australia_gm.gif (16701 bytes) Australian Division australia_gm.gif (16701 bytes)
logoB.jpg (1753 bytes) Charter Flights logoB.jpg (1753 bytes)



Australian Division
Charter Flights

The following Charter Flight services are currently available to explore the beautiful lands of "Downunder" and "Aotearoa" (the traditional Maori name for New Zealand meaning "Land of the Long White Cloud").  These flights offer pilots the opportunity to explore the two countries in some detail.  Consequently, these flights are best flown under VFR rules, in good weather and at an altitude of approximately 3000' or less (with suitable adjustments for the terrain, naturally).


Outback Australia

Wild Islands of Australia

Australia the Big Country

Cape York and the Coral Sea Coast

New Zealand Expedition

New Zealand Tour

New Zealand Sights