Bluegrass Airlines

Flight Reports

February 2010


Newest reports on top


Posted 1-March

bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KDDC-KXNA, 101, 2080.48, Beech King Air 350, Distance 293 nm


bgad035, Sid Knapp, YBLT-YSSY, 195, 437.62, DC3, BGAD9902. Day 7. 8 flights in good weather, but a bit on the windy side. Orbx scenery is great.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Jorge Chavex Intl-MPTO, 276, 4109.97, L1049G,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KLXV-KDDC, 95, 2078.8, Beech King 350, Distance 148 nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KGTF-KSLC, 113, 2077.22, Beech King 350, Distaance 426 nm


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kapf-klwb, 111, 3432.52, Hawker 400XP, Naples Fl-Lewisburg WV  348 gal FL370


bgan071, William Lockwood, KLAX-KABQ, 156, 810.62, DC-6B, Flown IFR at 15,000 feet.  ILS 08 approach and landing.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KJAC-KGTF, 63, 2075.33, Beech King 350, Distance 234 nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSLC-KJAC, 60, 2074.28, Beech King 350, Distance 185 nm   Second Trip to KJAC


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSLC-KJAC, 58, 2073.28, Beech King 350, Distance 183 nm


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, 2010 GAAR flights, 539.67, 1416.79, Twin Bonanza, Enjoyed the GAAR this year. Thanks to all the people that did the work to make it possible.


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, EDDS-EHAM, 160, 1995.92, DC7, KLM 90


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, EHAM-EDDS, 155, 1993.25, DC7, KLM 90


bgad035, Sid Knapp, YKSC-YBLT, 145, 434.37, DC3, BGAD9902. Day 6.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, RPLC - RODN, 199, 2767.7, C-97A, This is a MATS Western Transportation Flight around 1955


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, PGUA - RPLC, 631, 2764.38, C-97A, This is a MATS Western Transportation Flight around 1955


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, FHAW - DGAA, 443, 2753.87, C-47C, This is a segment of Col. Miller\\\'s C-47 WWII flights to China as per the DC Airlines forum.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, SBNT - FHAW, 592, 2746.48, C-47C, This is a segment of Col. Miller\\\'s C-47 WWII flights to China as per the DC Airlines forum.


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, KTPA- KMCO, 32, 485.57, DC3-NH, DC3-NH from DCA triniing flight 4


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, KNPA - KTPA, 123, 485.03, DC3-NH, DC#-NH from DCA trining flight 3


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, KNIP - KNPA, 136, 482.98, DC3-NH, DC3-NH from DCA trining flight 2


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, KMCO - KNIP, 46, 480.72, DC3-NH, DCA trining plane flight 1


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, KMCO - KNIP, 46, 480.72, DC3-NH, DCA trining plane flight 1


bgan071, William Lockwood, CYYR-CYFB, 192, 808.02, L-1649A, Flown IFR at 19,000 feet.  ILS 35 approach and landing.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KLEB-KLGA, 89, 127.65, CV-240,


bgan076, Lou Ross, KBOS-KLEB, 49, 126.17, CV-240,



Posted 27-February


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KSLC-KDEN, 82, 2072.32, Beech King 350, Distance 344 nm


bgan041, Bill Cox, PAGY-PAYA, 149, 701.87, C206, VFR @ 6500\\\', Skagway to Yakutat, AK


bgan041, Bill Cox, PAJN-PAGY, 82, 699.38, C206, IFR @ 8000\\\' Juneau to Skagway, AK


bgan041, Bill Cox, MYEF-KFXE, 91, 698.02, C510, IFR @ FL200


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PADK - PAED, 177.30, 1217.96, P-38 Lightning, real weather, updated  departed Dutch Harbor after a good nights sleep and upon request, let the base commander take the lighting for a turn around the field then had lunch,refueled an headed on to Elmendorf AFB where I will pick up my cessna 185 I left there and fly back to Bettles toget to work. The P-38 back into the newly formed Museum. Had good weather with a 15Knt tail wind all the way at 15,500FT landed RW 5 just as the sun went below the horizon.


bgad035, Sid Knapp, YKII-YKSC, 80, 431.95, DC3, BGAD9902. Day 5.


