederspahn, MWCB-MKTP, 96, 145.3, DC-3,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KRDU-KJFK, 75, 6063.97, Embraer 145, Dal Flt #6140


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KATL-KRDU, 78, 6062.72, MD83, DAL Flt#1580


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KJFK-KBOS, 38, 704.92, Learjet 45,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, MBSY-MKJP, 496, 8448.52, SF-260, SKSP.


BGAN058, Simon Dix, SBBE-SNGU, 107, 29.43, Fairchild F-91, Leg 1 Monthly feature March 2008


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KDEN-KATL, 158, 6061.42, B767-400, Random flight


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kdsm-kmkc, 59, 102.68, l-049, KDSM 291454Z 13011G18KT 10SM OVC250 03/M05 A3029 RMK AO2 SLP266 T00331050 50001 KMCI 291453Z 12016KT 10SM BKN100 05/M01 A3018 RMK AO2 SLP223 T00501011 58001 dsm lmn stj


bgan040, Dan George, KHLG  KBGM, 105, 304.98, Beech D18S, Charter flight from Wheeling WV to Binghamton NY. 


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KNKX      KYUM, 48, 354.02, T 28 C, realWeather;updated 10Mi vis 12Knt wind an light to moderate turbulance over mountains, hopped over range at 12000 ft and cruised till 50 Mi.out of Yuma,throttled back and rolled downhill to yuma.


bgak030, Ron Jorgensen, 5AK  62AK, 45, 2445.67, G-21 Goose, followed valley/roads SW at 500\\\' AGL


bgan021, Luke, SA47-EGYP, 72, 372.48, NIMROD PROTOTYPE, Leaving Antarctica Petrel for Mount Pleasant, Falklands


BGAK015, David R. Evans, MYXM-MBPV, 98, 353.22, PBY, real Weather;updated  Just flying around the islands picking up passengers,hauling some gargo(mainly sun block and fruit for those wonderfull Rum drinks they make down here),weather perfect-few puffys aform over the larger Islands the catilina drifts by.


bgad042, Don Moore, YLST-YMEK, 38, 995.72, DHC 8-200, This plus previous flight done at night to keep up night flying currency.


bgad042, Don Moore, YPKG-YLST, 90, 995.08, DHC 8-200, Night flight.


bgad042, Don Moore, KCHA-KRDU, 74, 993.58, Beech 1900,


bgad042, Don Moore, 9Z3-KMY, 54, 992.35, DHC 2 Beaver F/P, Practice with the renowned Canadian workhorse.


bgad042, Don Moore, 9Z3-KMY, 54, 992.35, DHC 2 Beaver F/P, Practice with the renowned Canadian workhorse.


bgad042, Don Moore, NZKT-NZTG, 69, 991.45, Saab 340 B,


bgad042, Don Moore, NZKT-NZTG, 69, 991.45, Saab 340 B,


bgad042, Don Moore, LIMJ-LIQW, 54, 990.3, Piper 180 Cherokee, A new A/C in my hangar,easy to handle.


bgad042, Don Moore, LIMJ-LIQW, 54, 990.3, Piper 180 Cherokee, A new A/C in my hangar,easy to handle.


bgad042, Don Moore, KRNO-KLVK, 38, 989.4, Beech 350 KA,


bgad042, Don Moore, KSFO-KRNO, 58, 988.77, Beech 350 KA,


bgad042, Don Moore, EGKR-ETUR, 48, 987.8, P51 D Mustang, My first attempt at a WWII fighter


bgad042, Don Moore, A29-BNF, 44, 987, FN333 Riviera,


bgad042, Don Moore, KBUF-CNQ3, 26, 986.27, Curtiss AT 32, Nice oldtime airliner.


bgad042, Don Moore, KBUF-CNQ3, 26, 986.27, Curtiss AT 32, Nice oldtime airliner.


bgad042, Don Moore, YMIA-YMAV, 51, 985.83, LJ 45, Landing has improved since lst flight.


bgad042, Don Moore, KABQ-KLAS, 62, 984.98, LJ 45, Nice A/C to fly.   Landing needs refinement though !.


bgad042, Don Moore, KABQ-KLAS, 62, 984.98, LJ 45, Nice A/C to fly.   Landing needs refinement though !.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KIAH-EINN, 473, 6058.78, A380-800, Random flight


BGAK071, Brian Duvall, 32AK-PACL, 35, 0.58, 182S Skylane, None


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, krap-kdsm, 104, 101.7, l-049, KRAP 281852Z 11007KT 10SM CLR 05/M06 A3004 RMK AO2 SLP197 T00501056 KDSM 281854Z 07007KT 10SM FEW100 06/M07 A3029 RMK AO2 SLP266 T00611072 rap pir fsd dsm vis rwy 5


BGAN058, Simon Dix, KSCK-KSFO, 29, 27.65, Convair CV340, Old United Flight 729


BGAN058, Simon Dix, KMOD-KSCK, 14, 27.17, Convair CV340, Old United Flight 729


BGAN058, Simon Dix, KMCE-KMOD, 16, 26.93, Convair CV340, Old United Flight 729


BGAN058, Simon Dix, KFAT-KMCE, 24, 26.67, Convair CV340, Old United Flight 729


BGAN058, Simon Dix, KVIS-KFAT, 24, 26.27, Convair CV340, Old United Flight 729


BGAN058, Simon Dix, L45-KVIS, 35, 25.87, Convair CV340, Old United Flight 729


BGAN058, Simon Dix, KLAX-L45, 45, 25.28, Convair CV340, Old United Flight 729


bgas031, Gary McCarty, MBSY-MBSY, 608, 8440.25, Commander 500S, MPTO.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBGR-KJFK, 76, 704.28, Learjet 45,


bgan041, Bill Cox, KSAV-KLWB, 111, 227.3, C441, IFR @ FL210, Savannah, GA to Lewisburg, WV.


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, KJFK-KIPT, 79.82, 29.81, DC3, Just started flight across america,flying with world weather which is not good at moment,heading to LA on west coast,just taking my time,sight seeing.A.Jarratt


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KDFW-KLAX, 260, 6050.9, B757-230, AA Flt#1549


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, koma-krap, 120, 99.97, l-049, KOMA 271852Z 02014KT 10SM OVC013 03/00 A2992 RMK AO2 RAB1758E25 SLP136 P0000 T00280000 KRAP 271924Z 18006KT 10SM BKN012 01/M02 A2992 RMK AO2qecqi huskr olu onl bff cde zudim ils 14


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KATL-KTUS, 185, 6046.57, B757-232, DAL Flt#627


bgas031, Gary McCarty, TXKF-MBSY, 579, 8430.12, DC-4, KGSO.


bgan040, Dan George, KLUK  KHLG, 120, 303.23, Beech D18S, Flight from Cincinnati OH to Wheeling WV.  Nesto Two arrival.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kgso-kavl, 64, 2758.43, DC-3, klwb-kroa-kgso-kavl  total fuel 198 gal


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kroa-kgso, 35, 2757.37, DC-3,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klwb-kroa, 20, 2756.78, DC-3,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYUL-CYYR, 114, 6043.48, C series 103, AC random flight


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYVR-CYWG, 187, 6041.58, A320-232, AC Flt#296


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, RJTT-PHNL, 630, 582.17, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, VHHH-RJTT, 228, 571.67, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, AYPY-VHHH, 588, 567.87, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, NWWN-AYPY, 330, 558.07, L1049G,


bgan047, Paul Mensch, Poland hoplist, 956, 688.18, Several, Deer Valley Poland hoplist


bgas031, Gary McCarty, MBSY-TXKF, 241, 8420.47, DC-4,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, X44-MBSY, 207, 8416.45, G21 Goose,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, MMMX-MPTO, 174, 6038.47, A320, Mexicana Flt#383


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, WASS-PTYA, 124, 610.05, 747-400F, to Yap.


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, RPMD-RPLL, 86, 607.98, 747-400F, On our way back - post GAAR.


