Great Australian Air Rally 2014  

  presented by Bluegrass Airlines 


Pilot Registration
Great Australian Air Rally 2014
(GAAR 2014)

Pilot Registration for the GAAR 2014 opens on 01 Jan 14.  Registration closes at 2359 hrs UTC, 30 Jan 14.   To register for the event, read the Rules for the event and then download the Test Flight situation file from the link on the "Test Flight" page.  Fly the Test Flight, as per the instructions, in the aircraft of your choice for the event.

Once completed, submit an email to gaardirector(at) (substitute @ for (at) in the email address) with the following information:

Name: "Your Name"
Email Address: "Your Email Address"
FS Version:
"FS9 or FSX"
"Aircraft you are flying in the event"
"Country of Residence"
Virtual Airline:
If Applicable - "Virtual Airline you fly with"
Virtual Airline ID:
If Applicable - "Your Virtual Airline ID"
Test Flight Time: Time flown for the Test Flight (in minutes and decimals, e.g. 53.84)

No confirmation email will be sent regarding Pilot Registration.  The Roster is the authoritative confirmation of your Pilot Registration being received by the event organisers.  Any queries, concerns, errors or omissions should be directed immediately to the Rally Director at gaardirector(at) (substitute @ for (at) in the email address).

Your submission of Registration for the GAAR is taken as your acceptance of the Rules for the event.