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, MROC-TNCC, 310, 1990.67, DC5, KLM-90


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, TNCC-MRCO, 300, 1985.5, DC5, KLM-90


bgan071, William Lockwood, KEWR-KCLE, 90, 804.82, L-1649A, Flown IFR at 17,000 feet.  ILS 28 approach and landing.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-CYYR, 168, 803.32, L-1649A, Flown IFR at 17,000 feet.  Visual approach and landing to runway 34.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, UHPP - PADK, 187.56, 1214.99, P-38 Lightning, realweather,updated  left Russian territory, and headed east at sunrise clear at first then hit several more frontal lines ,top over 30,000Ft and very turbulant till I climbed up to 25,500 ft there it was smoother and found a 80Knt tail wind giving a ground speed over 300Knts. once passed them the cloud cover was about 6/8 stayed high leaving long contrail, 200miles from Dutch Harbor the winds shifted to a 28 Knt head wind and fuel gauge said I,d better land,starded a 700Fpm decent broke under the clouds 5miles from Rw 6  with 26Knt wind blowing down the Rw. base commander had me directed to a nice hanger where I allowed off duty personale to look her over ,got me some mess hall food an a shower and bunk for the night then to the officers club for some hanger flying. good to be back in the U.S.A.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KPBG-KBOS, 84, 125.35, CV-240,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ksdl-kapf, 207, 3430.67, Hawker 400XP, Scottsdale AZ-Naples Fl FL450 543 gal very nice tailwind!


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, GAAR 2010, 562, 3427.22, Cessna 310, Legs 1-10 of the GAAR 2010


bgan040, Dan George, PHOG  KSNA, 620, 793.95, Beech BE-60 Duke, Kahului Hawaii to John Wayne-Orange Co. Airport California, U.S.A.  The long journey home.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KBOS-KPBG, 84, 123.95, CV-240,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, GAAT 2010, 503, 3417.85, Beechcraft E50 Twin Bonanza, Legs 1-10 GAAR 2010 pilot gaar002


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KDEN-KSLC, 104, 2070.95, Beech King 350, Distance 345 nm


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, Z41 to Z41, 230, 85.77, Cessna P210, Lot\\\'s of Snow


bgad035, Sid Knapp, YSRN-YKII, 80, 430.62, DC3, BGAD9902. Day 4.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Mateveri-Jorge Chavez Int, 432, 4105.37, l1049g,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, GAAR 2010, 559, 3409.47, Douglas DC-3, Legs 1-10 for GAAR001


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KBGR, 64, 2069.22, Beech Baron 58, Distance  187 nm


bgad017, John Lawler, YBBN-YCMU, 208, 2284.17, DC-3, Flight BGAD630.


bgad017, John Lawler, YMEN-YBCG, 790, 2280.7, Miles Monarch, GAAR2010 (all 10 legs)


bgad035, Sid Knapp, YMHB-YSRN, 60, 429.28, DC3, BGAD9902. Day 3.



Posted 24-Feb


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, YPID-YMML, 42, 1402.73, BOEING 247D,


bgan071, William Lockwood, CYZF-CYMM, 144, 800.52, DC-4, Flown VFR at 5,000 feet.  ILS 25 approach and landing.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Tongareva-Mataveri, 570, 4098.17, l1049g,


bgan040, Dan George, PWAK  PHOG, 590, 783.62, BEECH BE-60 DUKE, Wake Island to Kahului Hawaii under Special Airworthiness Certificate.  The long journey home.


bgan081, Mervin Burse, EBBR-EDDK, 102, 3.37, HP42,


bgad035, Sid Knapp, YFLI-YMHB, 90, 428.28, DC3, BGAD9902. Day 2


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, PJON - PGUM, 489, 2736.62, C-97C, This is a MATS Western Transportation Flight around 1955


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, PHNL - PJON, 205, 2728.47, C-97A, This is a MATS Western Transportation Flight around 1955


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KSUU - PHNL, 518, 2725.05, C-97A, This is a MATS Western Transportation Flight around 1955