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, PTYA-RPMD, 114, 606.55, 747-400F, Yap - Davao (Philipines)



Posted 26-March

bgan021, Luke, NZIR-SA47, 128, 371.28, LC-130H VXE6, Another long Antarctic run in this venerable birdy with long skis


bgan021, Luke, YSIR-NZIR, 323, 369.15, e-8A J-STARS, Miles of ocean followed by Geoff 050, Polly 060 and then follwed by ice shelf as far as the eye could see.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KATL-MMMX, 383, 6035.57, B737-800, DAL Flt#255


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kict-koma, 69, 97.97, l-049, 6GOSSL.PWE.PWE1 KICT 252053Z 06007G15KT 020V090 10SM BKN250 21/06 A2995 RMK AO2 SLP136 T02060056 50004 KOMA 252052Z 30014KT 10SM CLR 14/M11 A2997 RMK AO2 PK WND 31031/2025 SLP148 T01441106 58003 ILS 32L


bgas031, Gary McCarty, MBSY-X44, 480, 8413, G21 Goose, MUGM-X110.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, YSSY-NTAA, 416, 6029.18, B747-400, QANTAS Flight


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, kcha-krdu, 95, 161.85, Beech 200,


bgad035, Sid Knapp, YSSY-YSSY, 886, 253.98, DC5, BGAD9902. I have totalled the leg times instead of submitting each day separately. Great charter and a super aircraft and good weather as well. Flown in Vista with Orbix AUBlue installed, awesome!


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KATL-KSFO, 343, 6022.25, B757-232, DAL Flt#981


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kokc-kict, 64, 96.82, l-049, KOKC 241852Z 19022G27KT 10SM FEW280 16/M02 A3025 RMK AO2 PK WND 20030/1836 SLP244 T01611017 KICT 241853Z 21027G37KT 10SM OVC250 14/00 A3012 RMK AO2 PK WND 20037/1851 SLP205 T01440000 irw j21 ict ils19r


bgas031, Gary McCarty, MBSY-MBSY, 242, 8405, Cirrus SR20, MYXE.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, TGPY-MBSY, 399, 8400.97, DC-4, TNCA.


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, ysdu-yssy, 75.05, 27.15, DC3, Finish of great tour around australia, no trouble, good weather ,thank you bluegrass.A.jarratt BGAD057.


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KLUK, 135, 301.23, Beech D18S, Trip to Cincinnati Municipal Airport KLUK for interview with Mary Lunken.


bgan021, Luke, NZCH-YSSY, 166, 363.77, 747-200 Bluegrass, Nice dawn flight from NZCH to Sydney to boost hours.


bgan021, Luke, NZKT-NZTG, 9, 361, F-111c, .NZDA.NZWR.NZAA. No not a extremely fast flight, killer framerates.


bgan021, Luke, LIMJ-LIQW, 46, 360.85, Cessna 195, .LIMS. Flying around the Italian alps


bgan021, Luke, CAF2-CYVR, 60, 360.08, AC680, was gonna be woodcock to vancouer but ended up departing bella bella


bgan021, Luke, YPKG-YESP, 44, 359.08, Howard 500 BGA, Home base down to Esperance for a dip in the Southern Ocean


bgan021, Luke, MYNN-MYXH, 17, 358.35, Howard 500 BGA, .MYXG.MYXA. Lotsa hops and not much distance


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KATL-KTUL, 103, 1290.78, A321, Atlanta to Tulsa run with 137 passengers and 22000 lbs cargo


BGAN060, Esther Manuel,  KRNO-KLVK, 35, 13.32, Beech King air 350, up with the boys nice flying


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, egkr-etur, 54, 12.73, f4u corsair , nice flying


bgas060, Patrick Stewart, KTPA - KBWI, 292, 821.23, DC-4, Nice flight in a new JBK DC-4.  Clear wx all the way.  Nice A/C.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KTPA-KATL, 75, 6016.53, B767, DAL Flt#852


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMSN-KMSB, 72, 779.75, CV-340, West Coast ATC


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KIND-KATL, 76, 1289.07, A319, Shuttle 86 passengers and 10182 lbs of cargo from Indy to Atlanta


bgan047, Paul Mensch, WMKK-OBBI, 421, 672.25, TU114, Deer Valley Flying club Formule 1 tour Kuala Lumpur - Bahrain


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KDFW-KTPA, 121, 6015.28, A387-9, Random flight


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KDVT-KRQE, 75, 1287.8, DC-3, Carried 19 passengers along with 2018 lbs cargo and mail to Window Rock


bgak011, Coleman Green, 9M6-2F8, 75, 1582.32, Cessna 210,


bgak011, Coleman Green, AR01-9M6, 9, 1581.07, Cessna 210,


bgak011, Coleman Green, TN70-AR01, 55, 1580.92, Cessna 210,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, MBSY-TGPY, 310, 8394.32, DC-4,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, MYBC-MBSY, 239, 8389.15, Cessna 206, MYER-MBPV.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KLAX-KDAL, 168, 6013.27, B737-700, Southwest Flt#1956


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KTUS-KDVT, 49, 1286.55, DC-3, Shuttled flight from Tucson to Deer Valley carring 19 passengers and 2304 lbs cargo


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kdal-kokc, 59, 95.75, l-049, KDAL 231253Z 02010KT 10SM SCT120 SCT270 10/00 A3038 RMK AO2 SLP283 T01000000


bgan019, Achim, ybrm-wmkk, 5.22, 174.92, tu114, f1


bgan019, Achim, ymml-ybrm, 3.51, 174.83, tu114,


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KDVT - KTUS, 48, 1285.73, DC-3, Shuttled 18 passengers and 1816 lbs cargo


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, 9z3-kmy, 55, 160.27, Maule Amphibian,


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, KSTL-KDFW, 125, 159.35, Boeing 777,


bgad017, John Lawler, SWAB-SBRB, 95, 2036.25, Sikorsky S38, It seems a pity that the Panair route stops here. It would be lovely to swing north to the Amazon and follow the river up into Peru, past Iquotos, to the source. Maybe another time.


bgad017, John Lawler, SBPV-SWAB, 81, 2034.67, Sikorsky S38, One of my all-time favourites, the S38 could almost be a Supermarine design. Checking my Bluegrass logbook, I am amazed to find 0 hours previously logged for this beauty, though I have booked a fair number flying the single-engined S39 around the Americas.  


bgad017, John Lawler, SWHT-SBPV, 54, 2033.32, Fairchild 91, And so farewell to the F91, quite pleasant to fly, but requiring very delicate throttle and brake management on the ground. Next leg - a much nicer, if slower, amphibian.


bgad017, John Lawler, SBMY-SWHT, 79, 2032.42, Fairchild 91,


bgad017, John Lawler, SWBR-SBMY, 70, 2031.1, Fairchild 91,


bgad017, John Lawler, SBMN-SWBR, 82, 2029.93, Fairchild 91, Not fancying a night cross-country over the Forest and trying to locate Borba by moonlight, I flew back down the Amazon and turned up the River Madeira - much easier.


bgad017, John Lawler, SBIC-SBMN, 57, 2028.57, Fairchild 91,


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kabq.kdal, 119, 94.77, l-049, KABQ 222256Z 34017G22KT 10SM FEW100 19/M17 A3011 RMK AO2 PK WND 28030/2219 SLP149 T01891172


BGAS065, Robin H. Wyatt, 2I0 - SDF, 45, 3.93, BGA DC-3, Love that Goonie Bird


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KIAD-KLAX, 339, 6010.47, B757-200, AAL Flt#142


BGAK015, David R. Evans, MYNN - MYXM, 66, 351.58, PBY, realWeather;updated  sun has set and a huge full moon riseing out of the sea, perfect night for the cat to prowel the slot,another place-another time, departe straight out on RW14 a little right turn alowwing for the 8Knt breeze from 180deg climb to 3500ft and float on moonbeams to MYXM


bgas031, Gary McCarty, KOPF-MYBC, 604, 8385.17, Beech 18 (Amphib), MBGT-TJSJ-MBSY.


bgam013, Alex Greig, TKPK-TFFJ, 90, 39.77, Cub J3, Caribbean flight sightseeing round various islands.


