I would like to recognise the support of the
following individuals.Bill
Von Sennet, CEO, Bluegrass Airlines - for allowing me the opportunity to present
this year's GAAR.
Tom Goodrick - for the flight timer, and the
development of the original scoring formula and MS Excel spreadsheet.
Mike Caldwell - for spending the odd hour
or so in discussing development concepts for the event and beta testing the Flight Legs.
Todd Whitehead - for
developing the excellent PIREP system and providing functionality beyond expectations.
Coleman Green - for developing the Flight
Situation files for X-Plane.
John Lawler - for providing another
brilliant and masterful fireworks display at Dili and Jandakot.
Sponsorship Acknowledgments
The following web sites are acknowledged for their sponsorship support by
providing prizes for the GAAR 2009.

Supporting Web Site Acknowledgments
The following web sites are acknowledged for supporting the promotion of the GAAR

Alternative GAAR Logo
Alexis Spain from DC-3 Airways has done some magnificent
work and produced an alternative GAAR logo as a sign of appreciation for the event.

Represented Virtual Airlines
DC-3 Airways
Greenbrier Virtual Aviation
KGB Air Droppers
Lloyd Aero Boliviano Virtual
Venture Hawaii
British Airways Virtual
Alaskan Winds
Noble Air
Sur Air
Eagle Air Charter
Fat Chance Air Cargo
Westwind Airlines
Biggles & Kumpp
Payette Air Charter
North Eastern Airlines (NEAir)
Timberwolf Airways
Delta Virtual Airlines
Pacific Airways
JGA Europe