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, SBBE - SBNT, 244, 2716.42, C-47C, This is a Col. Millers C-47 Flights from KPOB to ZZCP to start flying the Hump. This is as per the DCA forum.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, TTWF - SBBE, 376, 2712.35, C-47C, This is a Col. Millers C-47 Flights from KPOB to ZZCP to start flying the Hump. This is as per the DCA forum.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, TJBQ - TTWF, 212, 2706.08, C-47C, This is a Col. Millers C-47 Flights from KPOB to ZZCP to start flying the Hump. This is as per the DCA forum.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KPBI - TJBQ, 366, 2702.55, C-47C, This is a Col. Millers C-47 Flights from KPOB to ZZCP to start flying the Hump. This is as per the DCA forum.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KNIP - KPBI, 115, 2696.45, C-47C, This is a Col. Millers C-47 Flights from KPOB to ZZCP to start flying the Hump. This is as per the DCA forum. Finished first leg after engine loss.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KPOB - KNIP, 159, 2694.53, C-47C, This is a Col. Millers C-47 Flights from KPOB to ZZCP to start flying the Hump. This is as per the DCA forum. I lost an engine and made an emergency landing at KNIP instead of KPBI


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, PWAK AFB-Tongareva, 186, 4088.67, L1049G,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klfk-ksdl, 152, 3400.15, Hawker 400 XP, Lufkin TX - Scottsdale AZ


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kapf-klfk, 0166, 3397.62, Hawker 800xp, Naples FL-Lufkin TX 


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAMC/PAWN, 127, 81.93, DC-3,


bgan081, Mervin Burse, EGMD - EBBR, 100, 1.67, HP 42,


bgan071, William Lockwood, CYZF-CYHY, 48, 798.12, DC-3, Flown VFR at 2,500 feet.  ILS 31 approach and landing.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Sendai-PWAK AFB, 318, 4085.57, L1049G,


bgad035, Sid Knapp, YMER-YFLI, 105, 426.78, DC3, BGAD9902. Day one. Second leg.


bgad035, Sid Knapp, YSSY-YMER, 80, 425.03, DC3, BGAD9902. Day one first leg.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, CYWG-CYVR, 158, 2068.15, Lear Jet 45, Distance 1010 nm


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, VHHH-Sendai, 402, 4080.27, L1049G,


bgak011, Coleman Green, 42I-KCMH, 72, 1718.8, Cessna 206,


bgak011, Coleman Green, KVES-42I, 56, 1717.6, Cessna 206,


bgak011, Coleman Green, KUGN-KVES, 85, 1716.67, Cessna 206,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KSAN-KSFO, 108, 797.32, L-1649A, Flown IFR at 12,000 feet.  ILS 28L approach and landing.


bgan040, Dan George, PGUM  PWAK, 370, 773.78, BEECH BE-60 DUKE, The long journey home.  Guam to Wake Island.  Long distance tanks installed for the Pacific crossing.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KSEA-KPDX, 60, 795.52, DC-3, Flown VFR at 5,000 feet.  Visual approach to runway 28L.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KDEN-KMKC, 146, 122.55, DC6-B, Had a 30kt tailwind, so reduced power from ECON CRZ to LongRange CRZ and saved 46 gal fuel, but only added 5 minutes to total time.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KBOI-KDEN, 190, 120.12, DC6-B,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-CYQX, 150, 794.52, DC-6B, Flown IFR at 17,000 feet.  ILS 13 approach and landing.


bgan002, Joe Weber, KLFI-KLCK, 53, 937.13, C-141,


bgan076, Lou Ross, KRNO-KBOI, 105, 116.95, DC6-B,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, RJEB - UHPP, 214.09, 1211.87, P-38 Lightning, real weather , updated  weather forcast show a nice tail wind at 20,000Ft so attached the 100 Gal. drop tanks instead of the 300Gal. monsters less drag since I don\\\'t want to drop them over Russian Territory( the KGB Airdroppers are only so privaledged) only other thing with the forcast is severe thunderstorms in route. meet them about 300 Mi out over water pleanty of turbulance , lightning ,and tops over 35,000FT these are in lines about 50miles wide  spaced about every 200Miles the whole trip.with one right over the Rw at UHHP.tail wind left me with pleanty of fuel to hold while storm moved off enough to get down.


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMKC-KMDW, 78, 936.25, L-049 Connie,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KATL-KMKC, 150, 792.02, L-1649A, Flown IFR at FL250.  VOR 19 full procedure approach and landing.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KSFO-KRNO, 71, 115.2, DC6-B,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, RJJA - RJEB, 188.62, 1208.29, P38 Lightning, real weather , updated   going as far north as I can too start east to Alaska and into Kaptin ZLOGGs Territory. had the 300 Gal. drop tanks air freighted to RJEB will need them as two loooong legs are next. had a 121Knt head wind the whole way ,burned all but 10Gal. just getting to RJEB.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, PAYA-PAKT, 174, 2065.52, Maule Orion, Distance 386 nm


bgan041, Bill Cox, MDST-Leogane, Haiti, 60, 696.5, Q100, VFR @ 10,500\\\' Highway landing at Leogane.