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kphx-kabq, 106, 92.78, l-049, KPHX 221451Z 10004KT 10SM CLR 14/M01 A3006 RMK AO2 SLP170 T01391011 53015


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYQX-KIAD, 182, 6004.82, A370, Random flight


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KDIN-MYNN, 80, 350.48, PBY, realWeather;updated Takeing some fisherman and gear to Nassau,weather was good till 40 Miles from MYNN then a solid stratus layer formed from 2000 to the deck so filed Ifr Flight plan, visability was 2 Miles,on approuch.


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KTUL-KPWA, 42, 1284.93, C208B, Shuttled 10 passengers and 954 lbs cargo from Tulsa to OKC


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KLGB - KBUR, 33, 1284.23, DC-3, Shuttle flight from Long Beach up to Burbank with 18 passengers and 2400lbs cargo


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KJFK-PANC, 419, 6001.78, B700U, UAL Flt#5


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KTUL - KIND, 93, 1283.68, A319, Regional jet run from Tulsa to Indy with 85 passengers and 14,104 lbs cargo


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kden-kphx, 145, 91.02, l-049, KDEN 211853Z 30019G28KT 10SM FEW080 13/M12 A3009 RMK AO2 PK WND 30028/1849 WSHFT 1821 SLP160 T01331122


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMKE-KYIP, 67, 778.55, L-049, West Coast ATC


bgan041, Bill Cox, KSAV-KSAV, 81, 225.45, C206, VFR @ 2500\\\', More sightseeing over Savannah, GA.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KSAV-KSAV, 35, 224.1, C177, VFR @ 2500\\\', sightseeing flight over Savannah, GA out and back.


bgan021, Luke, KRNO-KLVK, 38, 358.07, Howard 500 BGA,


bgan021, Luke, VVNB-VVDB, 61, 357.43, B-17G, FLying across Vietnam in B-17Gs both me and Geoff 050. Dienbien fyi is a plank runway...the marvels of communist technology


bgan021, Luke, EGKR-ETUR, 30, 356.42, JUNKERS 187, Wow, a ward-bird flight from old Blighty to the heart of Germany. The rest of the Aussies flew their asst. of British and american planes and I powered ahead in the stuka


bgan021, Luke, YPDN-WPDL, 70, 355.92, C-17, Flying Australian peace-keeping troop replacements into Dili so the guys there can come home for easter. Used fsp with a war-zone set however un-eventual flight


bgas031, Gary McCarty, KOPF-KOPF, 582, 8375.1, PA-30, MWCR-MKJP-KSGJ.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KSFO-KATL, 241, 5994.8, B700UA, DAL Flt#18


bgan040, Dan George, KLBE  KLWB, 75, 298.98, Beech D18S, Return from day meeting and lunch with Bill Von Sennet.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, CYQX-KBOS, 161, 703.02, Learjet 45, Distance - 825


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, KDFW-KMIA, 170, 157.27, Boeing 767,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, EGLL-CYCUL, 412, 5990.78, A380-800, Random flight0


BGAN058, Simon Dix, PARY-PAOM, 97, 24.53, Lockheed L10-A,


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kcys-kden, 51, 88.6, l-049, KCYS 201853Z 28031G41KT 10SM CLR 13/M08 A2986 RMK AO2 PK WND 26042/1755 SLP079 T01281083


bgas031, Gary McCarty, KLWB-KOPF, 563, 8365.4, Super Viking, MYGF-KSAV.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLWB-KSAV, 118, 223.52, C441, IFR @ FL220, Lewisburg, WV to Savannah, GA.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, RPLL-WSSS, 140, 5983.92, A380-800, Random flight


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KERI-KBOS, 148, 700.33, Beech Baron 58, Distance - 410 nm


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KLBE, 60, 297.73, Beech D18S, Trip to Latrobe PA for lunch and conference with Bill von Sennet.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, KOPF-KLWB, 276, 8356.02, Super Viking,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, MM2L-KOPF, 489, 8351.42, On Mark Marksman,


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, YSSY-WSSB, 1909, 1636.62, Catalina,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, PHNL-RPLL, 643, 5981.58, A380-800, Random flight


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kslc.kcys, 77, 87.75, l-049, KSLC 181853Z 17007KT 10SM FEW060 SCT070 08/M03 A3026 RMK AO2 SLP243 T00831028


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KORD-KERI, 124, 697.87, Beech Baron 58, Distance 347nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KOMA-KORD, 122, 695.8, Beech Baron 58, 364 nm


bgan047, Paul Mensch, LSGG-LEVC, 91, 665.23, TU114, IVAO IFR world tour 2008 leg 10


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, WABB-WASS, 72, 604.65, 747-400F, Biak-Sorong (Jefman) .


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, AYWK-WABB, 66, 603.45, 747-400F, to Biak PNG.


bgak030, Ron Jorgensen, KSLC KRNO, 120, 2444.92, EX 7W,


bgak030, Ron Jorgensen, KSEA  KSLC, 65, 2442.92, L Jet 45,


bgad017, John Lawler, WIIS-WRSJ, 69, 2027.62, DC-5, BGAD4003. Fuel used - 104 usg.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, MM2L-MM2L, 352, 8343.27, Cessna 177RG, KIPL.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PHNL-MM2L, 633, 8337.4, On Mark Marksman,


bgan021, Luke, YPDN-YPTN, 33, 354.75, Dewoitine d520, Flight to Tindal Airbase NT in a modified performance warbird


bgan021, Luke, YBTI-YPDN, 20, 354.2, Westland Merlin,


bgan021, Luke, WPDL-YSNB, 28, 353.87, C-17, Rendezvous with Geoff & Smithy at Snake Bay Nothern Territory


bgan021, Luke, KBUF-CNQ3, 12, 353.4, Sopwith Cuckoo, .KIAG. Buzzing Niagara falls and fly over KIAG inverted  then Barnstorming the bridge before landing at Welland Ontario.


bgan021, Luke, YMIA-YMAV, 23, 353.2, F-22 raptor,


bgas003, Henrique Wiederspahn, MUCL-MWCB, 78, 143.7, DC-3,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KLAX-KATL, 246, 5970.87, B767, DAL Flt#1212


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, klas-kslc, 100, 86.47, L-049, KLAS 181856Z 05005KT 10SM CLR 19/M06 A3017 RMK AO2 SLP208 T01891056


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, PHNL-KLAX, 313, 5966.77, A380-800, Hawaiian Flt#H10


bgad017, John Lawler, WIIS-WRSJ, 86, 2026.47, DC-5, Route BGAD4002 - hear the engines, smell the nutmeg and mace.


bgad017, John Lawler, WIIB-WIIH, 34, 2025.03, DC-5, There is something magical about high-wing twins, and to have them flying divisional routes in the Spice Islands - WOW.


bgad017, John Lawler, SWPI-SBIC, 58, 2024.47, Fairchild 91,


bgad017, John Lawler, SNTI-SWPI, 52, 2023.5, Fairchild 91,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PHNL-PHNL, 177, 8326.85, Cessna 177RG, PHTO.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PWAK-PHNL, 625, 8323.9, On Mark Marksman,


bgan021, Luke, YAMB-YBBN, 12, 352.82, Cessna 195, .YBAF.


bgan021, Luke, KSBM-KBTV, 84, 352.62, Grob SPn Utility,


bgan021, Luke, KGCN-L41, 6, 351.22, Piper P25 Tow, I\\\'m sure this is a very good crop duster...


bgan021, Luke, KSBM-KBTV, 0, 351.12, Grob SPn Utility,


bgan021, Luke, YAMB-YBBN, 0, 351.12, Cessna C95, .YBAF. Training BGAN060 in approaches


bgad004, Graeme McKenna, ypph-ymml, 215, 510.75, boeing 73721,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, NZGM-NZNV, 72, 552.57, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, NZNS-NZGM, 36, 551.37, 1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, NZWN-NZNS, 30, 550.77, L1049G,



Posted 17-March

BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, ksan-klas, 89, 84.8, L-049, KSAN 171851Z 27006KT 10SM CLR 16/04 A3015 RMK AO2 SLP207


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, klax-ksan, 44, 83.32, L-049, KLAX 171937Z 26015G23KT 10SM CLR 20/M07 A3012 RMK AO2 WSHFT 1921 $


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYYC-CYUL, 211, 5961.55, B757-200, Random flight


bgas044, Dean Johnson, KCGZ-KPRC, 41.3, 548.69, P-47 Thunderbolt, Tough to get back to flying


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, KSNM-KBTV, 87, 11.83, Grob Spn,


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, YMAB-YBBN, 15, 10.38, cessna c95, .YBAF. A short training run with fiancee/co-pilot BGAN021 to line up and successfully land at Brisbane\\\'s runway 01


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, KIDA-KLAS, 55, 10.13, 737-300 Australian Air Express, Computer started playing up near destination but an overall good flight


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, NZTO-NZWN, 43, 9.22, DC-3, .NZAP.NZRU.NZFI. FInishing previous flight.


