Event and Flight Briefings and Flight Situation File Downloads Download
the required Event & Flight Briefings document file containing the detailed Event and
Flight Briefings.
Event & Flight
Download the relevant MSFS, version
specific, Flight Situation Files
for FS9 or FSX. Unzip the enclosed files to your Flight
Simulator files folder. For Windows XP and Vista users, the default location
for FS9 is c:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files. The
default location for FSX is c:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Flight
Simulator X Files. For Windows 7 users, the default location for FS9 is
c:\Users\username\My Documents\Flight Simulator Files and the default location for FSX is
c:\Users\username\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files.
Note: The Flight Situation
Files have been created using a standard installation of FS9 and FSX. Any add-on
scenery you have installed may realign runway positions and, therefore, the aircraft
starting position. In the event of this occurring, re-position the aircraft at the
designated runway or runway of your choice.
Flight Situation
Files (FS9)
Flight Situation
Files (FSX)
Required Scenery Files
There are no specific add-on scenery files required for the
Weather Information
The weather information for each Flight Leg is contained in
the following MS Word (doc) files. The Weather Information (Detailed) file provides
more detail, in particular, winds aloft information. Whilst the information is
provided in a table, the data is generally consistent with the METAR format.
Information (Simplified) (doc format)
Weather Information
(Detailed) (doc format)
Information on the METAR format is provided at the
following link.
Flight Timer (Version 4) (by Tom Goodrick)
Tom Goodrick has updated his Flight Timer to take into
account strong winds on landing and to minimise the chance of it resetting to zero and is
available from the following link.
Aerodrome and Procedure Charts
For those participants who are serious about Departure and
Approach Procedures, the respective Aerodrome and Procedures Charts (real world charts)
are available for download / printing at the web link below. If it's not there, it
doesn't exist.
Aerodrome and Procedures Charts
John Allard at Mutley's Hangar, has produced Aerodrome
Charts for all the airports associated with the Event. They are available for
download from Mutley's Hangar at the link below.
Aerodrome Charts
Flight Planning
TA Software's VFR flight planning application,
Plan-G v2.0.5, is an excellent tool. With the addition of the
"Flight Plan Elevation Profile", provided by adding a suitable Digital Elevation
Model (DEM), it provides immediate information to make decisions regarding "cruise
altitude". The Plan-G application is available for download by clicking on the
banner. Information regarding the DEM is also provided on the web site.

Optional Scenery Downloads
There is a range of freeware scenery add-ons,
including terrain mesh, that will enhance the scenery for the event. In particular,
terrain mesh will add good relief to a sometimes featureless default terrain, particularly
in FS9. Freeware add-on scenery can be sourced by clicking on the banners below.