bgan041, Bill Cox, MTCH-MDST, 48, 695.5, Q100, IFR @ 5000\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, MTJA-MTCH, 51, 694.7, Q100 (Kodiak), VFR @ 11,500\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, MTJE-MTJA, 88, 693.85, PA28, VFR @ 9500\\\'


bgan041, Bill Cox, MYEF-MTJE, 165, 692.38, C208, IFR @ 7000\\\'


bgan040, Dan George, RPLL  PGUM, 260, 767.62, Beech BE-60 Duke, The long journey home.  Manila, the Philippines to Guam.  Minutes are correct, 1400nm.  Long distance tanks installed in Manila for the Pacific crossing.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, PANC-PAYA, 163, 2062.62, Maule Orion, Distance 331 nm


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KBOS-KLGA, 96, 789.52, L-1649A, Flown at 8,000 feet.  ILS approach, 22L at KBOS touch and go.  ILS 22 full stop at KLGA.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KOMA-KMKC-KSTL, 108, 787.92, L-1649A, Flown IFR at 5,000 feet.  ILS 19 approach at KMKC, touch and go.  ILS 06 full stop at KSTL.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, PATK-PADQ, 103, 2059.9, Beech Baron 58, Distance 293 nm


bgan076, Lou Ross, KDEN-KSFO, 290, 114.02, DC6-B,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOI-KORS, 155, 2058.18, Beech Baron 58, Distance 467 nm


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, YPDN-VHHH, 450, 4073.57, L1049G,



Posted 17-February

bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, mdst-Leogane Haiti, 48, 3394.85, Pilatus pc-12, Haiti Relief flight.  Landed on road in Leogane. 2nm south of checkpoint GANIV   payload 2634#  fuel 38 gal


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, MTJE-MDST, 73, 3394.05, Pilatus PC-12, 60 gal Payload 0#  Return to Santiago DR for another load of supplies


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, mdst-mtje, 70, 3392.83, Pilatus PC-12, 59 gal  Payload 2634#  Haiti Relief Flight


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMDW-KIND, 60, 934.95, CV-340, VATSIM


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KYKM-KORS, 73, 2055.6, Beech Baron 58, Distance 221 nm


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBLI-KLMT, 139, 2054.38, Beech Baron 58, Distance 435 nm


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KBGR, 78, 786.12, L-1649A, VFR pattern work at Bangor.  A valiant attempt to increase my flying skills, at least a little.  The Starliner is a handful in the traffic pattern.  Flew six VFR approaches.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, YGEL-YPDN, 318, 4066.07, L1049G,


bgan076, Lou Ross, KMKC-KDEN, 163, 109.18, DC6-B,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, RJAW - RJAA, 205.25, 1205.15, P-38 Lightning, real weather updated, departed IwoJima at 9:20 local time,and ran into the winds aloft that gave B-29\\\'s and there escorts fits. higher I climbed the stronger they got finaly at 20,000Ft and finding a 68Knt headwind decided the winds would offset any drag advantage the thin air would give me and decended to 10,000Ft where I was only fighting a 21Knt wind.arrived at Tokyo fuel gauges in the red,but enough to taxi to the pumps. and just to greet me, a snow storm after leaving tropical Iwo.


bgan040, Dan George, WAMM  RPLL, 250, 763.28, Beech BE-60 Duke, The long journey home.  Manado Indonesia to Manila Philippines.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KSFO-KIAD, 390, 784.82, L-1649A, Flown IFR at FL250.  ILS 12 approach and landing.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, YPPH-Rottnest-YGEL, 108, 4060.77, V35B,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PGSN - RJAW, 109.80, 1201.73, P-38 Lightning, real weather, updsted  could not find anything wrong, but will stay a lot lower rest of the trip. headed to another stepping stone,places my Dad told tales about,I never realised the distances involved in the war in the Pacific,no wonder the Aircraft Carriers ended the reign of the Battle ship as the most powerfull weapon on the Sea.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PTKK - PGSN, 139.38, 1199.91, P-38 lightning, real weather ,updated  spent the night on Truk , thinking of all the men from both sides that died for the airfield that kept me from splashing into the sea. loaded up with fuel and oxygen and a spam&eggs breakfast(my doctor is not here)life raft in the boom ,may west on , and climbing out for Saipan/Tinian. settled into cruise at 30000ft, forgot to check oxygen as it must have frozen or something as about 250 miles from nowhere I came-to at 9000Ft. in a spin regained control at 3000 ft. stayed below 10,000 rest of the way.WIDE AWAKE