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, UHMD-PAOM, 55, 8.5, DC-3, .PAGM.PASA. Another attpemt at finishing this flight but alas I had to go to work the next day.


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, UHMD-PAOM, 20, 7.58, DC-3, .PAGM.PASA. Flying from Russia Provadenya Bay. Finished flight at PASA


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, NZRV-NZWN, 88, 7.25, AC500, Flying with the usual crowd to Wellington.


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, VNKT-VNLK, 41, 5.78, Baron 58, .VNRT. Not bad for a beginner eh? They threw me in at the deep-end. Flying from Katmandu to Lukla in the baron.


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, URMM-UGOF, 48, 5.1, FAIRCHILD METRO III AUSTAIR EXPRESS, .URMN. Flying across the Georgian Alps With the Aussie boys... Nice scenery


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, PAJN-PAGY, 34, 4.3, AC500,


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, ut29-kslc, 35, 3.73, lockheed vega, .42u.


bgan038, Meryl Coon, CYYJ-CYPW, 43, 216.83, PA-31 Navajo, Victoria to Powell River. Real weather. Clouds, rain and


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYXY-CYYC, 146, 5958.03, B707C, PanAm cargo flight


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, AYPY-AYWK, 72, 602.35, 747-400F, returning to Amsterdam after the GAAR.


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, YBCS-AYPY, 75, 601.15, 747-400F,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, VHHX-VHHX, 120, 599.9, 747-400F,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, VHHX-VHHX, 135, 597.9, 747-400F, kai tak training


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, VHHX-VHHX, 154, 595.65, 747-400F, KAI TAK training


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, YBBN-YBCS, 142, 593.08, 747-400F,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, YSCB-YBBN, 93, 590.72, 747-400,


bgak030, Ron Jorgensen, KSLC  KSLC, 181, 2441.83, KA 350, R/R SLC - DEN - SLC


bgan040, Dan George, 1A5  KVJI, 75, 296.73, Cessna U206, Personal flight from Macon Co. NC to Abingdon VA to follow the route of the Appalachian Trail.


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, MMAA-KDFW, 160, 154.43, MD83,


bgak033, Tom Burrill, KSEA-KBNA, 308, 873.75, 737-700, Vatsim flight with ATC all the way to ZMEM landed 20L on the ILS


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, ybhi_ysdu, 148.64, 25.89, DC3,


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, oq9-klvk., 64, 3.15, cessna 195, .kdvo.kccr.4ca2.c83.23q.


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, PANC-PABE, 74, 2.08, c17, Anchorage to Bethel with the usual Aussie crowd plus Kenny & Gerry


BGAN060, Esther Manuel, 83Q-W49, 51, 0.85, C208B AMPH, Nice flight to Rosario with Geoff, Don, Luke, Barry, Kenny etc...


bgas031, Gary McCarty, AYGN-PWAK, 855, 8313.48, On Mark Marksman, PGUM.


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, KMLC-KDFW, 44, 151.77, Boeing 777, Finally landed successfully on 1 engine


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, NZAA-NZWN, 78, 550.27, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, YML-NZAA, 228, 548.97, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, YSSY-YMML, 96, 545.17, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, NTTX-YSSY, 726, 543.57, L1049G,


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, ypad_ybhi, 94.97, 23.42, DC3,


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, ycbp_ypad, 165.45, 21.84, DC3, Night Flight


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, ksfo.klax, 80, 82.58, L-049, PORTE3.AVE.SADDE6


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KSFO-CYXY, 298, 5955.6, B707C, PanAm cargo flt via KSEA


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kpdx.ksfo, 110, 81.25, L-049, KPDX 161553Z 00000KT 10SM SCT033 BKN043 OVC060 06/02 A3032 RMK AO2 SLP265 T00610022


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KMEM-KBOS, 163, 693.77, Learjet 45,


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, ksea-kpdx, 46, 79.42, L-049, KSEA 161553Z 17005KT 10SM OVC049 04/01 A3025 RMK AO2 SLP251 T00440006


bgan019, Achim, epwr-epkk, 212, 174.77, ju52,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KTCM-PAEI, 320, 349.15, C-130, realWeather;updated   Supply run to Alaska,good weather except for 38 knt. headwiind


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KJFK-KSFO, 345, 5950.63, A380-800, Random flight


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KORD, 167, 691.05, Learjet 45, Distance 756 nm


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, KDFW-MMAA, 150, 151.03, MD83,


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, KMLC-KDFW, 40, 148.53, Boeing 777,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, NZNP-AYGN, 669, 8299.23, On Mark Marksman,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, NZNP-NZNP, 220, 8288.08, PT-26, NZDA.


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YCOM - YSCB, 52, 288.22, Fokker_FVIIb_3m, GAAR 2008 Leg 17. Final destination, all over for another year and fireworks were awesome!


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YMER - YCOM, 117, 287.35, Douglas DC6, GAAR 2008 leg 15 and leg 16


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YGLB   YMER, 71, 285.4, Curtiss Condor, GAAR 2008 leg 14


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YYNG-YGLB, 92, 284.22, Boeing 247, GAAR 2008 leg 13


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YBTH - YYNG, 120, 282.68, Douglas DC-3, GAAR 2008 leg 12. Another try several times to get this one right.


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YORG - YBTH, 24, 280.68, Fokker_FVIIb_3m, GAAR 2008 leg 11


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YTMU - YORG, 91, 280.28, GAL25 Monospar, GAAR 2008 leg 10


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YDLQ - YTMU, 82, 278.77, Vultee V1A, GAAR 2008 leg 9


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YHOT - YDLQ, 69, 277.4, Curtiss Condor, GAAR 2008 leg 08


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YYRM - YHOT, 66, 276.25, Douglas DC-3, GAAR 2008 leg 07. They killed an engine on this one and I ended up flying half the leg with two feathered engines. Hit the wrong switch and it doesn\\\'t unfeather in flight.


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YFLI - YYRM, 327, 275.15, Boeing 247, GAAR 2008 leg 6 one of the most dificult aircraft to fly in the entire rally. Several trys to land it right.


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YSTH - YFLI, 58, 269.7, GAL25 Monospar, GAAR 2008 leg 05


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YCBG -YSTH, 50, 268.73, Vultee V1A, GAAR 2008 Leg 4


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YSRN - YCBG, 90, 267.9, Fokker_FVIIb_3m, gaar leg 3


bgan012, George W.S. Adair, YSMI - YSRN, 37, 266.4, VULTEE V1, GAAR LEG 02 Reason for delay in reporting these was computer melt down from too much flying.




BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, ycbp_ypad, 165.45, 19.09, DC3,


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, yaye_ycbp, 127.96, 16.33, DC3, Was flying with world weather and ran into a lot of fog and rain flight good made good time.