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klft-kapf, 104, 3391.67, Hawker 400XP, 328 gal


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kmry-klft, 0204, 3389.93, Hawker 400XP, 543 gal


bgan071, William Lockwood, KEWR-KOMA, 228, 778.32, L-1649A, Flown IFR at FL240.  ILS 32L approach and landing.


bgan040, Dan George, WABB  WAMM, 225, 759.12, Beech BE-60 Duke, The long journey home.  Biak to Manado Indonesia.


bgan071, William Lockwood, XDEN-KLAX, 198, 774.52, DC-6B, Flown VFR at 18,000 feet.  ILS 25L approach and landing.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KCLE-KMKC, 192, 106.47, DC6-B,



Posted 13-February

bgan071, William Lockwood, KMDW-XDEN, 186, 771.22, DC-6B, Flown IFR at 18,000 feet.  Visual approach and landing to runway 31.  CalClassic Denver scenery used, hence the XDEN airport designation.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KMDW-KCLE, 102, 103.27, DC6-B,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, AYPY - PTKK, 300.86, 1197.58, P-38l Lightning, real weather updated, left Port Morsby and climbed to 30,000ft over the Owen Stanley range, broke out the manual and throttled back and leaned all I dared. got a 12Knt head wind but it was stronger at lower levels . 5 hours behind me fuel gauge in the red,going to stert a 500Fpm decent to try and make it.on final Rw 14 motors quit put gear down last minute an just make the runway. Almost lost one of the few P-38s left.


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, YGLI - YBCG, 84, 479.95, R4D-6, I think I am getting the hang of these flights I couldn\\\'t be better MAN


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KRKS-KCYS, 84, 2052.07, Beech Baron 58, Distance 209 nm


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KSEA/KVUO, 45, 79.82, DC-3, ksea/s50/kvuo


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KVUO/KSEA, 46, 79.07, DC-3,


bgan076, Lou Ross, KLNK-KMDW, 135, 101.57, DC6-B,


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, YQDI - YGLD, 66.58, 478.54, R4D-6, GAAR 2010 Leg 9  Can you belive it ? Target time 67.57 and I creamed this one in 66.58 Not bad fo this old duffer.


bgan041, Bill Cox, MYNN-MYEF, 47, 689.63, C510, IFR @ 15000\\\', Nassau to Georgetown, Bahamas


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLWB-MYNN, 188, 688.85, C510, IFR @ FL330, Lewisburg, WV to Nassau, Bahamas


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, PAKT-PAJN, 108, 2050.67, Maule Orion, Distance 223


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YBCG - AYPY, 183.44, 1192.57, P-38l Lightning, real weather, updated weather looks good for crossing to Port Morsby and after a good stretch and everything topped off departed Mackay climbing up to 20,000ft and set the Mp at 30 Rpm 2000 recomended economy cruise had an 8 Knt tail wind ,this leg showed me I will have to alter my flight plan as I landed at Jacksons with only 1/4 of my fuel left,and some of the legs are over the 1,200 miles I just covered so with any type of head wind I would be swimming!


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, YBTH - YQDI, 66, 477.43, R4D-6, GAAR 2010 Leg 8 Right on the money


bgan073, Makis Zotos, KPIA = KPSI, 37, 7.85, Tiger Moth, CAM2 first leg Chicago Peoria IL to Sprinfield IL


bgan076, Lou Ross, KDEN-KORD, 112, 99.32, DC6-B,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBMA-KLGA, 60, 768.12, Beech D-18S, Flown IFR at 3,000 feet.  ILS 04 approach and landing.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, PAKT-PAGY, 129, 2048.87, Maule Orion, Distance 297 nm


bgan076, Lou Ross, KLAX-KDEN, 217, 97.45, DC6-B,


bgad071, Walter Meade, YPMQ, 48, 2.82, YSCH, Return leg to Coffs Harbour.


bgad071, Walter Meade, YSCH, 46, 2.02, YPMQ, Uneventful flight in good weather.


bgad071, Walter Meade, YMCO, 75, 1.25, YHOT, Leg 4 of GAAR 2010. Misty with rain and reduced visibility.


bgan039, George Leach, KFLL TJSJ, 0198, 2419.55, B717-200,


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, YJBY - YBTH, 69, 476.33, R4D-6, GAAR 2010 Leg 7 Not too good


bgan071, William Lockwood, KMDW-KYIP, 84, 767.12, Beech D-18S, Flown IFR at 5,000 feet.  Visual 05L approach and landing.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KBDL, 96, 765.72, Beech D-18S, Flown IFR at 4,000 feet.  ILS 24 approach and landing.


bgan040, Dan George, YBAM  WABB, 255, 755.37, Beech BE-60 Duke, The long journey home.  Injinoo Australia to Biak Indonesia.


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, YCRG - YJBY, 83, 475.18, R4D-6, GAAR 2010 Leg 6


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KLGA-KRDU, 134, 2046.72, Beech Baron 58, Distance 391 nm


bgad042, Don Moore, FACT-FAFK, 88, 1323.2, Vega 5B,


bgad042, Don Moore, PAJN-CYDL, 78, 1321.73, Maule,


bgad042, Don Moore, KJFK-KGRB, 75, 1320.43, B737-800,


bgad042, Don Moore, KMSP-KDLH, 49, 1319.18, DC-3,


bgad042, Don Moore, KOSH-KMSP, 58, 1318.37, Learjet 45,


bgad042, Don Moore, KCLC-KTVL, 23, 1317.4, DC-3, Flight Plan lodged after take off.


bgad042, Don Moore, PATA-PABT, 46, 1317.02, DH Beaver 2 Turbo,


bgad042, Don Moore, KOPF-KMTH, 25, 1316.25, Spitfire MK XIV, Engine failed in flight,emergency landing carried out.   After repairs flew back to KOPF


bgad042, Don Moore, S07-KRRD, 65, 1315.83, Hawker Hurricane,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KBOS-KBGR, 144, 764.12, Beech D18S, Takeoff RWY 33 from Bangor.  Flew at 4,000 feet to Boston.  ILS 22L approach and landing.  Takeoff RWY 04R from Boston.  Flew at 3,000 feet back to Bangor.  ILS 33 approach and landing.  Bounced on both landings.  The second landing was better than the first.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KORS-KHLN, 167, 2044.48, Beech Baron 58, Distance 458 nm


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YBCG - YBMK, 127.85, 1189.51, P-38 Lightning, Going Home, real weather Updated  departed at 5:46Am local time with heavy rain and Ifr for a long trip home. followed departure up to 20,000ft. emptied most of the drop tanks getting up there. Nice 9Knt tail wind and economy cruise netted a 240Knt ground speed. decided to land at Mackay and top the tanks off (oxygen & fuel) and stretch awhile. before going across the water.


bgan075, Butch Kuhn, KPVD - KBGR, 94, 65.27, DC-3, KPVD PROVIDENCE R.I. TO KBGR BANGOR ME


bgan075, Butch Kuhn, KABE - KPVD, 82, 63.7, DC-3, KABE ALLENTOWN TO KPVD PROVIDENCE R.I.


bgan075, Butch Kuhn, KDOV - KABE, 39, 62.33, DC-3, KDOV DOVER DE TO KABE ALLENTOWN PA


bgan075, Butch Kuhn, KLGA - KDOV, DC-3, 61.68, 60, KLGA NEW YORK N.Y. TO KDOV DOVER DE


bgan075, Butch Kuhn, KALB - KLGA, 60, 61.68, DC-3, KALB ALBANY N.Y. TO NEW YORK N.Y.


bgan002, Joe Weber, KLAS-KSLC, 74, 933.95, DC-6B, VATSIM



Posted 8-February

bgan040, Dan George, YCKN  YBAM, 150, 751.12, Cessna 182Q, Cookstown to Injinoo Australia.  Last flight in the Cessna, from here we begin our trip home in the Beech Duke.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KORS-KSEA, 82, 2041.7, Cessna 172, Distance - Forgot to record the Distance LOLOLOL


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KORS-KSEA, 82, 2041.7, Cessna 172, Distance - Forgot to record the Distance LOLOLOL


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KHQM-KORS, 80, 2040.33, Cessna 172, Distance 127 nm


bgan071, William Lockwood, KEWR-KEWR, 24, 761.72, DC-6B, Practice takeoff and landing runway 04L.  ILS approach and landing.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KYIP-KEWR, 138, 761.32, DC-6A, Flown IFR with real weather at 11,000 feet.  ILS 04L approach and landing.