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kcre-kclt, 64, 78.65, beech baron, ils 18r


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KDTW-KORD, 111, 343.82, Saab 340, realWeatrher;updated .KDTW-KGRR-KORD  gusty and turbulent flight flight level 4000 ft. landed at Grand Rapids,changed flight attendend and some passengers,then left for KORD.Routed for 9L north over the lake,then west for spaceing,landed and to the gate on time.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KJFK-SPIM, 584, 5944.88, B700UA, Random flight via MMMX


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KORD-KBOS, 167, 688.27, Learjet 45, Distance 756 nm


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, katl-kcre, 115, 77.58, beech baron,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, EGUN-EDDN, 125, 341.97, T-28c, RealWeather;updated Vfr. line of storms across channel.broken 3/4 coverage rest of trip.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, AYPD-NZNP, 898, 8284.42, PBY-5A,


bgad042, Don Moore, CYQV-CYXE, 61, 983.95, DHC 8-200,


bgad042, Don Moore, EGDG-EGDR, 20, 982.93, Piper Archer III,


bgad042, Don Moore, EGLL-EGDR, 8, 982.6, DHC 8-200,


bgad042, Don Moore, EDBM-EGLL, 99, 982.47, LJ45,


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, kmlc-kdfw, 44, 147.87, Boeing 777,


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, klmc-kdfw, 40, 147.13, Boeing 777, Trying to land from 50 miles out on 1 engine


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, HLLB-HAAB, 760, 554.88, Savoia Marchetti s73, Original Nov.1935 Route Benghazi to Addis Ababa via-HEAZ-HSSW-HMRW-HSSS-HHAS-HHMS-HHSB-HDCH- Great Aircraft with alot of History.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, EDDF-KDFW, 733, 5935.15, B777ER, AAL Flt#71


Posted 14-March

BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, ybas-yaye, 74.85, 14.2, DC3,


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kjax-katl, 87, 75.67, beech baron, sinca5 arrival ils27r


bgan021, Luke, YPDN-WPDL, 68, 351.12, 737-337 Australian Air Express, Nice un-eventful flight delivering the mail to Australian troops stationed in Dili


bgan021, Luke, O88-KSFO, 9, 349.98, Grob SPn Utility,


bgan021, Luke, EHAM-EGLL, 42, 349.83, Grob SPn Utility,


bgan021, Luke, 9G3-CNQ3, 29, 349.13, Bristol F2b, What Better for Viewing Niagara Falls than a 1918 Bristol torpedo Bomber


bgan021, Luke, AR51- KBFI, 82, 348.65, C5a, Picking up part for delivery to RAAF C-17 Squadron


bgan021, Luke, AR51-KSZL, 124, 347.28, C5a, Nice flight


bgan021, Luke, KIDA-KLAS, 65, 345.22, British Aerospace Nimrod (Navy),


bgan021, Luke, SBMA-SNYA, 48, 344.13, D-18 Amphibian,


bgan021, Luke, NZTG-NZWN, 67, 343.33, AC680,


bgan021, Luke, UHMD-PASA, 16, 342.22, AC680,


bgan021, Luke, UHMD-PAOM, 28, 341.95, AC680,


bgan021, Luke, UHMD-PAOM, 30, 341.48, AC680,


bgan021, Luke, NZRV-NZWN, 99, 340.98, SOPWITH SNIPE,


bgan021, Luke, YPKG-YPAD, 28, 339.33, B52H, FRT.CDU.WP1.SFL Another flight out of Kaloorlie/Boulder. NB: there are actually airports at Kalgoorlie, one side of the feild is YPKG Kalgoorlie and the other is YPKB Boulder. Heed should be taken when filing a sim flight plan as you may actually land at Boulder, especially in pasengers although technically the whole feild is called Kalgoorlie in the real world.


bgan021, Luke, VNKT-VNLK, 28, 338.87, Howard 500 BGA, Lukla again.anded the H-500 with ease at the fsx Lukla despite the twist to get around the mountain


bgan021, Luke, URMM-UG26, 33, 338.4, SUD-AVIATION CARAVELLE, URMN Flight with all the usuals, Don, Gerry, Kenny, Barry, Geoff


bgan021, Luke, UGSS-URMM, 41, 337.85, AC680,


bgan021, Luke, PAJN-PAGY, 35, 337.17, AC680,


bgan021, Luke, UT29-KSLC, 40, 336.58, Spad VII,


bgan021, Luke, 0Q9-KLVK, 35, 335.92, Cessna 195,


bgan021, Luke, YPJT-YESP, 55, 335.33, 737-300 Australian Air Express,


bgan021, Luke, YPKG-YPJT, 56, 334.42, 737-300 AUstralian Air Express,


bgan021, Luke, PANC-PABE, 65, 333.48, C-17,


bgan021, Luke, 83q-w49, 34, 332.4, Beech MSA, Flight with Don and others...good to be back


bgan021, Luke, YBCG-YBBN, 35, 331.83, Bell 412 RACQ rescue,


bgan021, Luke, CYVR-KSEA, 53, 331.25, Dewoitine d520,


bgan021, Luke, YPED-YPAG, 51, 330.37, a-10 hog,


bgan021, Luke, KJAX-KSRQ, 26, 329.52, 737-337 Australian Air Express,


bgan021, Luke, WIPA-WMKK, 35, 329.08, AN124,


bgan021, Luke, KGCN-KSJC, 68, 328.5, 737-400,


bgan021, Luke, KLAS-KGCN, 35, 327.37, Dash 8-100 Qantas,


bgan021, Luke, YBBN-YBRK, 45, 326.78, Airbuss A-321,


bgan021, Luke, YSSY-YBBN, 44, 326.03, 747-200,


bgan021, Luke, LFEU-ETSI, 30, 325.3, 737-7es,


bgan021, Luke, UHMD-PABE, 49, 324.8, 747-200,


bgan021, Luke, KMOB-KMCO, 61, 323.98, 737-800,


bgan021, Luke, KSEA-KSFO, 88, 322.97, 747-200,


bgan021, Luke, KLNK-KLAW, 52, 321.5, 747-200,


bgan021, Luke, KATL-KCRP, 23, 320.63, 747-800,


bgan021, Luke, VVTS-WSSS, 71, 320.25, 747-200,


bgan021, Luke, EDNY-LIRA, 46, 319.07, 747-200,


bgan021, Luke, VVTS-WSSS, 71, 318.3, 747-200,


bgan021, Luke, VVTS-WION, 2, 317.12, 747-200,


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kmco-kjax, 80, 74.22, beech baron, KMCO 141753Z 28009KT 10SM BKN080 BKN095 BKN250 22/11 A2996 RMK AO2 SLP144 T02170106 10222 20122 58012


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kmia-kmco, 81, 72.88, beech baron, KMIA 141253Z 00000KT 10SM BKN250 18/13 A3002 RMK AO2 SLP164 T01830133


bgan041, Bill Cox, KIDI-KLWB, 74, 221.55, PAY1, IFR @ FL220, Indiana, PA to Lewisburg, WV.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KIDI-KIDI, 59, 220.32, C206, VFR @ 4500\\\', flew over Blairsville and Altoona & back to Indiana, PA


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLWB-KIDI, 85, 219.33, PAY1, IFR @ FL 210, Lewisburg, WV to Indiana, PA.


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, KLEX-KDFW, 137, 146.47, ERJ-135,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YBWF-AYPD, 1216, 8269.45, PBY-5A, YSRB.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KSLC-KSFO, 151, 5922.93, CRJ, UAL Flt#6069


bgam013, Alex Greig, KBLI-KRNT, 59, 38.27, MAAM C-47, Perfect flight in questionable weather...surprised even me!


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KDEN-KSFO, 168, 685.48, Learjet 45, Distance: 867 nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KJAN, 203, 682.68, Learjet 45, Distance: 1099 nm


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KMSY-KSLC, 198, 5920.42, B797, Random flight


bgan040, Dan George, KFOK  KLWB, 150, 295.48, RC690B, Return to Lewisburg WV after picking up charter at Easthampton Beach NY.


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, KSTL-KDFW, 115, 144.18, Boeing 777, Did 3 laps holding at GAATZ then shut 1 engine down to land


bgas031, Gary McCarty, WSSB-YBWF, 913, 8249.18, PBY-5A,


bgad042, Don Moore, KFWS-KDFW, 15, 980.82, DC 6B, Second flight of couplet.  A short adventure of two legs from KDFW-KFWS-KDFW with several other BGA pilots to end a session of fun.


bgad042, Don Moore, KDFW-KFWS, 16, 980.57, DC 6B, First of a small couplet.


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, ETOU-EDDF, 336, 1604.8, DC4, BALO6


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, ETNW-ETNW, 0125, 1599.2, DC3, BAL10


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, ETHS-ETHS, 95, 1597.12, DC3, BAL14


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KSTL-KMIA, 173, 5917.12, B757-200, AAL Flight#2415


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, ytnk-ybas, 105.88, 12.95, DC3,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYQX-KSTL, 299, 5914.23, B707C, PanAm cargo flight via CYUL



Posted 12-March

BGAD056, Darryl Starick, SPLP-NTTX, 672, 531.47, L1049G,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBGR-KJFK, 77, 679.3, Learjet 45, Distance: 353 nm


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kbos-kpvd, 23, 71.53, dc-3, KBOS 121208Z 19005KT 4SM -RA BR BKN009 OVC050 03/01 A2965 RMK AO2 P0000


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KDEN, 260, 678.02, Learjet 45,


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KFOK, 165, 292.98, RC690B, Flight to Easthampton Beach NY to pick up a charter customer.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YPDN-WSSB, 982, 8233.97, PBY-5A,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KMIA-KMEM, 179, 5909.25, MD11F, FedEx Flight


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, yvrd-ytnk, 110.60, 11.18, DC3,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KLUF-KLSV, 52, 339.88, F-105D THUD, flight to Nellis with a low level bomb run at the dam. burned 800Gal.  of jet fuel


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, SPLP-SABA, 534, 520.27, L1049G,


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kmht-kbos, 43, 71.15, dc-3, KMHT 111753Z 26006KT 10SM CLR 02/M13 A3001 RMK AO2 SLP183 T00221133 10028 21067 58031


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KLAX-KATL, 256, 5906.27, B757-232, DAL Flt#1212


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kaug-kmht, 73, 70.43, dc-3, KAUG 111253Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM CLR M07/M16 A3010 RMK AO2 SLP201 T10671161


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, KDFW-KLEX, 185, 142.27, ERJ-135,


bgad017, John Lawler, SBSN-SNTI, 38, 2022.63, Fairchild 91,


bgad017, John Lawler, SNIN-SBSN, 58, 2022, Fairchild 91,


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, ypdn-yvrd, 107.57, 9.33, DC3,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YSRB-YPDN, 1111, 8217.6, PBY-5A, YBSB.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, KIND-KCPS, 132, 542.22, Ford tri-motor,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KDFW-KTUS, 121, 5902, MD83, AAL Flt#1437


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, SADD-SPLP, 216, 511.37, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, SNUC-SADD, 410, 507.77, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, TNCM-SNUC, 402, 500.93, L1049G,


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, ybrl-ypdn, 170.12, 7.54, DC3,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KSTL-KDFW, 120, 5899.98, ERJ/B757-232, AAL Flt#5545/229 via KTUL


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KMEM-KBOS, 162, 673.68, Learjet 45, Distance: 991 nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KMIA-KBOS, 252, 670.98, Learjet 45, Distance: 1204 nm


bgad017, John Lawler, SNGU-SNIN, 62, 2021.03, Fairchild 91, Flew at 6000ft and managed 120 kias at 30 MAP, 2000 rpm, but suspect Panair pilots flew it lower at times to maintain visual contact with the river.


bgad017, John Lawler, SBBE-SNGU, 153, 2020, Fairchild 91, Bit surprised at the aircraft\\\'s lack of power, but we got there inside the schedule. One enroute stop at Currulinho.


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, KIDA-KLAS, 120, 139.18, Citation X, Thanks Kenny for your help during this flight


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PGSN-YSRB, 1031, 8199.08, Grumman HU-16,


bgad042, Don Moore, SNIN-SBSN, 52, 980.3, Grumman G21 A,


bgad042, Don Moore, KTCM-KMUO, 62, 979.43, LJ 45,


bgad042, Don Moore, CYQZ-KTCM, 71, 978.4, LJ 45,


bgad042, Don Moore, SBMQ-SNIN, 85, 977.22, Grumman G21 A,


bgad042, Don Moore, TKPK-TAPA, 24, 975.8, FN 333 Riviera,


bgad042, Don Moore, TNCM-TKPK, 26, 975.4, P51 Mustang RAF,


bgad042, Don Moore, NZTA-NZWN, 57, 974.97, Fokker VII B/3M,


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, ykmb-ybrl, 111.50, 4.69, DC3,


bgad042, Don Moore, YSSY-YJBY, 40, 974.02, Short S30 F/B,


bgad042, Don Moore, NZDA-NZMA, 53, 973.35, Fokker VII B /3M,


bgad042, Don Moore, VNKT-VNLK, 43, 972.47, Baron 58,


bgad042, Don Moore, URMM-UG26, 57, 971.75, Beech 350 KA,


bgad042, Don Moore, UGSS-URMM, 37, 970.8, DHC 8-200,


bgad042, Don Moore, PAJN-PAGY, 45, 970.18, FN 333 Riviera,


bgad042, Don Moore, W33-WA83, 35, 969.43, Short S8 F/B,


bgad042, Don Moore, UT29-KSLC, 44, 968.85, Vega V B,


bgad042, Don Moore, KBIH, 62, 968.12, Beech 350 KA,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, EGLL-EKCH, 106, 5897.98, A320-232, BA Flt#0814


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, ybcs-ykmb, 117.69, 2.83, DC3, fine weather,good flite,made mistake on landing did not put wheels down, had to go around ,good land, bad mistake


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, EGGL-ENGM, 122, 5896.22, A320-232, BA Flt#762


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KJAX, 324, 666.78, Beech Baron 58, Distance: 941 nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KDEN-KBOS, 324, 661.38, Learjet 45, Distance: 1,536 nm


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KIAH-EGKK, 495, 5894.18, B777-200ER, CO Flt#04


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PAJN-KSEA, 163, 339.02, Douglas C-133b, realWeather;updated Left Alaska with a full load of mail and parcels for my first run since cheack ride in the c-133,what a ride compared to the DC-6,all the electronics,a great panel and repaint,she does Bluegrass proud,cruiseing at 11,500 weather was now problem,decent into KSEA had clouds at 5000 but out the bottomat 4000 and visability good,landed 16R taxi to cargo ramb and dropped the back ramp to unload.


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, mdw-mli, 72, 69.22, dc-6, KMDW 091451Z 14005KT 10SM OVC065 M03/M09 A3021 RMK AO2 SLP247 T10281089 51009 $


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, snin-sbsn, 52, 2756.45, Fairchild 91, 43 gal   March feature flight 4


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, klax-ksjc, 80, 137.18, ERJ145,


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, ycom-yscb, 51, 135.85, Fokker V11A, Gaar0059 leg 17


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, ymay-ycom, 40, 135, DC6, Gaar0059 leg 16


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, ymer-ymay, 59, 134.33, DC6, Gaar0059 leg 15


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, yglb-ymer, 75, 133.35, Condor, Gaar0059 leg 14


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, yyng-yglb, 45, 132.1, Boeing 247, Gaar0059 leg 13


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, ybth-yyng, 46, 131.35, DC3, Gaar0059 leg 12


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, yorg - ybth, 22, 130.58, Fokker V11A, Gaar0059 leg 11


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, ytmu-yorg, 97, 130.22, Monospar, Gaar0059 leg 10


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, ydlq-ytmu, 87, 128.6, Vultee V1A, Gaar0059 leg 9


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, yhot-ydlq, 62, 127.15, Condor, Gaar0059 leg 8


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, yyrm - yhot, 52, 126.12, DC3, Gaar0059 leg 7


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, yfli - yyrm, 60, 125.25, Boeing 247, GAAR0059 leg 6


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, ysth - yfli, 61, 124.25, Monospar, Gaar0059 leg 5


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, ycbg - ysth, 44, 123.23, Vultee V1A, GAAR0059 Leg 4


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, ysrn - ycbg, 74, 122.5, Fokker V11A, GAAR0059 Leg 3


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, ysmi - ysrn, 34, 121.27, Vultee V1A, GAAR0059 Leg2