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, KSM-KPUB, 395, 122.1, DC-4,


bgas039, Charles Wert, KOKC-KDAL, 75, 202.05, DC-3, Braniff Airways Flight 3, 1944 Schedule


bgas039, Charles Wert, F44 to KGGG, 24, 200.8, B25J-199, Had to fly Lt. Peppy Blount\\\'s B25, old 199, Air Apaches


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YMEN - YGLI, 360.20, 1187.39, Lockheed P-38j, GAAR 2010 Total time flown, the Lightning proved to have plenty power to get out of the airfield with no problems,and up an over the mountains like a rocket!


BGAK015, David R. Evans, YNEN - YGLI, 803.75, 1181.38, Fairchild PT-19, GAAR 2010   Total Time flown, another enjoyable Rally


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBGR-BIKF, 295, 2039, Lear Jet 45, Distance 1,940 nm


bgan002, Joe Weber, KWRI-KADW, 53, 932.72, C-118,


bgam016, Brian Gunkel, PASX-PASW, 54, 2.43, CESSNA 208, VOR TAKEOFF 115.90


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, KMSP-KRRT, 93, 78.3, Dash8 Q400,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBUR-KMDW, 354, 759.02, DC-6A, Flown IFR at 17,000 feet.  Flying Tigers Line livery.


bgan040, Dan George, YBTL  YCKN, 120, 748.62, Cessna 182Q, Townsville to Cooktown QLD Australia.  Beginning the long trip home from GAAR 2010.


Posted 6-February

bgan071, William Lockwood, YBBN-YSCG, 156, 752.72, L-749, Flown VFR at 12,500 feet.  VOR 17 full procedure approach and landing.  Latest aircraft version put out by Mr. Jahn.  It is a great looking and even better performing aircraft.


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, LSGS-EDFM, 56, 876.33, 737-800,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, edfm-eham, 63, 877.38, 737-800,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, EHAM-EIDW, 83, 878.77, 737-800,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, EG22-EIDW, 68, 879.9, L749, my first training with the Connie (in TWA colors). Wroughton and Dublin seemed appropiate.. ;-)


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, KPDX-KDFW, 214, 883.47, L749, ferry


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, KPDW-KMSY, 109, 885.28, L749,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, KMSY-KPFN, 73, 886.5, L749,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, KPFN-17FL, 60, 887.5, L749,


bgak036, Paul van den Berg, 17FL-KORL, 32, 888.03, L749,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, pamc/pamr, 101, 73.4, DHC-2, Rt: pamc/z17/pamr


bgan002, Joe Weber, KSLC-KHLN, 101, 931.83, DC-6, VATSIM


BGAN058, Simon Dix, EGLL-EGMC, 37, 185.57, DH104 Dove,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, NZAA-YMEN, 276, 4053.27, L1049G,


bgan040, Dan George, YGLI  YBCG, 110, 744.45, Cessna 182Q, Glen Innes to Coolangata. Final leg of GAAR 2010.


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAAQ/PAAQ, 201, 76.75, C-130, paaq/paom/paaq


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, YMEN-YPPH, 342, 4058.97, L1049G,


bgam016, Brian Gunkel, PAPH-PAIL, 1.5 hrs, 0.03, Cessna 208, Starting \\\"tough-man\\\" flight from bush flight section.  Great little hop. 


bgam016, Brian Gunkel, PAPH-PAIL, 90, 1.53, CESSNA 208, STARTING \\\"TOUGH-MAN\\\" FLIGHT ACCROSS ALASKA


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KBGR, 24, 753.12, DC-7C, Practice pattern work.  ILS 33 approach and landing.


bgan040, Dan George, YBCS  YBTL, 130, 746.62, Cessna 182Q, Cairns to Townsville QLD to tour the Great Barrier Reef.


BGAN058, Simon Dix, PHNL-PWAK, 571, 195.08, Lockheed L749 Constellation,


bgan029, John Kolmos, KJFK-EGLL, 400, 406.95, 747-200,


bgan041, Bill Cox, KMKC-KLUK, 160, 684.38, BE60, IFR @ 15000\\\' Kansas City, MO to Cincinnati, OH


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLUK-KLWB, 80, 685.72, BE60, IFR @ 15000\\\', Cincinnati, OH to Lewisburg, WV