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, ymml - ysmi, 75, 120.7, DC3, Gaar0059 leg1


BGAD012, Barry Theodore, KSJC-LDFW, 201, 119.45, MD83, A good flight with precision ILS landing


BGAD057, Allan Charles Jarratt, ymml-ydlq, 51.99, 0.87, DC3,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, PADK-PGSN, 1052, 8181.9, Grumman HU-16,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KBGR, 61, 655.98, Beech Baron 58,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KLUK-KYIP, 63, 777.43, CV-580, West Coast ATC


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, YSSY-NZAA, 197, 5885.93, B767-300, Qantas Flt #QF43


bgad021, David Bowen, YMML- YMHB, 160, 492.02, DC3,


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kbos-klga, 120, 68.02, dc-3, KBOS 080254Z 05011KT 5SM -RA BR OVC007 04/03 A2997 RMK AO2 CIG 005V010 PRESFR SLP148 P0003 60006 T00390028 58047


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, sngu-snin, 70, 2755.58, Fairchild 91, 60 gal   Flight 3 March Feature


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, PHNL-YSSY, 596, 5882.65, A380-800, Qantas Flt#QF4



Posted 8-March

BGAK015, David R. Evans, SBDE-SNGU, 50, 336.3, F-91, realWeather;updated Figured flight of the month would be like Alaska bush flying only WARMER ! departed at 8:55Am and cruised at 4,500FT weather a little turbulance as sun warmed the rain forest and some haze , but nice,no snow blindnes,snow fog in the valley,or lighting a heater to thaw the engine@oil out enough to start..Might fly a couble of more legs.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KJFK-CYHZ, 118, 654.97, Beech Baron 58,


bgan019, Achim, epgd-epby, 45, 171.23, dhc,


bgan019, Achim, epel-e[gd, 24, 170.48, dhc twinotter,


bgan019, Achim, epsy-epel, 36, 170.08, an2t,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KIND-KBSN, 41, 776.38, Cv-340, VATSIM - Snow at Indy- Clear at South Bend


bgas031, Gary McCarty, BGTL-PADK, 1002, 8164.37, Grumman HU-16,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, SBBE-SBSN, 215, 525.02, Fairchild F91, -SNGU-SNIR-


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, KCMH-KUMP, 105, 521.43, Ford tri-motor, BGA FLT # TAT-1


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KSEA-PADQ, 377, 335.47, DC6b, realWeather;updated  after delivering a load of grab and fish , time to turn around an head back to Kodiak.Have a bunch of cable,nets,crab traps.and boat repair parts. Ifr for 12,000ft. the flight was smooth,with stratus topped at 5000Ft most of the way.


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, koak-krno, 151, 66.02, boeing 247, ils 16r


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KLAX-PHNL, 309, 5872.72, B777-200, UAL Flt#83


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, PAJN-PABT, 270, 653, Beech Baron 58,


bgan041, Bill Cox, KJWN-KLWB, 94, 217.92, AC90, IFR @ FL 210, Nashville, TN to Lewisburg, WV.


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, ksfo-koak, 47, 63.5, boeing 247, 1st flight in boeing 247


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KJFK-KLAX, 342, 5867.57, B757-200, UAL Flt#891


bgan040, Dan George, KMTN  KLWB, 100, 290.23, RC690B, Return flight from Martin State Airport, Balto.MD to Lewisburg WV.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, BGTL-BGTL, 295, 8147.67, DHC-3, CYLT.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, EGSW-BGTL, 798, 8142.75, Grumman HU-16,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, Curralinho-SNGO, 63, 2754.42, Fairchild 91, Total fuel - flights 1 & 2 = 92 gal


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, sbbe-curralinho, 48, 2753.37, Fairchild 91, Flight 1 of March Feature.


BGAS065, Robin H. Wyatt, 2I0 to EVV, 27, 3.18, DC-3, Just a short flight tonight from Madisonville, Ky to Evansville, Ind.  I love short flights in a DC-3


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, KDEN-KSJC, 160, 122.08, Honda Jet,


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, KSLC-KDEN, 122, 119.42, DC6,


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YSMI-YSRN, 41, 117.38, UH-1H,


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, KYNG-KCID, 181, 116.7, Baron 58,


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, KJYM-KPHL, 70, 113.68, Ciation,


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, KSEA-PANC, 79, 112.52, Ciation,


BGAK063, M.H. Luke, YMML-YSMI, 99, 111.2, UH-1H,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LYBE-LRBS, 98, 519.68, Machetti S.73 X/RC35,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, KCPS-TNCM, 348, 494.23, L1049G,


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kbkl-ktol, 41, 62.72, L-049, ils 25


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYVR-MMUN, 258, 5861.87, B767-200, AC Flt#1858


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYVR-MMUN, s58, 5857.57, B767-200, AC Flt#1858


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYVR-MMUN, s58, 5857.57, B767-200, AC Flt#1858


bgan040, Dan George, KLWB  KMTN, 70, 288.57, RC690B, Transportation for three Greenbrier Resort execs to attend a one day conference at The Hunt Valley Inn.


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, klga-kbkl, 110, 62.03, L-049, KLGA 051951Z 27017G28KT 10SM OVC047 10/M01 A2969 RMK AO2 PK WND 28029/1926 SLP055 T01001011


BGAK068, Will Challoner, EGCC-EGLC, 95, 8.3, King Air, Stopoffs made at EGBM and EGTC.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBGR-KLGA, 125, 648.5, Beech Baron 58,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, OIBS-EGMT, 1108, 8129.45, Grumman HU-16,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PAGY-PAJN, 43, 329.18, Beech B35 bonanza, A man in Juneau just moved up from the lower 48,decided the only way to get around Alaska was to fly,so he was takeing lessons and decided to buy his own plane and purchased a Bonanza that was for sale in Skagway. He got us a ride there,and looking at the matiance log an thourough inspection he singned the papers and we climbed in,fired up and headed back to PAJN, tower called for a  right hand approuch to Rw26 and after just clearing the cliffs,turned base,a Lear 7Miles out called for landing and was granted a straight in approuch and cleared,I turned final and relised even if i touched down half way down the Rw the lear would over-run us ,so declared a go around,put on power,folded the gear and climbed out,did the right thing ,the lear landed hot and just had enough Rw to get off and go around itself,landed and handed the Keys to the new owner.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KATL-KSAN, 308, 5857.57, B737-8, DL Flt#1013


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, klga-kbkl, 125, 60.2, dc-6, KLGA 051951Z 27017G28KT 10SM OVC047 10/M01 A2969 RMK AO2 PK WND 28029/1926 SLP055 T01001011


bgan041, Bill Cox, KAVL-KJWN, 86, 216.35, AC90, IFR @ FL200, Asheville, NC to Nashville, TN.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, TSKF-KCPS, 366, 488.43, L1049G,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, MDST-CYEG, 401, 5852.43, A787-9, AT #477



Posted 5-March

BGAK068, Will Challoner, EGGP-EGCC, 15, 6.72, Beech King Air,


BGAK068, Will Challoner, EGNH-EGGP, 60, 6.47, Beech Baron,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, EIDW-EGLL, 87, 646.42, Beech Baron 58,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LIPQ-LYBE, 126, 518.05, Marchetti s.73 X/RC35,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LIPV-LIPQ, 36, 515.95, MARCHETTI S.73,


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, YBCS-AYPY, 130, 1595.53, DC6,


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, YBBN-YBCS, 205, 1593.37, DC6, BGAD905


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, YSSY-YBBN, 120, 1589.95, , BGAD 903


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KLAS-KATL, 208, 5845.75, B757-200, DL Flt# 124


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KBOS-KLAS, 317, 5842.28, A387-9, Random flight


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, GOOY-TXKF, 510, 482.33, L1049G,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, OIBS-OIBS, 261, 8110.98, G21 Goose, OIBQ.


bgas031, Gary McCarty,  VCKB-OIBS, 728, 8106.63, Grumman HU-16,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KLGA-KRDU, 153, 644.97, Beech Baron 58, Distance - 376 nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBGR-KLGA, 134, 642.42, Beech Baron 58, Distance 334 nm


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, YCOM-YSCB, 37, 589.17, DC-2, end of GAAR 2008..  great event


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, YMAY-YCOM, 43, 588.55, DC-2,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, YMER-YMAY, 72, 587.83, DC-2, DC-2 PH-AJU  \\\'meet\\\' at Albury


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, CYQY-KBGR, 169, 640.18, Beech Baron 58, Distance 403


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, HECA-GOOY, 546, 473.83, L1049G,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KCLE-KSLC, 187, 5837, B707C, PanAm Cargo flight via KDEN


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-CYQY, 174, 637.37, Beech Baron 58,


bgan038, Meryl Coon, KPWT-CAT4, 70, 216.12, Mooney M20J, Test flight new acft.  NICE!


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KMEM, 182, 634.47, Learjet 45,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, VCKB-VCKB, 331, 8094.5, Short SA-16, VRMM.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YPCC-VCKB, 511, 8088.98, Grumman HU-16,


bgan002, Joe Weber, KAGC-KLUK, 70, 775.7, DC-6B, VATSIM Flight


BGAK068, Will Challoner, EGNS-EGNL, 60, 5.47, Baron,


bgan040, Dan George, GA87  1A5, 55, 287.4, Cessna U206, Personal flight to follow the Appalachian Trail.  Suches GA  to Macon Co. NC.


bgan019, Achim, rjaa-ymml, 623, 169.48, tu114, f1 ralley


BGAS065, Robin H. Wyatt, EVV to IND, 49, 2.73, DC-3, Very nice flight.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KMIA-KSFO, 319, 5833.88, B787-9, AA #431


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KXMR-KVPS, 64, 328.47, Lockheed T-33, realWeather;updated night flight IFR to ELGIN AFB the Ifr clearance proved harde to fly than I thought,no autopilot on the T33 and holding flight levels a challange,trimed it so releaseing forward pressure on the stick would start a 300Fpm climb i could keep it =/- 200ft most of the time.from 75miles out to landing was busy,turning and decending between TYENDENAL approauch,PENSICOLA approach,JACKSONVILLE center,and ELGIN approauch,then traffic alerts.This 64 minute flight seemed like a 6 hour flight in a DC3, HATS OFF to those fighter pilots on those long ferry and escort flights.


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kama-klas, 116, 58.12, lj45,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KMEM-KBGR, 192, 631.43, Learjet 45,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, LEMD-HECA, 336, 464.73, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, EGLL-LEMB, 150, 459.13, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, EGLL-KJFK, 570, 456.63, L1049G,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KATL-KJAX, 60, 5828.57, B757-232, DL #1244


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, LIRA-EGLL, 258, 447.13, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, VAGO-LIRA, 486, 442.83, L1049G,


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, kjqf-kama, 140, 56.18, lj45,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, PAJN-PAGY, 63, 628.23, Cessna 172,


bgas031, Gary McCarty, NZNP-NZNP, 237, 8080.47, Ryan STA, NZDA.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YPSR-YPCC, 552, 8076.52, Grumman HU-16,


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KBOS-KATL, 217, 5827.57, B757-232, DL #667


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KJFK-KAUS, 223, 627.18, Learjet 45, Distance: 1,323 nm


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYHZ-KBOS, 86, 5823.95, CRJ900, AC Flt


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, KMEM-KTUL, 82, 1282.13, A319, Regional run from Memphis to Tulsa.  81 passengers and 12248 lbs of cargo


bgan040, Dan George, KRHP  KJZP, 80, 286.48, Cessna U206, Andrews-Murphy, Andrews NC to Pickens Co. GA to follow route of Georgia Appalachian Trail.


bgan047, Paul Mensch, RJTT-YMML, 648, 663.72, TU114, Deer Valley Flying Club    Formule 1 tour  Transport of two drivers of the Super Aguri team with their crew from Tokyo to Melbourne to prepare for the first F1 race


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EIDW-LFRS, 84, 652.92, TU114, IVAO world IFR tour leg 8


bgan047, Paul Mensch, BIKF-EIDW, 151, 651.52, TU114, IVA world IFR tour leg 7


bgad017, John Lawler, YMRA-YPLP, 124, 2017.45, DH53, The Dr Coto - Icarus re-enactment flight is over. Left Moora behind under a 2900ft cloudbase and flew dead reckoning to Perth. For a landing site, Mayfield has been turned into a golf course, YPPH and Jandakot are too scarey for a DH53, so we flew a tight circuit over the Swan River, and landed, like many a GA aircraft before us, on Langley Park. Doubtless the local press will carry letters of complaint from dog-walkers, joggers, and picknickers, but Icarus has arrived.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, CYQY-KBOS, 152, 623.47, Learjet 45, Distance - 606 nm


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LIFR-LIPV, 107, 515.35, Machetti S.73 X/RC35,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LIFR-LIPV, 107, 515.35, Machetti S.73 X/RC35,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LIFR-LIPV, 107, 515.35, Machetti S.73 X/RC35,


bgak001, Brent Brazeel, RKSI-RJAA, 120, 1280.77, PMDG747, Test flight of PMDG 747 with FS2Crew


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, CYUL-CYHZ, 73, 5822.52, C series 130, AC #651


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KMTC-KGOV, 72, 327.4, Cessna O2 skytrasher, realWeather;updated flying from Selfridge ANG to Grayling to practice Forward Air Control and spot for artillery live fire(keeping a look out for aircraft who didn\\\'t read the NOTAMS that have been posted or civilans who roam past the road blocks. VFR night flight, no problems.


BGAS054, Bob Jeffers, ksfo-krno, 70, 1.17, dc-6, KSFO 020056Z 30024G32KT 10SM FEW015 BKN180 12/06 A3023 RMK AO2 PK WND 28033/0044 SLP237 T01170061


, , , , 0, ,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PABT-PABT, 75, 326.2, DHC-2MK1, realWeather;updated delivering mail,fuel-oil,and picking up empty barrels,and anything going back.first stop PCK,wicked cross wind today 015 at 23Knts is makeing me earn my pay,dropped off a full barrel(glad to get lighter)picked up the empty,and headed to 60Z,a barrel off empty on and a briggs&stratton engine for repair, next stop PAPR ,last barrel off empty on couple of parcel packages and looks like it\\\'s turning time to get back by time i enter the pattern,stratus moving in and vis.down to 10Mi.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, KLAX-KATL, 250, 5821.3, B737-838, DL #61


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PAED- PAED, 70, 324.95, Lockheed T-33, Hare&Hound,I\\\'m the target take off,head to TKA/vor turn left to FOX3 area,then the hunt FOX3 i drop to 5000 and hug the mountains and go to 90% power,no chatter on radio so far so good,decide to break the rule and go to the ground just high enough so the tip vortex wont cause a snow plume. follow valley to lsona lake and turn to K55,spot contrails from high flight looking for smoke from lower group,cross VALDEZ take the wrong pass and have top pop up to clear a saddle,radar spots me and vectors the intercept, I get within 20Mi from base before I have a F-100 on my six...


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KBGR, 68, 620.93, Beech Baron 58,


BGAN058, Simon Dix, KOGA-KLBF, 35, 22.92, De Havilland DH4M, Mail Flight


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PAEI-PAED, 45, 323.78, LockheedT-33, doing some Air Force Reserve time while up here,takeing a check ride,fantastic weather recived clearance and rolled the throttle forward,what a change to climb out at 300Knts.and 4000Fpm compaired to the Bever.leveled out at 18,000 throttled back to 85%. 50Mi.out started letting down,popped the speed brakes slowed to 200 below 10,000FT. rusty on the landing,instructor called go around greased the second.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, YSRB-YPSR, 660, 8067.32, Grumman HU-16,


bgan043, Tom Easterday, ZZA3 - VTGI, 385, 1334.08, DC3, Hump flight from Kwanghan to Kurmitola using Alex Nicholson custom scenery.


BGAS041, Jim Urquhart, MMMX-KLAX, 276, 5817.13, B320-232, AA #8302


bgan039, George Leach, KMIA-KFST, 129, 2267.2, B757, GOOD FLIGHT